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Fathers and Star Trek?


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Weird question maybe, but I was just watching some show extras and I heard a lot of the actors say their fathers loved Star Trek and they watched episodes as a family activity. This got me thinking, since my own father hates Star Trek and all other scifi in general too.


So, how's things on your end?

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He'd generally go on about how dreadful the stories were on account of making so many episodes a year (not entirely ill founded) at the same time as taunting me for not being a bookworm. That said he still thought the Borg were quite impressive (circa 1990 UK terrestrial catching up 4-5 years later.)


I would proceed to agree with everything he said blindly whilst proceeding to devour anything Trek related until I discovered Nintendo 64, narcotics and the ability to fail to attract women some years later.


Oh yeh, he also found it quite amusing the way I'd mispronounce 'Deforest Kelley' as 'Defrost Kelley.' One weekend returning from holiday after I discovered to my dismay that the VCR had failed to tape Star Trek V due to my father not accounting for daylight savings, we proceeded to rent Star Trek VI as I'd heard it was superior.


As Kirk and McCoy were struggling across the frozen plains of Rura Penthe and Bones fell to the ground, he pointed and shouted:


  'Look! They've got to Defrost Kelley!'

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I'm the black sheep of the family when it comes to science fiction, especially Star Trek. No one in my family likes it. Being from a southern state in America, my family tends to like the more rural based television. NASCAR races, reruns of Walker Texas Ranger, etc None of them like Trek in any shape or form, or science fiction in general.


Though, the mini series "Taken" that was on NBC/Scifi a few years back was well liked by my mother. She never likes such science fiction, but she enjoyed both the mini series aspect (a complete story wrapped up in a short time, in this case I believe it was 2 weeks) and how the story evolved over several generations of a family (the story is about alien visitation on Earth, dating back to Roswell to current times).


Past that, yea none of them like science fiction. I've tried to get them onto more "tamer" stuff like Lost etc but even that they don't follow. They just stick to more local ethnic stuff. Being in the bible belt of the south, for Baptists, it's almost a requirement for them to watch stuff like Seventh Heaven or Touched By An Angel. While I'm sure both were good shows in their own right within their own genre, it's just stuff so far from the science fiction genre ya know?


Myself, I can't live without science fiction, especially Trek. While I have said Heroes is the new up and comer that's probably the successor to Trek as my favorite show, Trek is where it started. I was born in 81', when I was around 10 or 11 I started watching TNG which was in it's fourth or so season by the time (I caught plenty of reruns). I was hooked from then on out. I grew up with just my mom from the age of 13 so Trek was an escape from life. Wasn't the popular kid in school, wasn't exceptionally smart or anything.


But stuff like Trek was always there. In the 90's, you name it I saw it. Alien Nation, Trek, Buffy, X-Files, etc Some shows I did get into later in life with the dawn of the Internet (ones that I never got into cause there were no reruns in my area). I followed DS9 as I could but missed a lot of it. I watched Voyager from start to finish in the 90's/00's and Enterprise as well.

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All my family hate Star Trek as do all my friends. My dads more of a fan of vintage SC-FI that would include the original Flash Gordon and the Rocketeer (if thats his name!). My Aunt likes Dr Who, but I despise the show!


One day when I am "the daddy", we shall be watching Star Trek in my household!  ;)



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Humm my dad used to like TOS, he used to make an effort of it when it originally aired, i wasn't born then, but when they showed the re runs.. we watched them, yeah kinda grew up with sci-fi... only bits of it like TOS, planet of the apes , star wars... but i liked kung-fu better!!! :P


i rem when the started airing TNG and it was like OOOooooOOOOooooOOoo (i was living in vancover then so we got it new i think ???).... due to the lack of kung-fu... sci-fi addiction flurished....


well exclusive TNG/sts.....



then the dawn of the internet and i've been getting my hand on any good sci-fi, many best recomendation through this site .. lol....




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