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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by synexo

  1. This discussion thread is ironic now.
  2. If you kill yourself, you wake up in the real world.
  3. The "theaveng files", VOL 1 - Hypocrisy, Despair, and Low Self-Esteem. AKA: Sex, Lies, and .torrent files (1) I didn't bitch at you. False statement. I simply said, if you enjoy the tv show DS9, then you ought to support the hard-working actors/writers by buying their product. (2) Show me where I can buy the current season of SG1, SGA, BSG and I will do so immediately. I practice what I preach. I support the actors/writers. (3) But for now. I can't. So I download instead. Stay tuned for Troys next few 'state the obvious' series of posts entitled "The sun is yellow" "gravity pulls things towards the center of the earth" and "fridges keep things cold". Was that really necessary S0V13T? You just told me not to debate ideas with people, and yet you're DIRECT PERSONAL INSULTS. "Troy's an idiot... stating the blatantly obvious... hahahaha... look at the fool called troy." Also that other person: "The attention whore:Look at me, poor 'lil ole me... I am living in a hotel room again and am faced with a crappy connection..." Why don't you BE the example you expect from others, instead of stooping to insults? My post was completely harmless. There was no call to belittle me & make me feel like a worthless piece of trash.
  4. Thought this might be a provoking discussion. If this website here, NITESHDW'S SCI-FI Fansite and Forum had to be described as a form of government, would form of government would it be, based on it's past and current policies and hierarchy. A few thoughts: The site is owned by one man alone, so it may be a monarchy, or even a sort of private city/state. For terms of this discussion, some elements of the actual copyright and ownership that Nite has over the site may need to be disregarded in order to access how that would translate into the 'government' version of the site. While the site is owned by one man alone, much of the content on the site is/was the work and/or property of other individuals. I.E. The BSG Logo was not created by Nite and is not his property. Also much labor is done by the users of the site in regards to finding and uploading the torrents, describing the torrents, moderating the forums, and subsequently utilizing our home PCs to seed and transfer the torrents. None of the labor is bought or sold, so there definately seems to be an element of being a 'collective' economy. Recently however a capitalist aspect was introduced, that being Nite's exclusive collection of advertising revenue. (although it is certainly in the spirit of a sort of treasury to fund the operations of the website) As regards to the forums themselves, there seems to be a great deal of tolerance in the discussions, although they are not a free-for-all. Absolute free speech does not seem to be the rule of thumb, as posts have been deleted for contect, and some users have had their accounts suspended for repeated infractions. In regards to voting rights, Nite often asks the users their opinions on how to run the site, sometimes using official polls. The results of such polls are however non-binding. Also any user can create a poll at anytime on almost any subject, but those too can do little more than stimulate discussion. Regarding property rights, there seem to be no agreements with other entities regarding the users of the site concerning copyright legislation. The site itself however, does claim it's own copyright status under US law. I imagine certain images/torrents also if thought to be property, would be considered illegal, i.e. sci-fi child porn. There also is no way for a particular user to claim exclusive rights to a .torrent he has uploaded, for example to allow other users only to download the .torrent if they paid him a fee. I also don't believe that we own any of our posts or avatars. It seems that all property here belongs to the state, but is shared among all. That could mean that we are socialist/communist. So, it's not Anarchy. (like the bittorrent network itself is) If it is a Monarchy of Dictatorship, it would seem to be an extremely liberal, and benign one. It would seem to me that it is certainly NOT a democracy, although the citizens do seem to have some 'voice'. I could think it might be described as a 'rogue' communist website/state, ruled under the velvet-thumb of Niteshdw. Or maybe something more like the Netherlands, a benign monarchy practicing liberal-socialism as it's government. I'm not smart enough to figure it out, so please help me work this one out! LONG LIVE CHAIRMAN NITE!
