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when does a nuclear power station become a military installation?


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"That's an easy one - when the Israelis decide to bomb it." Quoth Rory Bremner.


It's a good point though, generally - most nuclear power plants can, given the right refining facilities, produce weapons grade material.


And the right to nuclear power is a right under some UN convention or other. Right?


Not hard to understand why they're annoyed, really. The USA supported Saddam, overthrew the democractic Iran government and trained Osama...


Surprising they're not happy to have them try to solve it.


Joking aside. This is the problem with democracy... actually, no. It's just humans in general. Short sightedness.


Should I get back to the point? Yes. Let's not piss on people getting nuclear power just because we don't like them, eh?

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I'm not sure whether you're talking about Iran or North Korea or both.


Its a difficult one. Ideally, no one should have nukes, but you really don't want these countries having nuclear power, seeing as they might actually be nutty enough to use it offencively.


Ulltimately the mutually assured destruction thesis still applies, but there are worrying examples of states commiting virtual suicide. Look at the Taliban, they refused to hand over Osama and through doing so invited their regime to be destroyed (Yes, I know it looks like it wasn't) but the point still stands, if countries can volunteer themselves to be destroyed like this, it seems feasible that countries may be willing to use nuclear weapons regardless of the concequences.


Of course the real threat is the old 'rouge nukes' like all the ones the soviet scientists probably packed into their suitcases, along with their favourite mugs and pens when they went home after it seemed that the USSR was about to collapse. Its because of these that you will wake up one day to find have obliterated some major western city, and no-one's very happy except Tom Clancy, whose been given a field commission as 'honourary global terrorism expert.' The idea of rather weak and unstable regimes being able to create nukes just makes this more and more likely, I mean, North Korea will eventually collapse, through being so disfunctional and isolated, whats going to happen to any nuclear weapons they may or may not have then?

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Guest c4evap

I believe North Korea will sell nuclear weapons to terrorists. I also believe Iran would launch them at us (why not, you die because the USA strikes back but you go to heaven and get rewarded with...what is it? 40 virgins?).


We've all seen those characters in the movies...dirty, dressed in torn clothes holding up the sign that says "The end is near ...repent". Not so funny anymore I think!


I haven't been this scared since they made us watch those "duck and cover" instructional movies in grade school!


EDIT: Tenebrae, why did you post this subject in Mos Eisley Spaceport? This is certainly a subject worthy of Ten Forward...


c4 :(

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I have some of them, 'duck and QUACK! cover.' Were they still showing them when you were at school? I can't imagine anything that would be more likey to drive one to habitual drug abuse, at least it would give you an excuse, rather than the modern youth, we all find ourselves claiming that its what our parents did, rebel against our parents' rebelious instincts, and become straight laced, only for the cycle to repeat itself....


The funniest thing about those films was that they suggested that there was some kind of pragmatic way of dealing with being in the epicentre of a nuclear explosion, whereas the actual state of things was that, if you were in a city you'd probably be wiped out instantly, whereas if you weren't you'd stand a good chance, of course if this was admitted then society would have collapsed as people would have emigrated out of the cities.


It would be interesting, no longer would cheap products say 'made in Taiwan,' they'd say 'made in North Korea.' I think this explains why this is in the 'Mos Eisley' category. I'm still confused as to why there is the Mos Eisly forum and the morror Universe one, they seen to have exactly the same material, maybe I'm missing the subtle nuances....

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I believe North Korea will sell nuclear weapons to terrorists. I also believe Iran would launch them at us (why not, you die because the USA strikes back but you go to heaven and get rewarded with...what is it? 40 virgins?).


We've all seen those characters in the movies...dirty, dressed in torn clothes holding up the sign that says "The end is near ...repent". Not so funny anymore I think!


I haven't been this scared since they made us watch those "duck and cover" instructional movies in grade school!


EDIT: Tenebrae, why did you post this subject in Mos Eisley Spaceport? This is certainly a subject worthy of Ten Forward...


c4 :(


wot have you got to be sacared of??? you guys got 2 big oceans either side of you... lol



pleanty of time time to shoot em down..... :)

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...and if just a few get by our defense net...well, that's enough. Then we launch, and then somebody else launches, and...well, you get the picture. Yes. I'm scared and I believe with good reason!


c4 :(

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the key word there is..'then we launch' ......lol


why should you launch in retaliation????

why don't you take these ppl to court & get for war crimes???


yes yes back to the same old, one law you & none for me cuz i'm the super power lol....


you think if china bombed india, america wouldn't try & stop india from responding??lol

my point exactly!!


and nobody has enough nuclear weapons that america can't shoot down...lol....


look at iran & north korea... they haven't even got 5 between them and america is eyeing 'em up...lol



really you should be more worried about when the oil runs out!!! lol....

nooooo howw are we gonna to the shopping..lol... (<-- k, bad joke..!!!)




c4... the cold war is over!!! you can sleep with ease... lol

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