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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by hendo001

  1. Yeah i know, but it'd be good for something brand new and completely different to come out though. Maybe everythings been done?? maybe we'll have to wait till our technology catches up with sci-fi lol
  2. Deffinatly Bud-wis-er jeez about 80+ mph and too drunk to miss the damn thing. I'm sure they dont plant them things that close to the edge of the road?
  3. I really didnt like the ending at all, I think they should of put more of an effort into it. I also think it lacked something, not sure what maybe closure? TNG and DS9 had great endings imho.
  4. Time travel is a concept that we'd all like to use but unsure how things would change? The theory I have is that there is an infinate number of possiblites but if we change a possiblity (through means of vising the past) we are making a fracture in the space time continum and are exposing 2 timelines together which then either split back into themselves or merge together to create a 3rd (new) timeline, this is just a theory but who knows, we just dont have the science to know for sure. As for Einstein's theory of relativity, time is a curve and if you can bend it you could possibly see into the future(not sure on this). So i guess we have to just wait till we can time travel lol
  5. yeah i know we'll have to wait and see. also i'll try to keep the news of the new movie updated, click here for latest update. You may have to log in to see the info. I'll keep posting the info on my site but if its really important i'll make a topic on here too EDIT: I'll keep digging for info but atm it seems as though theres little info, maybe in month or so......
  6. i know what you mean, its just stupid really. Why waste the time and resources that could be used dealing with a real crime? Jeez what is the world coming to?
  7. nah he's been to south park again its pink eye :p :p
  8. I cant understand why they have to make millions and millions in profit, i suppose its to give that money away to the govenment in Taxes :p
  9. theres a new movie in development soon apparently, i'll try to dig up some more info on it EDIT: more info its going to be due in 2007 and its gonna be a prequel apparently. Maybe the Enterprise crew??? who knows
  10. its currently 04:49am in the uk i've been on the forum for about 15 mins, cant sleep damn weather its too warm lol
  11. why is it they remake all the old shows? cant the damn script writers think of anything original? I'm waiting for the next season of atlantis, and thats cool!
  12. I'm sure some will crack the game and make a private server, but some 1 needs to do it first :p
  13. what about a remake of Space Above and Beyond? They only cranked out 1 season back in 95-96 due to some arguing at the studio, but it won 4 emmys........
  14. hahaha some good ideas. what about The Explorer? and no not "Internet explorer"
  15. how did u fry the system? it would depend on the bios settings and even then the motherboard (if it did work) would only let the ram run at the max bus speed. please tell me if i'm wrong :p
  16. hey nite i cant attend as i'm skint and dont have a passport but i got a couple ideas for ya. Rent a hall or something local with lots of space, i'm sure ppl wont mind in helping u with the cost or rent a marquee and have a beer tent or summat. paintballing is cool so u could organise that or ask ur local cinema if u can take over it for a day or so............. just a few thoughts like, and if i get more i'll post them here
  17. but then bill gates wants to add to his bottomless money pit. the greedy git
  18. update........ i've got the uss grant's own forum up and have 90 members....... I've got the other 3 ships forums to do but will do that over the coming weeks.
  19. well thats complicated lol, atm the missions are the rpg itself. The bar and the rest of the site is basically our chill out and have a chat sortta thing. The Missions (RPGs) are a little slow atm as ppl have a lot of work/school/uni going on. I've stepped back from all the rpging to consantrate on the web site and the forums themselves. Also there is a members guide on the site that may help you too, or read the info from the site as well. Best advice i can give
  20. lol i bet you can find a way :p
  21. lol np m8 theres no rush
  22. as we all know with mmorpg's some1 some where will set up a private server. maybe if we had one of our own??
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