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Star Trek Voyager Movie


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Id think it would FLOP, rather than POP... All they need is some good writers with an imaginative mind and soem sense of the ST universe. Once that falls into place all you need is some decent actors to full it off and bingo. Great Series/movie...

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I'd like that... but would be more interesting after few decades

A next next generation.

Dominion are part of the Feds... Klingons... Romulans and 8472 are allies.

New designed ships.

BORGS have been eradicated.

Now they are trying to break through the galactic barrier... against all the warning.

A good and plot is really what they need but in modern sci fi days ST isn't gonna be able to pull it off well since they rely too much on accidents and stupid plots about anamolies... or characters life and I don't know.

Half the stuff on ST are boring.


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Yeah - a new series would be better - based on a different type of ship - dosn't even have to be a new class - could be an Akira class or....Nebula class - ok no but some new series with a new crew and ship would be good - a movie could open the series

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Actualy i like what bapman said. I know i will probly be chasized for this, but maybe something with another Galaxey..... maybe.. ok forget i said that...


You know, the only quad that hasnt been explored to a full potential is the beta quad. and the Romulans are not going to let the Federation any time soon.

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After slogging through this thread, I'm depressed. The only thing worse than all the name calling and mockery was when my brother-in-law said that Berman should be killed for what he did to ST. I'm actually glad that the more recent posts are tending towards discussions on how to bring back ST. Only thing is, as evident in this thread, they will never be able to do something that pleases everyone. A flat out Action movie won't please all fans and a Charcter based story won't please the action fans. Maybe they had the right idea when Enterprise first started. Take Star Trek out of the title.

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I think it's unlikely they'll take star trek out of the title - it has a tangible benefit on ratings. Some people are going to watch Star Trek: Paint Drying...


I really don't get the obsession with going to newer, further away places. All it's doing is conceding that you haven't got decent writers or good ideas.

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Actualy i like what bapman said. I know i will probly be chasized for this, but maybe something with another Galaxey..... maybe.. ok forget i said that...


You know, the only quad that hasnt been explored to a full potential is the beta quad. and the Romulans are not going to let the Federation any time soon.


I still don't see what's wrong with ANOTHER galaxy !?

The Caretakers are from another Galaxy.

So was V'ger.

Then there was another race from Alpha Centauri.

I mean c'mon... then there's also the old ST legend that some Elder race created the galactic barrier to protect them from some great evil lurking in the void between the galaxies.

Plus... the Ancient aliens who created the "GATES" ST's version of Stargates also left the galaxy.

But... in the current galaxy... its just too conjested.


TOS - Explored Alpha Quadrant

TNG - Explored Beta Quadrant

DS-9 - Explored Gamma [Though most of it is still unexplored]

VOY - Explored Delta and they thoroughly.


Sooo what else it left !?... Gamma again !?

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Space is infinite - human imagination isn't. Go to a whole new place


I don't think that TNG really explored Beta or that Voy thorougly explored Delta...


The obession with new places is just a joke - it's just an excuse to avoid continuity, plot and character development.

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Why not do a movie with TNG, DS9 & Voyager crews together fighting a new threat?


Be more interesting than them all seperate.


An idea for the film could be from that parallel universe that they kept using in TOS & DS9 where the bad feds find a way into invade this universe and take over Cardassia.


Enterprise F (since they pretty much wrecked E) & Voyager lead the task force from DS9 and attempt to drive back the invasion. Then find a way of preventing them returning again.


I think this will make for a movie or maybe a start for a new show.

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