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Church of the Pharc Tehn Fahr - Stellar Voyage guide for the 21st century - 2of2


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[glow=red,2,300]Star Fleet un-official Intelligence de-classified materials

<Section 31.77> Temporal Investigations Maqui Division



Star  Trekker's - Beyond body quadrant - a guide for ‘real world’

stellar trekking for the 21st century.


For  ‘real world’  sidereal travellers  of the  milky way  - rev.

00179.31 alpha –


Dedicated  to all  the Trekkers  and Trekkies  belivers fans  and

series watchers around the world...


by dr. strekge <doctor_strekge@yahoo.com>


11-There  are a  lot of  worlds  like this  with humanities,  any

planet  that  seems  with  the  best  telescopes  a  desert  and

inhabitable in  the 3rd dimensional  plane can be vastly populated

in  other  parallel  universes  upper  or lower  to  the  one  we

currently inhabit. Human genetic  genome is  in the middle of two

layers  or different realities one is this cellular world and the

other is the molecular world, both parallel realities are similar

universe but analogue. to travel to mars  or  venus, you  can  go

using  many  different  vehicles or  parallels  embodiments  each

one  according  to  a  different manistation,  those  corses  are

possible  to  be builded  from scratch or  enhanced, that are the

celestial corpses,  let's say the  fusion reaction of our internal

warp  core  can  elaborate  them.  The  natural  process  when

dreaming  makes  posibble to break  the light velocity for anyone

F.T.L. (faster than light physical embodiment separation speed).


Begin  practicing trying to sleep the body but not your attention

capability,  your  consciousness  your awareness.  you  may  fall

asleep,  don't worry,  try again  when your  tired and  need some

rest  is better,  cause the  physical  body requires  a rest  and

your  anti-body needs  a rest  too  so it  beams up  to the  next

parallel universe or  reality layer. our mental projections keeps

us  dreaming  or  projecting  images  according  to  our  sub-

conciousness state, the inner universe express  itself  in shapes

we  could  understand  or  desciphrate,  but  with  conciouss  or

regular  meditation,  we  can  avoid these  and  have  lapsus  of

conciousness,  the separation moment is an extasy or fusion point

is  warp  ten, we  can go  everywhere but  we go  where we can go

because  of our  starship  state. the  bodies  more spiritual  or

more manuevarable in less-condensed layers goes faster and can go

where others may not.


12-There  are  many commercial  books  or  bad writers  that  are

against all idea that goes beyond "linear  time", that  ideas that

give  us  possibility to  seriously study the  new physics of new

multi-universe  parallels to  this,  because beyond  time is  the

eternal  or  other  universe  that  will  make  us  question  our

current beliefs and  concepts, remember there  is a the wheel that

makes  immense  profits  for  few  ones,  so  they  continue

sustaining  absurds and  partializing  science, religion,  social

systems;  govern  ways,  commerce,  industry  technology,  and

politics  and accomodating  this thinking  and even  imposing it,

that's  the  same history  to every human  planet that has falled

back to  pre-warp technology, or are  barbaric, the atomic bomb is

too  barbaric for  humanities that  are ages  beyond us.  imagine

the  lords  or earth's gold  and wars  trying to conquer the gold

and  make  inter stellar  wars, that  never will  be so until the

public  first  contact  the  spacial  effort  is  going  to  fail

again  and  again,  the  non-sense  space  exploration  or  the

anarchy is not well sighted for the "Gods of the Prophets".


13-A  true  and exact way  to know  what really happen, why, when

and how is learn to  relax the body and then learn to concentrate,

because  past  and future  "waves" also can  be retrieved or read

for  any receptive  and well  prepared mind.  sleep your  body...

that’s  your  ‘escape pod’  trigger, remember praying honestly is

not  a non-sense there  are laws that allow or deny to go to that

places, you are a microcosm but to enter or to open that transwarp

gate  there  has to  be  a  scalled  link  or synthony  from  the

macrouniverse to  the microuniverse.  The other  way is capturing

past-television  waves  to  a  device  like  a  tv-receptor,

probabbly  it will  be the  discovery of  this new  milenium. all

theories  and  materialistic science  dogmas as we currently know

will fall into dust then.


14-The  first  contact  is  already  made  but  before  2500  and

before  the  collapse  of  the  actual  continents  for  the

translation  of  earth axis  movement, but after  a 3rd world war

(that  sadly  and  needless  to say  always  appear  in  ancients

and  modern  predictions and  text as  inevitable) the world will

be  visited  openly and  helped by these  human older brothers of

human  kind, let’s  just say for now that their ‘prime directive’

doesn’t  let them  interfere with some successes that must happen

before  they arrive,  this time not to hide from humanity but all

this will be in time not so far to come.


