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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by BobBobBob

  1. Sheesh, I go away for awhile, and everything goes away. Ah well. It's a shame to see the torrents going away, but unfortunately, it was inevitable. It's sad, though. If it weren't for this torrent site, I wouldn't have gotten to see Christopher Eccleston's Doctor Who (although I've heard the Sci-Fi channel is picking it up, I'm certain it will be edited a bit to make room for commercials). So I'd like to add to the list of people who say "Thanks, Nite." I appreciate that the site was here for me, and I understand why you needed to take the torrents down.
  2. Double-clicking the icon in Windows XP got me nothing but a box giving me the instructions for use from the dos prompt. Ok, I can do dos. I launched it in dos, and it did do *something* although I'd be hard pressed to say that it sounded like a dalek. The result was just sort of extreme distortion... Also, I couldn't find a way to actually record the results. Anyone else have better luck than me? Care to post links to audio files proving your success?
  3. I just watched the episode again, and it actually brought tears to my eyes - again. I'm a big oaf of a guy, and I found myself sniffling at the end bit there, as Jackie was telling Rose about the mysterious girl who held his hand as he died. I've been a Doctor Who fan since 1983 or so, and I never in a million years thought that an episode could be as emotionally gripping as this. Adric's death didn't affect me this much, none of the regenerations, none of the sad moments over the years. Right now, I think this may be my favorite episode of the new season so far. I don't know - Time will tell. Looking forward to watching the Confidential on this one.
  4. The reason I never watched it on TV beyond the second season is that in my area, the local UPN affiliate went cable-only... And not having cable, I had no choice but to download it.
  5. I'd just like to state for the record.... DOCTOR WHO IS BACK. I realize you all know this, but that's the thought that hit me again and again watching this episode. Rose was - well, it was a pilot, with all the problems that go along with a pilot. The end of the world was much better, and showed great promise. But with this episode, I can safely say that I feel 100% that Doctor Who is back. I can hardly wait until next week! I haven't been this excited about Doctor Who since... Well, since the 80's. Fantastic. Ok, that's it. I just had to get that all out.
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