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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Looney247

  1. Coincidentally I had the same discussion IRL recently (yes, before this post) and found out there and then that there are people who actually hate Wesly Crusher! I don't care that much either way other than that storylines with Wesley in them seemed a bit hastedly done IMO. Example: Did you know he 'invented' nannites in STNG? p.s. BorisP --> know what you mean but in my experience people (not just adults) do not like to be made aware of their stupidity. :-)
  2. Well I have to stay! I got totally addicted to the new Galactica series (2003/2004) which is gonna start with season 2 soon :cyclops: (you bet I'm a sci-fi junkie..)
  3. 300 kbps as lowest speed and 9600/28800/33600 Kbps ?!?!? No way! It was 300 bps in those days (not K's yet) :-)
  4. The show is not your typical Sci-Fi show because it's not just technology/alien babble. It's a new style, or mix if you will, of story telling which reminds me of other TV shows like Earth 2 and V but with a touch of I, Robot. It's an exciting, sometimes strange, new TV series and I've become an instant fan. :cyclops: What about you?
  5. No they really are very narrow, but if you use IE they become a little (smidgen) larger..
  6. I did .. happy now? :D But seriously, I like every Star Trek show.. can't choose between them.
  7. The Anomalous Technobabble Conundrum Guide For example did you know that a "Sector" is "about twenty light-years of space"?
  8. This woman collects some quality Star Trek Wallpapers: Aline's Collection of Star Trek Wallpaper :)
  9. I fully agree with this statement: From: http://filmforce.ign.com/articles/585/585432p2.html
  10. I loved this episode.. it felt like I was watching a mini-movie. :D The parts I loved are.. : - they're not battling aliens again.. - the aliens are not attacking enterprise.. - there was a real deadline that felt to be coming closer and deadlier by the minute ("hurry up!"-effect) - the story was packed into one single episode (and not the 'to be continued..' bull****) - 'schock' moments e.g. when the dead wake up :cyclops: - 'excitement' e.g. you almost hear yourself say "they're acting weird, call for red alert!" - .. and best of all is the "oh no!" effect when 2 of the main crew die and all seems lost. Oh yeah.. it rocks, I just hope they keep this standard of quality for the rest of the season.
  11. To see an overview of the different Enterprise classes check out this link: http://www.starshipmodeler.com/trek/trekship.htm
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