  5. The whole 'PC' thing is really just a game as I see it, an excuse to make up new terms for things. But that is in the sense of all things social. It does affect me personally though. I try not to say ni**er around black people, 'cause I'm not sure when they'll get offended. In fact I won't even say it here. I'll argue against racism if I observe somebody being genuinely racist, but with my friends and in my thoughts I'm all racist jokes and 'n' words. Same with women, I mostly think of them in terms of pure objectification, but I'm very respectful when I actually speak with them. At the same time, I would speak up for a woman if I heard a man harassing her sexually. I think 'PC' is basically good, it's not like it's legally enforced or anything, I can go around acting like a jackass all day and likely nobody would do much but give me a dirty look. But I wouldn't want anybody insulting my mother, or a gay friend, or any such things. That doesn't prevent me from enjoying dark humor amongst my friends, no matter how un 'PC'. It's just immature to not observe political correctness when you're amongst 'polite society', just as it would be to abstain from other social conventions. It's no mind control from the elite or anything like that, it's just a way to make life a little more pleasant, with the side effect of creating a novel diversion. GOD HATES FAGS! IT'S THE JEWS FAULT THAT BLACK PEOPLE ARE POOR, EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE LAZY! AND SPEAKING OF GOD, DON'T GO DOING IT WHEN I HAVE TO HEAR YOU, ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE TRYING TO SUGGEST THAT MUSLIMS AREN'T TERRORISTS, BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS. THEY WANT OUR WOMEN BECAUSE THEY KNOW AMERICAN WOMAN ARE ALL SLUTS WHO REALLY WANT IT EVEN WHEN THEY SAY THEY DON'T THEY CAN'T HELP IT IT'S IN THAT GOOD, PURE ARYIAN BLOOD OF THEIRS. WHY ANY MAN WOULDN'T WANT A PIECE OF THAT AMERICAN BOOTY I'LL NEVER UNDERSTAND, BUT GOD DOES, AND THAT'S WHY HE HATES THE FAGS SO MUCH. I MEAN HELL, AT LEAST THEY COULD BE BISEXUAL, AND NOT COMMIT SEXUAL DESCRIMINATION. ESPECIALLY THE 'BROADS, THEY SHOULD ALL BE HOT LIPSTICK LESBO BI-BIMBOS! AND THEY SHOULD STAY HOME AND COOK MEN DINNER, LIKE GOOD ORIENTAL WOMEN DO. MAYBE IF US WHITE FOLK HAD LITTLE WEENIES LIKE THEM JAPS AND GOOKS OUR WOMEN WOULDN'T BE SO AFRAID OF THEM. OR MAYBE WE COULD JUST RECRUIT THEM YOUNGER, I MEAN, IF THERE'S GRASS ON THE FIELD, YOU OUGHTA PLAY RIGHT? WELL I GOTTA GO BEAT SOMETHING, SO JUST SPREAD THE WORD (AND BY WORD I MEAN YOUR LEGS) AND COPY AND PASTE THIS AND SEND IT TO YOUR GRANDMA AND ALL YOUR NIECES AND NEPHEWS AND USE THE SUBJECT LINE 'HUMAN TRAINING MANUAL', AND THEN SIT BACK AND SMOKE A CIGARETTE AND CONTEMPLATE ON THE MEANING OF 'PC' SOME MORE.
  6. Scotty Riker (Enterprise finale) Guinan O'Brien Morn (big ol' fatty) Paris (was gettin' chunky towards the end of the show) Kes (fat but well concealed) Neelix Phlox Plenty of fat folks, but not too many obese. Understandable, Star Fleet officers are physically conditioned, and 24th century nutrition is bound to be superior. The next incarnation of Star Trek should be a starship with a crew made up entirely of T'Pol clones. Lesbian T'Pol clones. Star Trek:TPOL
  7. Lemme get this straight.... Poor Tuvix got murdered, and then you murdered his discussion thread! Next Paramount will find a way to simply erase Tuvix from all our memories! TUVIX LIVES!
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niteshdw.com Somebody should write that who is a good writer and knows the site.
