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Bush moves to quash privacy suit against AT&T


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So far for privacy for US citizens in the US. It seems they can tap you illegally now if it's up to Bush...


The Article



The suit was filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation in January on behalf of AT&T customers. It accuses the telecommunications company of giving the National Security Agency access to its voice and data network and its databases of records of customers' calls and e-mails to help the agency's recently disclosed surveillance program.


President Bush has said that shortly after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, he authorized the agency to intercept phone calls and e-mails between U.S. residents and terror suspects abroad without court approval. A 1978 law, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, requires the government to obtain a warrant from a court in a secret session for such surveillance, but Bush maintains he has the constitutional authority to override the law.


"It appears the NSA is capable of conducting what amounts to vacuum-cleaner surveillance of all the data crossing the Internet, whether that be people's e-mail, Web surfing or other data,'' Mark Klein, a former AT&T technician, said in a statement released by his lawyers.


Justice Department lawyers did not specify how the case would endanger national security.



Bush maintains he has the constitutional authority to override the law.


You guys (whoever you are) surely voted a nice president into office....

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