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Everything posted by esecallum

  1. I said disable their ship and beam them to the brig to carefully explain to them that we did not fire...the mere fact we are trying to explain to them would be proof we did not fire...after all why would we bother?. But going back to the discussion I can only say your deus ex machina is not involved.Just watch that episode and you will see I am correct. Also what was the point of a peace treaty as they were not even at war anyway. So the reason for Gorkons visit is non-existent. Romulans hostility existed towards the Klingons and the Klingons would easily have believed they had destroyed the Kronos. It is not as if Kirk had not lied before.In the Corbomite Manoeveur he lied about the Corbomite device. All politicians lie.All people lie.Everyone lies. In Elann of Troyius the Enterprise dilithium crystals had been sabotaged by onboard andorians and they discovered replacements in the necklace which the Princess was wearing but meantime were hit 8 times by a d7. When power was restored they fired 2 or 3 shots and the Klingons were damaged and ran away.Another 2 or 3 and they would be destroyed proving that the d7 is not a match for the Enterprise. Remember Kirk never got a fair trial.It was a kangeroo court with people yelling from the multi storey aisles. I never said Kirk should assassinate Gorkon.That had been done by the Kligons themselves.By surrendering you put yourself at great risk of death,torture and mutilation by unprincipled rogues.Further you display weakness. Kirk could have countered that the Klingons had killed him as they really did not want peace.He should have beamed over Azetbur and convinced her that it was the Romulans or the Klingons by showing her the neutrino surge and playing the video logs as it would have been impossible to tamper with the evidence that quickly.Once she had been convinced she would be beamed back and would either seek out the conspirators or break off diplomatic relations with the Romulans or even destroy a few of their outposts in revenge. Also evidence cannot be tampered with as if you did tamper with it,it can be shown that it has been tampered with. Kirk could even have claimed that a bomb planted by klingon conspirators had exploded on board the Kronos and no one could have proved it otherwise as it happened in Federation space with the wreckage not available to the klingons. In fact the film could have been similar to a ds9 episode in which The Romulns were enticed wth fake evidence. In TUC the film could have been about how Kirk managed to convince the Klingons it was not him and that it was someone else.
  2. I thought it was quite ridiculous of Captain Kirk to surrender as the klingons were about to fire back. He should never have said "We surrender,signal our surrender". All he had to do was raise shields take a couple of hits then target and disable their weapons.He had a dozen witnesses on the bridge to confirm that he did not order firing on the klingon vessel.Once the klingons were disabled and their shields down they beam them over to the Enterprise into the brig and explain they never fired. Also it was quite ridiculous that they coud not find the point of origin of the bird of prey photon torpedeos and also that no vibration/noise was generated at all as the torps were never fired from the Fanterprise from their launch points as you would feel due to reaction due to high launch speed...meaning due to absence of vibration wouid confirm to all that no torps left the Enterprise.Also the klingons never replayed the video of the torps to show it did not come from the Enterprise but from below it.
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