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Section 31


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Howdy everyone!


Lately I've been checking out some of the fan-created Star Trek films and audio books online, and I came across the website for the Section 31 audio files.


Darker Projects: Star Trek - The Section 31 Files


I've been listening to these episodes the past couple of days and I must say that I'm REALLY enjoying them quite a bit. I'm enjoying the storyline and the characters. I'm also really enjoying some of the REALLY humorous jabes and even sci-fi series references that are in some of the episodes. Some have made me bust out laughing out loud! :D


I've also noted some VERY "clever" references that the writers have inserted in some of the episodes, one in particular being towards "20th century pop music" and the year in particular when that came to an end. It's probably a reference only a RUSH fan would pick up on. ;)


So, I'm interested in whether any of you folks have checked these out and what you thought, and if you haven't checked them out yet, I'd say it's worth the download and time to listen to. I'm also happy to notice that the various fan-created shows take into account the OTHER fan-created shows and try to maintain some kind of continuity between them all.


I still think Paramount should just give up on producing any more Star Trek and let the FANS run the show (no pun intended) for a while. The fans seem to be more interested in at least trying to create some interesting shows in the Trek realm without worrying about trying to mostly attract a particular audience that will get them high marketing ratings. The fans only "target" audience is other Star Trek fans, and I for one am grateful they are at least trying to keep the Star Trek universe up and running. I'm glad Trek isn't just on Paramount's shelf collecting dust until they deem it's time to try and make another wad of cash off those Trekie/Treker fans.


It seems that the technology is getting pretty darn good for the fans to produce some really good shows, too. Some I've seen are not much more than fancy "home movies", but then there was "Star Wreck: In The Pirkinning" that had top-notch effects.


Well, I'm rambling WAY off course now. I was just curious what ya'all thought about the Section 31 files, if you've heard them. If you've never heard them, go and check them out. I think it's worth it. :)

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