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A Loser Says "Lost"?


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Now this is going to be a spoiler heavy post, so if you're an idiot and haven't worked out a thread about Lost COULD POSSIBLY CONTAIN SPOILERS... I suppose, if you haven't seen everything upto the end of season two, might be a time to look away.


Anyway, now we can talk frankly because it's just us cool kids who smoke behind school et al.


I'll give Lost credit. It had something going for a while. Oh sure, people stuck on a desert island may have - despire facial hair - remained well fed, well groomed and something.

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I just get the impression that it's going to go on and on and then it'll all be rather disappointing.


To be honest, season 2 was a real snorefest with more yawns than thrills. The last episode at least gave some action and direction but there you go.


It just feels like the writers have worked out this is their meal ticket for the next 4-5 years and so, they're happy to draw things out FOR EVER.

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The flashbacks were incorperated in the developmental stage to prevent the show from being too limited by its environment.


Of course it turned out that the environment was enough to provide plenty of fun and it was the flashbacks that became a little tedious.


They do lead to the present and past scenes pretty much trivialising each other. Much like the way shows develop into throwaway episodic a/b plot formulas.


The problem is that the flashbacks become more tedious the more is known about each character but if they were abandoned altogehter it would be a sign of weakness and damaging to the foundations of the show.


By far the best solution is to sideline the flashback scenes to 6 or 7 minutes except on episodes that really have something to say about a character's past.


Of course the flashbacks to earlier events on the island can work really well, like the one about Desmond or the one about the tail end of the plain survivors.


Importantly, I believe that the conclusion to the first season cliffhanger was generally unpopular and there has been a significant decline in ratings in season 2. Which is probably good news in that it means the writers will pull their act together rather than being decedant.

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Now, to make things worse, the losers killed Mr. Eko.



Man, if they keep pulling this sort of crap, they will end up killing a good show.



In all seriousness the shows killing itself, the flashbacks have gone way-way off from the point of the airport where they all seemed to stem from, and there's also some pretty childish writing going on eg someone has a flashback of something that they done that was bad, it haunts them on the island, they have some form of revelation (normally involving someone getting hurt or dead) and all is right with the world

Im only really talking about the episode with sawyer locked in the cage and how he ratted out someone in jail to get his sentence cut

it's just silly

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I saw the first episode of season 3 and thought to myself...


Wait, this is JUST what happened at the start of season 2 in essence. We found ourselves in a new locale but with no real answers.


And yeah, the flashbacks are killing the show. I mean, unless we get some for the new people (like in season 2) and even then, it just feels like a really lazy way to develop a character.


Imagine if I wrote a story where instead of communicating a character's flaws by interaction, I just flashback to when they found out their spouse was cheating on them, etc. Sloppy.

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