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Shouldn't they be, ya know kamikazing?


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Like I got to thinking. All the cylons so far, haven't really feared death. The captured one in mid-late season one, didn't fear it. The original Sharon-cylon, didn't seem to mind "walking into the lions mouth" and shooting Adama, etc.


Combine their more stronger resolve and faith, with their sheer numbers, why don't they just mass zerg rush Galactica and do like they did in the season 2 opener; either massively raid the ship or just crash into it with nukes?


They have large quantities of copies of the human versions, and the Centurion versions seem to be easily replaced or produced. Their "religion" might come into question, if they really do believe in god. But at the same time if that were true, they wouldn't have ya know, bombed colonies of innocent people (women and children included).


So if they have little to no remorse at all for the sanctity of human life, why not just bum rush us? Send every Centurion style ship they have, including crusisers and just lambaste the hell out of Galactica? I mean in a 1v1, sure Galactica can sometimes hold its own and even drive them back. But as 1.5 worth of seasons has gone by, they've run low on pilots and eventually on Viper Mark II's (unless Chief could rapidly mass produce Blackbirds, in which case they'd still need pilots)


And anyone else wonder, on a somewhat related tangent, they had to stop to resupply water, maybe some food (don't think they got food, cant remember) but so far the Vipers are always stock full of ammo. How long can 1, hell even 2 Battlestars hold out on their ammo? Their still using standard style projectiles which means a limited round clip, not energy based that can recharge over time (though that'd be a damn good idea at this point..).


I'm sure both of those might be addressed at some point in series, hell they might have been already and I just missed it. Lack of sleep gets the nickpicking geek going on in my head ;p

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I would say that if the Cylons did as you have pointed out,

We would not have a series to watch!!!

I mean if they massed enough Troops and did a Kamikaze style attack.

There would be one hell of a battle, but not much left for the script writers to put down on paper..

Let’s just be grateful that they did revive, what was a cracking good Story/Show in the first place.

That’s a good point you have made on the subject of weapons.

I seem to remember that they did have energy based guns in the original series...

Also they have mastered FTL Drive, then why do they still use standard style projectile weapons?

This needs some further thought!!!


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Regarding the weapon question: I believe that 80% of the reason for using 'normal' weapons was $$$. Special effects cost money, and bullets can be shot without any post-processing. Not true of 'energy weapons'.


There's also a distrepancy. In the episode where Helo is first trapped on Caprica, he blows away a few 'toasters' with his hand gun. Later aboard Galactica, they have to use "explosive rounds" to kill them, and only a head shot would do. Later, when on the planet looking for the map room, they kill toasters with standard projectile weapons. I wish they would decide what to do.

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Regarding the weapon question: I believe that 80% of the reason for using 'normal' weapons was $$$. Special effects cost money, and bullets can be shot without any post-processing. Not true of 'energy weapons'.


There's also a distrepancy. In the episode where Helo is first trapped on Caprica, he blows away a few 'toasters' with his hand gun. Later aboard Galactica, they have to use "explosive rounds" to kill them, and only a head shot would do. Later, when on the planet looking for the map room, they kill toasters with standard projectile weapons. I wish they would decide what to do.



I think the answer to that one might be...

The Cylons that boarded Galactica may have been another variant of the centurion model..

After all they did a Kamikaze run and crashed on the flight deck, so maybe those were a more robust type.

It’s just a thought, what do you think?



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Had the Cylons wanted to destroy Galactica and the fleet, they would have done it by now. Their main objective seems to be the fulfillment of that old prophecy. To that end, I think they're willing to do anything, including sacrificing themselves.

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If you're boarding a ship - you want hardier troops. It makes sense that the boarding party were harder to take down.


And as gatefan points out, the cylons have a plan. If they really wanted to destroy Galactica they could have. They have 2 base stars just following them, that's more than enough to blow them to hell but they haven't done that yet.


So why don't they kamikaze? Because they have a plan beyond the mere destruction of the colonial fleet.

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remember they have a plan (christ knows what it is lol).


In the orginal series the cylons did use kamikazee tactics, mainly the landing pods, also they took out the presidents ship when on crashed into the main bridge.


In the new episode they do seem to want the galactica in tact, if you look at there methods of attacking the galactica you will see a pattern in it, they have hardly used nukes against her, I think the only episode that they did hit her was really early on.


They could be playing it cool and allowing the galactica to lead them to earth, is i think they already know what the galactica is up to and where it is trying to take the fleet to, so wouldnt make sense in destroying her,

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to go with the theory that they are fulflling prophecy. They are always head of the humans and are guiding them. The galactica getting to earth is not their main concern. They were on kobol before galctica they could have found the coordinates from sharon2 when she went to the temple. you might think its not possible since she has been on the humans side, but she hav a back door in her. The future of the cylons has something to do with cylon/human baby. they may have acheived intelligence but are rapped in reproduction besides manufacturing.

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