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End of the first season/series thoughts?

Guest Mrthumps

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Guest Mrthumps

So, now that the first season/series/whatever you call it is now done, what did everyone think of Torchwood as a whole? Did you like it? Did you hate it?  Would you like to see more of it?


Be warned, be ready to back up and discuss your claims if you're questioned on them especially if someone disagrees with you.


Also, goes without saying but beware of spoilers too.

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It's not bad.  I had some misgivings when episode 2, and they REALLY overemphasized the sex thing... but it's was a good season.  It's highs more than make up for it's lows, even though some of those lows were pretty deep.  (i.e. EPISODE 2!)


The last episode makes me VERY curious about the next season of Doctor Who... will Jack be showing up near the end, or near the beginning...?  Will Jack NOT show up in Doctor Who proper, but the Doctor show up at the start of season 2 of Torchwood?  Lots of questions...


Honestly, I'm pretty sure that the Doctor won't be showing up in Torchwood.  They've done a great job keeping their scopes relatively separate, so I doubt they'll mess it up by having the Doctor do an explicit cameo.  Well... full body cameo, at least. ;)

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Sex Alien, Cyberwoman, Countrycide... I think that those three episodes were probably blessings in disguise because they were so bad that they made the show more memorable.


To say the show was hit and miss would - in my weighty opinion - be too generous. Contrary to what you might believe, I did actually have some hope for this show... but it just felt so limited, low budget and... well, rubbish.


I'll concede that they managed to give us some of that patented "foreshadowing" but it was a trifle abrupt.


Not only that but it was perfectly clear that pretty much every single person - including Jack, although he was the least bad - had inherent personality flaws that should probably have precluded them from anything more dangerous than stacking shelves. They exhibited an inability to follow orders, tell the truth, put the interests of the team first. The list goes on and on. Owen especially should have been summarily executed a number of times for down right mutiny and having about as much cognitive ability as a spanner, what the hell did he bring to the team anyway? Oh yeah, weevils were scared of him... I'm well aware that it's SoP for this type of show have people disobey orders etc. for the common good and get ne'er a slap on the wrist but come on, Torchwood made it laughable.


"How's it going Ianto?"


"Fine thanks - I've got another murdering cyberbitch down in the basement, waiting to slaughter us all next season you know."


"Good for you Ianto!"


Let's not forget the fact that at arbitrary points, people went gay. What the HELL was up with that? Specifically in Episode 12, it would just be unimaginable for a man to kiss another man in public as happened and it was totally pointless anyway. As pointless as it was gratuitous - which was, very much the nature of most of the sexual content in the show. They actually seemed to be pretty light on the violence after showing a guy getting gored to death by a Weevil. Except for all the people that got shot in the face.


All in all, it was just very lacklustre - I don't think there was a single episode that didn't suffer problems with pacing, generally that little would happen for the first half of the episode except we'd find ourselves seeing a lot of shots of Cardiff. There was an almost constant need for drama to be supplied by hideous overacting - had they all graduated from the Avery Brooks school of shouty acting? - or painful obvious "emotional" music to hammer home points. The fact that the characters seemed to frequently act so poorly as a team... and that Torchwood itself felt like it was operating on a budget that might have been better suited to a school play than a shadow government type organisation... I could go on.


But you've heard me be a negative nancy quite long enough. I'm not so hopeful about the second outing... but maybe they'll learn from their mistakes, eh?

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it was good in general but it overall didnt live up to my expectations the fight club with weevils episode was bad but the other episodes were really good imo. I liked countrycide it had a spooky feel to it and although some aspects of it were predictable (the police being involved was the big one for me) it did keep me guessing until the end. the fairy episode was great.


I liked all of them really and would give the whole series a 7/10


Plenty of room to get it better for the next series i just hope they do.

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Very mixed. Some good episodes. I too thought the gay element was too forced, it spoiled the final episode as it made it less believable. It may have been a scene that in modern day would have gone unnoticed, but surely not in the 1940's. Mind you on another forum people have commented it did go on, just a pity it was done without explanation especially if its not modern day common knowledge.


Cyberwoman was strange - you nearly killed us all Yanto, but be let off with a frown, after all living with losing your girlfriend is punishment enough. It seems that TW is a collection of people who'll stick together rather than an organisation. They have the mind wipe device if people leave, but will they ever be asked to? If Suzie hadn't killed herself would she still be there having just had a wrist slapped for shooting Jack? A bit like Owen did.


From DW it would appear the TW is supposed to be a big secret organisation with links in government, a monopoly on alien artifacts, unlimited funding that can jump to the defense of the UK e.g. with the big laser beam weapon. Yet the TW series its a small team who just have enough clout to be able to worm their way in on out in the field investigations. Surely it should be bigger even if its just referenced as such (I think it is as there have been lines stating other bases, but was that simply to answer this type of question popping up?)


Eve plays Gwen nicely, though surely she was to be in TW to allow it a more interaction with the public and local law authorities, but that seemed rarely to be used.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought i was  quiet good  just needed a better writer rather than a 'poofter'

thats not derogatory<- cannot spell that

gay is ok for gays but most of us are straight (I hope) so seeing two men snogging is not really on, on what ought to be a mainstream show

after all everyone in the house comes down to watch it on the big telly

fortunately in this house they are all 'grownup'

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  • 2 months later...

I think the fact that it's on so late makes that point. My parents didn't even let me watch episode 2!


Trust me... you didn't miss a whole lot.  It was one of the corniest episodes of the season, and a direct rip-off of an episode from the newer Outer Limits series (which was, itself, the epitome of corny at times.)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have recently finished my run of Torchwood. I must say - i was impressed! It was much better than i originally thought it would be. At first, i was discouraged from the whole 'for-adults' theme, but that's really only a small part of it. The first few episodes are quite weak, but the story really develops as the series progresses.


The season cliffhanger was just fantastic, and i'm glad they kept linking back to Doctor Who. Here's to season 2! :)

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  • 3 months later...

Just finished series 1.  Pretty horrible.  Several eps actually put me to sleep.  The only episode I really liked was "Random Shoes."  Reminded me of "Love and Monsters" from new DoctorWho series 2.  Otherwise generally poor writing and questionable casting.


I enjoyed the cursing, however.  Some creative use of the f-word.  And if you're a fan of my posts, you know I like creative swears.

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BBC America is just starting the first season so I'm only up to Ep. 2. So far, it's interesting and the rampant kissing(snogging) and sex don't seem to ruin it. Maybe, it's edited? The Torchwood group is a lot smaller since the aliens destroyed so much of it during the Doctor Who series. That really surprised me a bit. Jack runs the branch we see in the new series and he seems a tiny bit calmer than in DW.


I can see where adults who grew up with Doctor Who but have adult tastes can enjoy it.

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