  9. Man Goes Bankrupt Building Starship Voyager Home. Tony Alleyne, the man who turned his apartment into the Star Trek Starship Voyager has gone bankrupt. He started transforming his apartment after his wife left him when he replaced the refrigerator with a 'warp coil'. The apartment is located in Hinckley, Leics, has moulded walls, touch-panel blue lighting, and a command console. He even built a life-size model of the show's transporter room with reshaped windows to look like portholes and set up vertical lights to give the illusion of being beamed up. Tony at one time had the apartment for auction on eBay for $2 million but had no luck in selling. Tony maxed out 14 credit cards accumulating £100,000 in debt. His goal was to lure other Trekkies to pay him to convert their humble abodes. Here's what Tony has to say on his grand plan: But I was wrong and just overstretched. Building it in my apartment was the enjoyable and easy bit. But then I got hooked up with marketing and merchandise people here and in America and it all got out of hand. I'm still proud of what I created but it's been a financial disaster. At least with all that credit card use, he probably earned a trip to space with all the accumulated airmiles. http://www.uberreview.com/2006/02/man-goes-bankrupt-building-starship.htm
  10. OK FYI, You are not a Star Trek fan. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with not liking Star Trek. It's great that you found a place in your heart for a little show called ST:DS9, but you can not call yourself a Star Trek fan if Spock and Kirk are your LEAST favorite characters in the Star Trek universe. The Star Trek universe exists because of them, most especially because of Spock. No Spock, no TNG, no DS9, no VOY, no ENT. Somebody back me up here.
  11. Dee looked hot in this one. And it was galliant of Billy to save her life and lose his in the process. Now Dee is bound to Apollo because in a way it was her being there with Apollo that cost Billy his life. And that means Starbuck is farther away from Apollo. Anyone else think the only thing Sharon cares about is having that baby? As soon as she does she'll back-stab the whole lot of them. Now with Lucy Lawless we know of how many, 7 cylons? Any guesses on who the rest can be? I still wonder if Gaius isn't one, with a super mind-frak wammy in his head not letting him realize it.
  12. Actually it was inspired by Ben Franklin: "Did Ben really want the turkey to be the symbol of the United States of America? In a letter to his daughter, Benjamin Franklin wrote: For my own part I wish the Eagle had not been chosen the representative of our country. He is a bird of bad moral character. He does not get his Living honestly. You may have seen him perched on some dead tree near the river, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the labor of the Fishing Hawk; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a fish, and is bearing it to his nest for the support of his mate and young ones, the Eagle pursues him and takes it from him. With all this injustice, he is never in good case but like those among men who live by sharping & robbing he is generally poor and often very lousy. Besides he is a rank coward: The little King Bird not bigger than a Sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the district. He is therefore by no means a proper emblem for the brave and honest Cincinnati of America who have driven all the King birds from our country... "I am on this account not displeased that the figure is not known as a Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the truth the Turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America . . . He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a bird of courage, and would not hesitate to attack a grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his farm yard with a red coat on."
  13. hmmm.. i thought you need an invite, I couldn't join without one. I was just asking here 'cause some of the people around here are cool and I thought maybe then I'd bump into y'all over there. https://www.orkut.com/
  14. America likes Asia more than England does. America to Asia: C'mon, I'll be your best friend!
  15. As for me? I'm just playing as if I'm a character in the 'Left Behind' series by Tim LaHaye. It's very popular amongst christian conservatives, as they believe it to be a realistic depiction of how the world is going to unfold in the very near future. The book outlines how a one world faith endorsed by the UN brings about the process of tattooing people with the 'mark of the beast' to indicate that they belong to the one world faith, which preaches world peace. Of course really it's a ploy to bring about the anti-christ. It's funny, because it's what right wing evangelicals actually believe is happening in the world today, they see the formation of the EU as the first step, and America's defense of Isreal is almost entirely because it will disprove they're current interpretation of biblical prophecy if Jerusalem isn't in the hands of the Jews. The Maitreya actually is just a sort of bhuddist messiah figure, which christian conservatives have also latched onto as the antichrist. So really I'm just messin' with the Jesus-Boy. But hey, I bet he goes out and reads the Left Behind series now!
  16. I will not be in a position to do so, but the UN armed forces will be, and they will march with the wind of The Maitreya, to protect people like me from murderous zealots like you.
  17. Hey I finally got an orkut invite (it's a social networking experiment thingy being run by google), so if anybody wants to try it out just pm me with an email address and I'll send you an invite.
  18. War is a good way of settling an argument when all sides involved have given up on doing so rationally.
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