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DRM under scrutiny in the UK!


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Finally some people are starting to realise that the current DRM-route is not in society's best interest. The All Party Parliamentary Internet Group in the UK has released a report about things that should be reviewed and considered where DRM is involved.


The MPs' report made several recommendations and called on the Office of Fair Trading hasten the introduction of labelling regulations that would let people know what they can do with music and movies they buy online or offline.




The report also called for the makers of DRM systems to be made aware of the consequences of using aggressive copy protection systems.




Suw Charman, executive director of the Open Rights Group which campaigns on digital rights issues, said the organisation was pleased that the MPs had made a series of "sensible recommendations".


But, she added, the group could have gone further to combat the ways that copy protection systems impinge on rights to use copyrighted material protected by law.


For instance, she said, UK law allows people to make copies of parts of copyrighted works for the purposes of critiquing or reviewing them.


"That's an exemption thwarted by DRM systems," she said. "The technologies are extending beyond the law they are supposed to uphold."



Here you can find the original BBC newsarticle



Here you can find the original report in PDF format



So the UK seems to be waking up, now lets hope the rest of the world follows...

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