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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Killeravocado

  1. I don't think they'll be around too long if there aren't any seeds.
  2. Jeez, all you scifi nerds... God, I hate Sci Fi more than Kirk hates KHAN!!!
  3. This looks pretty cool. Reminds me of Pike in TOS of ST.
  4. Ok, I think of it like this... Animals evolved to suit their envrioments. Mountian goats have sure footing, Fish that are adapted to live in the ocean bottom die when they are brought to the surface, Rats are able to go into pretty much any space. Humans are able to change, adapt and mold things to the way that they need them. Like in Enterprise there were the Xindi, who had five different types of humanoid species. So IMO Klingons evolved to battle, not to think. Ferengi evolved to have money... I don't know I'm pretty hung over. My whole point is that, maybe other alien speices don't think the way that humans do, they don't aspire for anything more, and the ones that are are outcast.
  5. hmm... favorite food... I'd have to say fried chicken! Or chicken fried steak... or country fried steak... or pork fried steak... Pretty much, take a piece of meat put a coating on it... fry it up... slap some gravy on it... Yum! I am white btw...
  6. I agree/disagree with you. It'd be more like Priate vs Ninja... But I don't want to start that... Klingons use shear strength and power to defeat their enemy. Vulcans, depending upon the time, would use Logic and Tech to defeat their enemy. Both races really don't use emotions. Klingons find honor in death. So IMHO, they would put more at stake and go after the prize. Whereas the Vulcans would make a 'tatical retreat' regroup, repair, rearm and go after them stinky Klingons agian. I'm going to go off of my favorite era, TNG, for my ideas for who would win. In space, it's pretty much a dead heat. I could imagine the start of a major war between the klingons and the vulcans, the Klingons would win hands down in the start. They (Klingons), IMO, would use their cloak, sneek, and blow up ship after ship. The Vulcans would eventually figure out how to see right through their cloak, and be able to fend off attacks. Klingons would then use shear strength to try to deafeat the Vulcans... I can see 3 or 4 Klingon ships on one vulcan ship at a time, like pack hunting. I can then see the Vulcans doing something to mess up the Klingon supply lines, and starving them from the inside out. So, IMHO, the Vulcans would win the space war with great loss of ships, officers, personal, and resources. Hand to hand combat on the other hand would be really interesting to see. Vulcans running around like mongooses (sp) attacking the cobras (klingons). Though vulcans have a more logical sense to battle, but there isn't any logic in battle, so IMHO the Klingons would win hand to hand. So a total war between the two races, to me, would keep going indefinatly.
  7. I voted for the side bar, mostly for the IRC chat that tells me if the chat is active or not.
  8. and there all the same panel just glued somewhere else! lol! nice!! the bottom one looks reallly good! Thanx! It took me all of four minutes!
  9. I like alot of science channel specials... I also like Dirty Jobs, scrubs, South Park, Family Guy, the Simpsons... Most things that will make me laugh.
  10. Codename: Panzers is a pretty good one... Can't go wrong with Company of Heros for PC either.
  11. I bought the freakin DVD for the 'extra' features... and it wasn't anything... AARGH!!! But I think sometype of after something should happen.
  12. I'm usually always on NiteSciFi in the bathroom... It's peaceful.
  13. Hmm... I thought LCars was just in TNG?
  14. if anyone listened to me!!! AARGH!!!
  15. Ha ha ha!!! I knew it I knew it... Ulysses was a werewolf! :P
  16. I just think that people don't want to loose that feeling that you need to touch something.
  17. Whoa... That's a little harsh maybe, but honestly, if there ever was a bi##h, wesley took the cake, and ate it too! I agree with you... But I don't think he took any cake... Just a LITTLE something from Jordi
  18. I do like TFMF... I just have to give him a hard time, I mean come on!
  19. Killeravocado comes back after being banished. He is tall and furry and now has the taste of blood from a poor bastard from a neighboring township. He sees TFMF and grabs him by his neck and bites a chunk of it off. As TFMF is being held up by Killeravocado, he gurgles blood in mercy. Killeravocado snaps his neck and devours TFMF. Might be a bit graphic... Sorry.
  20. Maybe, people like tom and the delta flyer, still wanted to be able to control something tactally (sp) they want to feel like they are doing something. I see interfaces with the brain as something that is NEEDED if you need to control several things at once. IE Warp field, weapons, navgation, life support, armour, sheilds, etc... I really don't see much difference between the laptop that i'm using to type this and the computers that officers have on their desk in the 24th century, just whats inside... But even it only has six buttons or whatever... I'm sorry i'm ranting, but I really don't see a person just sitting there talking to no one, or even better, just sitting there and thinking through space, people need to do something. I'm prolly going to get flammed for this.
  21. Mounting for those fans, isn't hard at all... The end product just looks like a preggers hdd... But it is a bit noisey.
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