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Starfleet Academy
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Crewman (2/24)



  1. Great episode but I dont understand why they didnt take some of the cylon fighters for spare parts, metal or even to make their own fleet made of cylon fighters ... well I guess than it wont be so thrilling in next episodes. Also I dont know what are they doing floating in space ... they should be jumping for the earth. Well I guess Im just impatient, it just shows that this series can really get under your skin. Cant wait for the next episode ...
  2. GreGh

    bob morane

    Im no more enlightned than before ... in sleng in my language we would say "kr neki", meaning something like ... Whatever!
  3. This kind of attitude has cost Americans almost all the simphaty in todays world. Yes, 9/11 was horrible, criminal act and I was deeply shocked when it happened. That day was Americas chance to unite people who condemne terrorism and to lead them to path to protect from the same, but what you did was just as bad as the terrorists did. Im ussualy very critical towards USA, but if american government would decide at that time (after attacks) for not so arogant approach I would support it, but you lost me and many people around the world by your selfish acts. You can never eradicate terrorism with violence, violence only breeds new terrorist. Yes it is important that we remember 9/11, because it remindes us of how stupid and violent human can be, but we should also remember US bombers bombing wedding ceremonys in afghanistan, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, lies on weapons of mass destruction, etc. :( It really saddens me that nation so civilized and advanced and which so highly values moral standards can do such things. But I still belive that you/we can be better, I wish USA the best, I wish for you a safe, succescful life but I also wish that you look back at your acts, and ask yourself if you in the process of fighting the beast havent became one yourself. I wish ALL of you a long, happy and safe life.
  4. GreGh

    bob morane

    Who is Bob Morane ?!?
  5. This one is simple ... the egg of course ... something else hatched the egg and then due to mutation, DNA of the animal in the egg changed into chicken DNA.
  6. Plain and simple THANK YOU.
  7. Though I voted for death being an absolute end, I dont completely agree with this statement either, but its the closest to what I think. I dont like word "absolute", it doesnt allow anything else. I belive that after we or any other animal (yes, I think we are animals) or plant dies, it doesnt go to afterlife or become part of a greater force, but it isnt the absolute end either. Our components, what we are made of, are used for life to continue. From my not-used-anymore-when-Im-dead carbon, water and other materials new life will grow, some bacteria, plants and similar and they will provide more sophisticated life forms with food and so on and on ... basicly the cycle of life, no gods, no heaven or hell, no Good and Evil, no religion, no belive-this-or-we-will-kill-you, and even I dont belive there is something after death Im not scared of dying, I just hope I will die peacefully. Live long and prosper, but today is a good day to die as any. :)
  8. Same question as for Atlantis ... if anybody knows how many episodes will be in second season of BG. TV Tome has enlisted 11 episodes, but thats a little bit short for the whole season. Thanks lp, GreGh
  9. I would just like somebody to confirm there will be 20 episodes in season 2 of SG Atlantis, or if not how many there will be? ... I hope there is someone that knows that. Thanks lp, GreGh
  10. GreGh


    although im an atheist ... amen to that :)
  11. GreGh

    Do you vote?

    well in my country there are the same people on power for 15 years (that doesnt necessarily mean the same party) ... and i dont like any of the major parties ... so my philosphy when voting is: vote for the one that isnt ruling the country at the moment and vote for smaller parties that hadnt been to power yet ... this way new ideas can be brought to public and changes (hopefully for the better) can be constantly made i have one question for anyone from australia here: ... as i understood you have to vote in australia... what if you dont ... what then ?
  12. the one above me surely deserves 10 :)
  13. Forgot one thing ... does anyone know how many diffrent human cylons are there ?
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