15-They  are not  deformed or  monsters  as the  yellow news  and

the  film  industry paint  them on this  world, the multiple ugly

faces (Ferengi, Cardassian, Klingon,  represent different monsters

or  inner  values or  anti-values  or  psychological mistaken  or

well  focused energies  principles that are present in these more

advanced  humanities in a full or semi-full developed state, they

are  devotedly  and peacefully ruled  by the same ‘universal law’

that  applies  for all  humankinds  in  this  galaxy and  in  the

unverse according  to their own  nature or inner development. they

are plenty of science-faith. they walk within the “the gods of the

prophets designs”.


16-For  more about real  star trekking in the 20-21 centuries  on

planet earth, read about jorge adamski,  his  books and works, “I

was  in venus”  another  good  book of  a  true  normal guy  that

doesn’t  want to  make a  fortune from  what happen  to him,  but

tell  their story  for the  good of  whole humankind,  and madame

blavatsky Novel of Jani people of mystery, study the mysteries of

the  ancient  cultures,  like  the  hinayana  buddhism,  the

disappearance of  mayan temples  and people, the inter-dimensional

gate of triangle of the bermudes, the old lamaic history, and many

other  cultures,  and  amazin  things, the  world  is  plenty  of

marvels  and beings  that  we  can´t see  just  using our  three-

dimensional  senses,  and  go  to  the  remote  past  where  this

modern  earth history  has no  record, the  lost continents,  the

origins  of the humanity are certainly too ancient.  the “god’s of

the  prophets”  bring this world  from the  upper to the lower as

the most  wise on  earth said once “As above,  so below”. nothing

comes  from  nothing it was  already before  you could be able to

see the sun with your eyes or imagined the concept or the idea or

your  invention, somethings of this age have also emerged from the

lower  dimensions and  grabbed to  this reality  too wich  is the

reverse process of the highly developed humanities.


17-There  is a  common pattern in all  this universal puzzle, the

same  science-faith  principles  but maybe  in  different  shapes

makes  possible  to any  humanity  that  comes  to the  plain  of

existence  the guessing  of the  realism of  stellar voyages:  As

you  have  seen, is  the  opposite  to  the approach  of  current

materialistic  sciece  spacial efforts  which has much more sense

than our  trek fictional universe,  but shadow are telling us of a

light,  The un-continuous  movement would  be the  death for  the

universe,  science  can´t be  separeted from faith, this universe

shall  be until  the “gods of the  prophets” close their eyes  and

the  night  after a  cosmic day begins  again. The unfamous “Big-

Bang” theory is  more Bang- Big, the analogue. many times the same

reverse  ideas or  conceptions give us the proper anti-thesis but

the  two  of them give  us a more  certainty to finally reach the

synthesis,  the scientific  world thinks has reason to think that

way,  like galileo  versus  the  un-understood dogma  inflections

mysteries or  the behind poetry wisdom  they wer up to. both were

reasonable  or of  faith in  their  respective ways  but one  was

for  faith  and  the  other  for  science,  the  emanation  and

reabsorbing  of  life  manifestation  or  condensations  of  this

unique  common  element of  all things,  let’s call it “unsighted

light” is capable  of travel by itself and divide or reproduce and

continue moving, and is not well known why this things occur  and

less  well  understood for  today science,  also is magnetism and

electricity  but we now are able to use them in certain useful or

destructive ways.


18-Robots  of  these advanced  humanities  are  the Roswell  they

caught,  the military  and the  actual governments  are seen  for

these  intelligent beings  like they  were mere  cannibals always

greedy  of  land and  gold  and  the flesh  of  man  or at  least

that  reflex this  modern civilization  nowadays. Of  course they

shall  not  want casinos  drugs and porn  and alcohol and nuclear

bombs  on  their  planets,  neither the  political  tyrants  that

promote such absurd ways as freedom, they are  not like  us,  they

are  like  we  could become,  and  the selfishness  and  proud of

the  intellectual minds  of this  age is  blinding them,  full of

pretension, these  terrestrials don’t believe  in  other humanoid

race  better  than  they are.  They  this  people of  this  higher

developed  humanities  really have  piety for  our internal state,

they are  full of mercy for everyone of  us and  one day they will

come  and will  teach us  too, and  they will  show us,  and they

will take us to their home worlds,  not all but the enough to safe

or  earth's humanity,  but  it  is has  been  possible always  to

travel  and  meet with  other beings but  this living systems and

education  have forgotten  completely  the anti-body  anti-matter

nature  of  man, it's second  nature. However  if we clean up our

selves  from inner  slavery of mind and spirit and fears. fear is

the  ‘my  self’  mihi-ego  in latin,  mihi-ego,  the  word  miedo

(meh-eh-do) (as  in do-minion) from  spanish  is a  more accurate

translation,  mihi-ego  produce  wars  and  suffering.  it  wants

always  to  be someone to be  great, recognized, but the being of

our selves just wants to be, the mystery of humanoid life and dead

is  like we  have to cease to exist  in this way to born in a new

way,  we  may  have  to  die, but  their  son  or  “proto  light"

