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The Chief vs The Chief


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It's time for the idiocy of vs. topics to penetrate the Galactica subforum... but I wouldn't do it if I didn't think it was interesting enough! 


Who would win in fight:  Miles from Deep Space Nine, Or Galen from the new Galactica series?  There are no rules.  The location?  The Galactica boxing ring from the recent season 3 episode that used it.  The crowd would include people from both shows.


I would encourage people to point out the differences and similarities between the two characters.  IMHO there is a lot of material to cover in that area.  That was originally the purpose of this topic but I thought it would be more interesting to have it take the form of a vs. topic.  Essentially I want people to engage in that sort of side-discussion.


Edit:  The poll is set up so that you can change your vote at any time.

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Tablet:  Before the blood wine.  ;)


Hilander:  They are both 'stout' individuals, so betting on the "big guy" wouldn't really be applicable here.


Some of the similarities:


Both "The Chief"

Both Mechanics/repair guys

Both on the chubby side

Both well respected for their talents

Both married to small women who are surprisingly tenacious at times, and have a kid by them

Both have reluctantly been thrown into nasty situations with warfare and have had to do uncharacteristic things to cope

Both have a nasty angry side you don't want to see


Did I miss anything?  What about the differences?


Tenebrae:  Dude, that's low... but you forgot to add old men.  Hahaha

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Hilander:  They are both 'stout' individuals, so betting on the "big guy" wouldn't really be applicable here.

I know (now that I checked) and there's another similarity. They're both 5'11" and Tyrol got a 5lbs weight advantage (but that can vary if that's measured before or after a christmas dinner :D).


Damn it he's on Battlestar and that counts a lot. That's why Tyrol will win. :o


I haven't seen BSG so i don't know who 'Galen' is. So obviously it wouldn't be right of me to vote for Miles since i don't know who his opponent is. Natrually i had to vote for the only 'fair' option  ;)

Some day you'll regret that... (not seeing Battlestar)
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I haven't seen BSG so i don't know who 'Galen' is. So obviously it wouldn't be right of me to vote for Miles since i don't know who his opponent is. Natrually i had to vote for the only 'fair' option  ;)

Some day you'll regret that... (not seeing Battlestar)


Oh i do. I'd love to watch Battlestar Galactica. Unfortuanatly i'm watching other shows at the moment and don't really have the time. Some time soon i'll get around to BSG :)

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Hilander:  They are both 'stout' individuals, so betting on the "big guy" wouldn't really be applicable here.

I know (now that I checked) and there's another similarity. They're both 5'11" and Tyrol got a 5lbs weight advantage (but that can vary if that's measured before or after a christmas dinner :D).


Damn it he's on Battlestar and that counts a lot. That's why Tyrol will win. :o


I haven't seen BSG so i don't know who 'Galen' is. So obviously it wouldn't be right of me to vote for Miles since i don't know who his opponent is. Natrually i had to vote for the only 'fair' option  ;)

Some day you'll regret that... (not seeing Battlestar)


However, has anyone got in a fight with a drunken Irish guy - the rules suddenly become very much one sided, and a lot like fighting Pikeys (Irish Gypsies - see the film Snatch)


Have to go with O'Brien  :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would go for O'brien, he is a vicious brute of a man who, is fitter than Tyrol and as such has less of a fat to muscle ratio.


The Irish have produced some of the greatest boxers ever and they usually look like they would be easy to beat, Barry Mcguigan springs immediately to mind. A 5 lb advantage to Tyrol would be a disadvantage O'brien will literally run rings around him.


However Seeing as this is a BSG forum thread and the story would be written by the BSG team then 'Tynol Tyrol' would be putting O'brien into the land of Nod.

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I would go for O'brien, he is a vicious brute of a man who, is fitter than Tyrol and as such has less of a fat to muscle ratio.


The Irish have produced some of the greatest boxers ever and they usually look like they would be easy to beat, Barry Mcguigan springs immediately to mind. A 5 lb advantage to Tyrol would be a disadvantage O'brien will literally run rings around him.


However Seeing as this is a BSG forum thread and the story would be written by the BSG team then 'Tynol Tyrol' would be putting O'brien into the land of Nod.


Except that Moore has always liked characters/men like O'Brien, how do you think we have Tyrol?? He is pretty much the Chief, except O'Brien was here first

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