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  1. I liked "What You Leave Behind" Just as much, if not a little more than I did "All Good Things..." It was a fine and fond farewell to DS9 even though I hated the fact that all the crew had split up. About the only thing I didn't like, (and they could have dispensed with) was the whole Pagh Wraiths arc with Dukat and Kai Wynn. I'm sure they could have ended Sisko's role as Emissary a bit better than that. Don't get me started on the way Voyager ended though. What's even worse, the LotR book draws out the ending MUCH MUCH more than the movie ever did. Heck, the end of Return of the King is worth at least an hour of film if you directly adapted from the books. The ending on film was much better after having read the books.
  2. I caught Brannon Braga on Attack of the Show the other day on G4. He in fact admitted that "These are the voyages..." was a rush job. He also said he would have liked to do a season 5 and would have given Enterprise a better send-off. The way he mentioned the final episode he really seemed to NOT like it at all, but had no other choice (because we woulda been alot more pissed off without a Finale than with a turd of one :p)
  3. Mav, I beleive in either the Pilot or the first couple episodes Baltar figured out that certain lines of his code in the Viper Mark VIIs' operating software had some level of vulnerability to cylon attacks built-in (since he was using code provided him by Number Six). Galactica herself obviously has older and isolated computer systems that didn't get this software, but her Mark VII's did. Regarding Pegasus, Remember that Admiral Cain said Pegasus was in for an overhaul when the attack began, so it would be safe to assume that the Vipers and the Pegasus herself didn't receive Baltar's software updates complete with Trojans. I'm basing this on the fact that Galactica is an older vessel and would probably be low on the list of vessels to receive new fighters. Pegasus being a flagship commanded by an Admiral probably got one of the first batches of Mark VII Vipers. Heck, for all we know Lt. Thorne might have found out about the Mark VIIs' software flaw via their prisoner.
  4. I don't know if you came up with that conclusion yourself, or if you're reading some PETA piece of toilet paper. But you don't know how wrong you are. Technically its true, but fundamentally wrong. My dad and I run a farm here in Texas, we don't own cattle but we often lease out pasture to people that do. The fact of the matter is that there isn't a soul in America going hungry because we're grazing cattle on arable land (don't get me wrong, there are people in America going hungry, but not because of livestock). In fact, it's quite the opposite. For the past two years the market price of wheat has been so low that my dad and I haven't bothered harvesting it. The low price is mainly due to the OVER-abundance of commodities such as wheat, corn, sorghum, soybeans, you name it. Instead of paying a harvesting bill that would be higher than the check we'd get from the wheat we've been leasing it out to cattle before it matures (still green) because we get ALOT more money with a fraction of the expenses (just have to keep the water tank full). Mind you also that a good portion of grazing land that cattle are on isn't suitable for anything else in the first place. Most livestock pasture is livestock pasture for good reason. The only reason we're so inefficiently using arable land is because what's being grown on that land isn't in high enough demand to make it good for anything else.
  5. I have to say the New Series impresses me more than the Original. Mainly because this new BSG has alot of things that made DS9 so excellent. Politics, Religeon, and war. No surprising since Ron Moore worked extensively on TNG and DS9.
  6. Remember, President Roslyn didn't get diagnosed with breast cancer until it was waaaaaay too late. (Doc Cottle mentions this, she hadn't been to a doctor in 5 or 6 years) Even with the best medical technology, I don't think they can just magically cure a body RIDDLED with cancer. You're pretty good at guessing ages though, Edward James Olmos turns 59 in February. Entirely possible that Bill did in fact fight the Cylons 40 years ago. Remember, the reason he isn't any higher ranked than Commander is that time that Tigh briefly flashed back to where they were on a civilian ship. I think the time frame falls in quite well. Adama could be older than 58, several years older.
  7. I concur, James Callis does bear a slight bit of resemblance to Alexander Siddig.
  8. I'll tell you why this TNG film wasn't very good. Ronald D. Moore wasn't involved with it. He helped write Generations, First Contact, numerous Eps of TNG and DS9, and a couple episodes for Voyager even (before he became disillusioned with the direction the series was taking and left). Seriously, I'd have to say that Ronald D. Moore is partly responsible for some of the best Star Trek on TV and film. It's no wonder the new Battlestar Galactica has been so successful, Moore really has alot of creative talent.
  9. I'll just sorta mirror my post in another thread. 4x21 was good. 4x22 flat out sucked...they intertwined the end of Trek for the forseeable future with a mediocre at best episode of TNG. Out and out making a really really disappointing and (to quote Ms. Blalock) apalling series finale. The death of Trip was awful, especially after watching 4x21. Everyone was torn up over the loss of the child in 4x21, but Trip dies and everybody's acting like nothing happened! Hell, they coulda just wrapped up Enterprise at 4x21 and left it there and it woulda been an acceptable end for the show (though not what it deserved.) The only thing I liked about the finale was the montage between the Enterprise D, NCC 1701 and the NX-01. I liked how they incorporated the TNG and TOS prologues.
  10. I watched the finale, suffice it to say with the exception of the final montage of the three Enterprises, I thought it was an utter turd. I'm like "WTF does this have to do with anything? This is an utterly craptacular episode." First B&B take a mediocre TNG episode, and then intertwine it with the last episode of Enterprise....shows you how much respect those too assclowns have for Enterprise in the first place. They didn't even give Enterprise a proper 2 hour finale like they did with TNG, DS9, or Voyager! Manny coulda done an EXCELLENT finale worthy of any Star Trek. I think that Jolene hit the nail on the head with her assessment of the final episode after she filmed it. [simon]absolutely dreadful![/simon]
  11. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised is stupid basketball was involved. GOD I hate basketball, the only sports I watch are NASCAR and Baseball. Neither of which interfere with my M-F TV Watching.
  12. I think it'll end up like Short Circuit, the robot killing machine gets some ESD and then becomes a loony pacifist. NO DISASSEMBLE!
  13. VonHelton: Farscape was canceled for monetary reasons. I think an ep of SG-1 cost HALF of what a Farscape ep cost. Atlantis costs about the same/ep as SG-1 does last I remember and Atlantis' ratings are at or near those of SG-1's. Farscape is another case of TV execs widening the profit margin by canceling successful, but expensive to produce shows.
  14. Yeah, that's the problem with reality TV it has the same costs as a regular TV show (props, sets, crew) minus the salaries of the actors who are now schlubs who are desperate to win a quick million bucks. I hate to say it, but American Idol is about the only reality show with at least some entertainment value (I mean watching some of those retards that think they can sing like Sinatra is HILARIOUS!) madjo: Apology Accepted.
  15. Well, looks like you're gonna have to wait a year because SG:A has been picked up for another season. I think MGM's already started production on Season 2 in order to premiere in July. I also doubt that Atlantis will get axed any time soon because the Atlantis premiere had HIGHER ratings than the SG-1 premiere.
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