prolongation  would  be like the prophets  in the way of not only

linear  time  beings  or  always  ruled in  this  manner  by  4th

dimensional  and  third dimensional  barriers as  occurs to us as

being mortals, this being is us but also a father-mother principle

that  is  really us  and fulfil  us as sons  of this universe and

beyond. We have to erradicate the anti-values from selfishness and

greed, from hate and wrath. these can't be  erradicated  from our

nature,  faithscience  it's  not  imposibble  to  transform  or

repolarize pasive  energies  into  active  or  constructive  ones.

We  don’t  need  new  dogmas  but  real  understanding  and

cooperation, not competence, that’s  not the most intelligent  way

to proceed for humankind inhabited worlds. So this type of super-

humanities, have already the greatest and paradisiacal federation

you  could  possible imagine  but  it’s  like  the link  for  the

changelings  if you’re  not willing  to be  a true  changeling of

your  animal nature  if you don’t transform your self and want to

enter  to kingdom of man (heavens in your sacred books) you might

fight  it all you want, but the universal laws are not subject to

be changed because of a party of tyrants or a whole word of people

that wants spacial travel in their own fashioned way,  so you can

figure  out now why biblic Giant Nimrod never reached heaven with

their  Arrow  from the top  of the tower  he builds, and why this

modern  Spacial  Nimrod  will  not  go  anywhere  but  to  fail,

using this absurd approach, the universal  laws apply to all  the

worlds  and humanities, some of them can’t achieve that change or

mutation  so  soon,  no  one  with  interior  seeds  of  war  or

aggressively  or  hate to  others can  go or  stay living in that

worlds for longer periods unless in special cases when they  help

some people  of the worlds they  visit, who is  invited to visit,

there  is  an  intelligent  natural  selection  in  the  macro-

cosmic  nature  that  puts  livings  beings  together  in  worlds

according  to similar  levels  of interior  development. You  can

believe  or you  can deny  it but  this guide  is an  insight the

ancient  wisdom ways  to meet  "the prophets  or messengers"  and

their  gods or deitity and  semi-deitities or angels as called in

sacred  earth  books, and to  go to the celestial temple, because

there is a celestial temple in your world the earth but to find it

you  have to  travel to the celestial temple, the one within your

selves.  Now  re-build  your  own  body-ship  and  be  free  and

conquer  the truth  travelling  form the  inner  universe to  the

outer one...


19-To  meditate just...”Do the useless...” get into a middle-state

of  consciousness that’s  all,  relax your  face  then your  body

muscles  at  first, repeat  it if necessary,  a cold water shower

before  and  some music can enhance  or improve your body to meso

planetary  or sidereal  trek, it's a process, yes you can fly, is

not just dreaming just jump high don’t fear the sensation, at any

unpleasant  sensation  you are beamed up  always to your body  to

your  bed  where you  began your  body- spiritual stellar voyage,

molecular  reality  corpse  is  analog  to  this  reality  no

gravity  but levitate  law so you fly easily, this inner universe

relative  to  an  inner  language  of  symbols  that  have  their

counterparts to the macro-universe, or to other realities you also

live, Go  where you  have not  gone  before every  night, explore

in  deep this  universe, learn  to concentrate,  using  a candle a

clock sound, quite polyphonic  or orchestral music (the better way

to  find and  watch inside your "orb of thinking" or to travel at

mental  universe  is not to  think at all  to go to next level...

blankness  of mind, let if flow and close the "worm hole" and then

your  unique thinking  of that moment becomes the inquire of your

meditation,  there  is  mind  and  beyond  mind  is  “tality”

mentality  is  a  compoust  word  mind-”tality”)  Happy  stellar

voyages for everyone reading this guide!!!.

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Nice cult manifesto... but I'm not interested in cults, especially ones that deliberately tell you to suspend disbelief and which are based entirely on works of fiction mixed with pseudometaphysical babble and garnished with horrible, horrible grammar...


And 2) why make two topics when one would have done perfectly well?  That is spamming, y'know...

