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Starfleet Academy
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Posts posted by Soulreaper

  1. Hahahahaha Rotfl*




    not really, but almost :D

    Loved that gif animation, though it's a shame I could only download one of the stills and not the entire animation.


    Hm. Von-Helton, how do you get that picture into your "signature" ??

  2. Just like Elderbear, I'm trying to contribute what I can because I also have hopes for a "trek-utopia" though unlikely as it may seem. But.. there is hope! I've seen a lot of change in people through the past years, and it's good change!


    So perhaps we CAN prove all the negophiles (extreme negative people) wrong after all?

    Time will tell, but I hope and act for the best!



  3. Lieutenant svendopel


    Lol nice pic about "Equality" :p


    ah whatever.. gotta to to sleep!

    UP in 5 hours...ah toilets..mm gurk*


    Ensign duty is NOT funny :mad:

  4. So you guys say the rakning system is based on posts?


    It figured it did but I kind of asumed it would have something to do with uploads / downloads since I've seen people with higher ranks than me with barely no msgs. at all.

    Maybe that happened because of a tracker error or something.


    Hey, no I won't clean anyones toilets! I'm already doing it supporting my artistry dreams in between jobs.. and NO messhalls either! But I'd love a drink though


  5. Yeah, cheers man!


    Hm I recently made Ensign..that's a good sign

    I think..


    Elderbear, got any more of them drugs?

    Low supply over here...and it's cold too!


  6. Being a performing musician I have played most styles more or less (bassguitar and piano/keys) though I do prefer;

    Progressive Metal/Rock, Fusion, Advanced Jazz, Classical/Film and some types of acoustic music - well, anything that's challenging because it's no fun playing stupid radio music that's creatd only because everything else is too advanced for the audiance. Have been doing some session work and currently occupied with a new band playing/composing "Doom Metal" kind of new even for me but pretty cool!


    So anything really cool, tough to comprehend, fun and heavy to master! :cyclops:


    Ex. Symphony X, Dream Theater, Various Game music, Dave Weckl, Chick Corea, Queen, Rush, Al Dimeola, Jethro Tull/Ian Anderson, hm.. Lang Lang is a pretty cool rising pianoperformer from China working strictly with classical music, very cool.

    And the list goes on... :D


    Gotta run, a bus to catch!


  7. I'd like to use the Andromeda or a ship much like the Andromeda, maybe a custom design?

    Other wise the Defiant or "The Ballance Of Judgement"


    I know the Andromeda ships weren't in the poll but that' be my first choice if they were :D

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