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wow th3l14r is a pathethic sad excuse of a person. hackers can go rot.


To put it mildly


I mean as if Nite doesn't have enough problems without all this crap


Apart from the forums titles - the only other damage i can see is that the Gaming forum and the Video and Audio forum has been swapped around... :stare:

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Hahaha, I think it is kind of funny really. :)


I'd rather have it hacked like this than have it deleted again.


Anyway, I'd still prefer if it weren't hacked at all. I think it's safe to say we have a vulnarability in the forum. :p


Oh, has anybody else seen this guy's other magic trick?


(hint: look at NiteShdw's av....)



Who knows what else he might have left behind.... It's weird having someone mess with everything...

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Wnen the forum was down and I was trying to login I'd occasionally get to a page that looked like it was some kind of forum software upgrade page. If it was indeed what it looked like then it would suggest that there is some kind of major security issue at hand.


Did anyone else get direcetd to this page?

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That's just what a hacker that stole c4evap's password and was now impersonating her would say!

LOL. Actually, I think whomever it was did screw with a few accounts. My avatar disappeared and I've heard Nite's avatar was replaced. Everythnig seems to be wroking again but the forum just looks too freakin' strange. Weird!


c4 B)

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That's why you should never use the same password for every account. I have mine written on a piece shred of starfleet cloth wrapped around a batleth blade, shoved up gowrons a.... where no one will want to go for it.


That's why his eyeballs are falling out.

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