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Stargate SG-1 10x18 [Family Ties]


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Discuss the latest episode of SG-1 10x18 [Family Ties]


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[spoiler=Brief synopsis]SG-1 hatches an elaborate plan to try and capture Adria, using Vala as bait.


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The last seen raised a smile from me but other than that, I've had bouts of cancer that have been more enjoyable. If you want a method of time dilation that doesn't require travel near the speed of light, use this episode because it seemed to go on for a lot longer than the regular 42 minutes.


It felt more like an episode out of some second rate, straight to TV film about an estranged daughter and her conman father trying to reconcile than an episode of Stargate. It's enough to make you think that Sci-fi have developed a means to tap the antipathy of their viewers as some kind of energy source. There really was nothing to recommend this episode.

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Unfortunatly i have to agree with most of you points ten, the scripting was sloppy to say the least (i was predicting peoples reponses before they said them...and getting them right) a huge amount of time passed again without reason, they could have easily said a few days and it would have worked. Vala had the potential to be a great character, like in season 8 why she took over the promethius, we knew nothing about her she was a live fast die young kind of person shrouded in mystery but like everything now that she's a main character they've softened her up into a big ball of cookie dough.


Filler episode


nothing more

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I rated the episode 'Not great'


For all its faults, it was funny. To be honest, i sort of phased out and went back to surfing the internet through the episode. It was just too much of a filler episode, especially for the 3 of the season.


It did have some funny moments. Teal'c in the final scene, Vala's dad trying to sell the lead and packaging to the dumb trader at the end, and some funny Vala chat.


I really hope the next two episodes improve.

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because there are only 3 episodes left, so they wanted to make them as cool as possible - the name is about the coolest thing in this episode.


In fact - i see the problem. I think Gateworld have mixed up another episode. This weeks episode should be called 'Family Ties'.... ::)

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Hey, let the torture go on! ;) Anyway, this episode was really dull! Certainly, the worst filler so far... They're paying too much attention to Vala and Mitchell. I know Carter, Jackson and Teal'c have had their own eps lately, but even so it feels like SG-1 has been hijacked by those two. Vala's dad? Jeez... IMHO, the only reason this ep hasn't become another Irresistible/Irresponsible is because the actor who performed Vala's dad is not a moron.


BTW, I was taking a look at GW Forum and someone noticed a dig at Sci Fi in this ep:


Vala's Dad: I'm a bit dissapointed at this facility, I was expecting more

Carter: Well at times so do we, the truth is the Stargate program doesn't get the support it used to from the people in charge

Vala's Dad: Why not?

(Tech guy forget his name) [Discovers something]: Eureka!

Vala's Dad: Thats too bad 'cause after your stargate program has acomplished for this network - of planets, I would think the decision makers would show it the respect it deserves.

Carter: ...Yea...


I must confess I didn't notice it, but then again, the ep was so boring I probably missed a lot of other stuff too. Eureka! ;D

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