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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Halmir

  1. LOLZ I recall setting a challenge to everyone during the airing of the last series, regarding "If you think you can do better, then show us". I even started the story off. Nobody responded.....? Love to hear the plotlines though (cheesy/chessy though they might be!) from some fellow enthusiasts, if they turn out good let's send them to the BBC to see what they can do with them. PS no "Rose is standing there naked, stroking Martha" lines, you know that it'll never happen despite any amount of pleading :D
  2. heheh like I said to my family at the time when they were dragging the Doctor towards the hatch "he gets chucked out, door slams, credits roll, end of the series forever!" lol :) Not having Donna in it (hardly) was a definite bonus in my book. I think the thrust of the episode was that however high-tech and fancy humans get, they're still a bunch of panicky suspicious and superstitious fools in a crisis, and ready to gang up in a witch-hunt at the slightest provocation. "Saved by the Hostess" wasn't a great ending but probably the best one open to the plot at the time. I think it could have been improved with slightly sharper camera work and editing/production. The actors were ok-ish, but playing opposite Tennant is going to make anyone look poor!
  3. LMAO! "Judge Dredd's helmet" I trust you cried Sacriledge!!! upon seeing Stallone do that very act in the movie, like me? :) But Dr Who's name hmm it'd have to be something embarassing like Humphrey... actually Dr Humprey Who kinda works, don't it :)
  4. That was a powerful episode with David Tennant doing a great performance. I'm going to have to watch it again to get all the nuances I think but I liked it a lot. The hints about "River Song" (ok that was a weak bit with that name lol) knowing the Doctor's name and their future together were good, I've told my daughter to keep watchng the series and maybe in 50 years she'll find out what that was on about :) But any show featuring the delectable Talullah Riley is a winner in my book :)
  5. It's a marvellous celebration of pan-European culture!! Pfft Doubting Thomas's :D
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the Valiant (flying aircraft carrier thingy) a plot blunder? As I recall from the Master as Harold Saxon, he said he designed it - but then when the paradox machine was removed from the tardis, I thought everything that the Master had done was removed and never happened? PS great episode, but I wonder if they'll write in loads of people on earth with nervous breakdowns - if I had to live through all the global catastrophes that have been visited on Earth of late, I'd be going barking mad also! (some say it's too late...!)
  7. somebody take him out and shoot him!! Start with the non-fatal areas, he deserves to suffer after that one :D
  8. They should have been more radical - have the last Dalek as his companion !! Daleks are great at solving problems, one zap and the victim has no problems any more!! :D
  9. Yeah Sally Sparrow, then Martha comes back and there's a mudwrestling scene as they fight over the Doctor - yummmm! :) I was saddened to see Martha go, she was cute and intelligent, and didn't have to rely on Rose's cleavage tricks to get camera time. But Kylie, wow they are going for it now!
  10. Someone more adept than I can no doubt set up a poll and stuff! My fave was Blink, best thing I've seen in a great series (measured by small children quivering behind cushions-o-meter!!). Views?
  11. It was nice that the end of time humans were brought back in, a nice plot device and truly wicked (and expected) of the Master. The Doctor becoming Dobby The House Elf...Hmmm!!Not his finest moment I feel. But great that the hot blonde bird might become the new Master (Is this Mistress or Madame ??? :D )
  12. Poor old RTD gets a fair amount of stick in this forum, so I thought let's see if we can cobble together a better story! Rules are you've got to build upon previous submissions without ignoring them, and each person can only do a max of a short paragraph before handing it on to the next poster! Either write it in summary form or in script lines if you feel you're up to it. Interested? Let's see what our combined talents can create then! Setting: A bleak landscape, the sky has a faintly purple tinge to it as the twin suns set in a gap between the distant mountains. It is temperate but vaguely chilly. The TARDIS materialises in a slight depression adjacent to a medium-sized ruined building missing a corner - it's possibly some form of shell hole. The Doctor and Martha emerge and look around. Scrabbling noises and a few pebbles falling out of the ruins attract their attention. (over to you :) )
  13. My fear (upon reflection) of all of this with the Toclafane is that we've suddenly got a new super-enemy who are far more devastating than the Cybermen or Daleks ever were, they move far faster and kill loads more whilst having a sillier name!! It takes the series to a new plateau, hope they've got the ramifications figured out. The spiderphones popping up and spewing the deadly gas is horrible, I'll never look at one of those the same again :) Despite all that, there were UNIT again!! aah my childhood contained many memories of the valiant British Tommy and his SLR shooting ineffectually at moving compost heaps or robots!! If only the Brigadier hadn't perished fighting that Angel thingy it would have been great to see him once again (presumably as a Sky Marshal or similar by that point). It's still great stuff.
  14. A great episode tonight, my reservations about John Simm as the Master are now laid to rest! The SKy Captain flying aircraft carrier was a bit out of place, but hey it didn't detract from a good fast paced show :)
  15. POST FROM THREAD MOVED! :) - Antilles Cheers dude - I thought someone had deleted my post and was vaguely upset!! All smiles now :D:D:D
  16. Having the Master back is indeed a wonderful development, even sans facial fur - so who is this Mr Saxon then? Utopia could be a nice big rock that the Master has just fired the last rocket full of humans at in order that they go splat, I think we need to hear John Simm do the trademark evil mwhahaha to see if he can do the role properly. He concerned me when he said "tough" - this isn't the Master's refined style at all, surely? But my biggest question here - if humans evolve into bedsheets called Cassandra, do they re-evolve back into identical versions of us in the year 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion in US counting) or 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, (in proper UK style!). That seemed a big flaw in an otherwise great story.
  17. Hi all! I'm new, got introduced to this forum back for "Gridlock" and I've been reading it with interest ever since! Now was the time to make myself known though I felt, after last night's show. This has to be one of the best episodes of modern times, my 8 year old daughter also had a "cushion moment" or two watching this! You can just imagine kids wetting themselves next time they walk through a graveyard and see the weeping angel headstones....! But can anyone please venture an explanation on why one of the Angels had the TARDIS key but hadn't used it for years? Plus why was the TARDIS in the cop shop then in the Manor, I didn't quite follow that. And how did the Angels rocking the TARDIS shake Sally and the feller about inside, when I can't recall turbulence really affecting the passengers anywhere as near as much as a standard Star Trek episode? I'm a picky perisher, I like to see all the loose ends tied up ;D
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