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GorunNova Wrote:


"Nice cult manifesto... but I'm not interested in cults, especially ones that deliberately tell you to suspend disbelief and which are based entirely on works of fiction mixed with pseudometaphysical babble and garnished with horrible, horrible grammar...


And 2) why make two topics when one would have done perfectly well?  That is spamming, y'know..."



Maybe but encouraging others to tolerate a not canonical point of view is a first step, think for a moment if  universal thinking were in that disbelif skeptik direction, at the end everyone would be tired of it,


Personally I can't imagine Stalin and Marx as the Presidents of the U.F.P.

but either Uncle Sam or greedy voraceous capitalist tyrants and the ones controlling all the party and the money or comunist chinese hordes like the Dominion Jem'Hadar to impose their ideas by brutality,  no religion, no piety at all, so it could be no harm making a space for the the new thinking, that has resulted of  our practical learning from the mistakes of the past. Also making new fortified barriers or better jails instead of give them fields work, wife and kids somewhere the orld is bigger enough, giving a chance to the ones really wanting to start a new life. many things are wrong and maybe we can do better  in this new century, one step at a time.


If we really want to enter someday to the inter stellar vogaye era, we    may have to start practicing understanding.


By the way, but talking about other trek things, I was wondering imagine Paris Hilton decide to build a Deep Space Nine 1:1 scaled as a full Hillton Resort  :thinking: :D A GOOD IDEA! as klingon would say, or Paramount made a Amusement Park About the Star Trek Universe and Andromeda as Trekkiworld :) Like the Fujifilm Park, or some casino magnate, it sounds stupid maybe crazy but , if any of these things actually occurs, I think as a Ferengi the 0.03 percent of all net profits for taking my  Patent Pendient  idea would be enough to sold it  (=3 , (mostly the DS9 Resort ) . Also I am open to hearing of any offer or deal anyone may have about it.  ;D


What this means is I know we are not in the 24th Century this change of thinking is not going to be easy. but we can give it a try essaying it since now.


I made 2 post, not spamming just a very common doh! when posting. but it appears that more than 2000 chars  just not fit well using only 1 post. I thinks is better as already is done.  :)


AmnotBorg Wrote:


"This is not related to the Paramount owned productions of Star Trek."


Finally I think it is somehow related to DS9 and Star Trek, the forum says everything, I like to watch the start trek tv series, they inspire us, make us laugh too, Paris and Janeway as Iguanas and coupoling, the opposite to evoludion de-evolution, as I said of the anti-theory anti-hypothetical fictional guessing, very funny sometimes too, but Trek language is  very familiar all over the world, and am using it to translate some thoughts wanted to share with other ppl I in a more familiar trekker/ie way.


So stay tune because my next strike will be dealing about Inter-stellar communications, SETI, Radio Astronomy, Nebulas, and a lot more.  :cyclops:  and 2eyed  :thinking: all are welcome.  :)


My Grammar is horrible hehe, but maybe and just maybe am not from  the same quadrant neighborhood. and the UT i got is so cheap that it still use a fiwst gameboy case and screenlook instead of a starfleet touchy and goovie Okudagram inside&ready standard tricorder. "§ :-\ "one to beam up!" (my gutz too cadettese! , whooaa!  :o u see I would hate if someday this Safety Maqui procedures for while-in-warp transports fails  Lol  :D )

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I made 2 post, not spamming just a very common doh! when posting. but it appears that more than 2000 chars  just not fit well using only 1 post. I thinks is better as already is done.


20000* ;)


Although I thought I had increased the limit. In any case, It's now 60000. :)

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"Now correcting to 60000 chars Admiral!" 

:) ([shadow=red,left]EP"[glow=red,2,300]^[/glow]+H){|_|}-([shadow=red,left]Z[/shadow][glow=red,2,300].[/glow]''EÐ[/shadow]) <--asciimetrics LCARS panel

By the way, How many "TerraWatts" of info is this exactly? ;D

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Dr. Strangelove, how exactly did you learn to stop worrying and love the bomb?


Believe me you don't want to know how I keep it cool... I'm not worried about first death or nuke war... that's nothing in comparison to other things you may found someday, I' don't like to fool myself anymore...(at least not in the same way I knew 10 years ago) In a way am I fighting for my soul in my own way... many ppl like to lie to their selves or accept for granted easy things or deals that they are too lazy to investigate because their mental lazyness... so I figured out my panorama about science , theology, religion, faith, this world, my self in some part ... but to discover at last that the puzzle I have to build is here inside me, so knowing about countless things is the tragedy of doctor Faust, imagine the tragedy of the other less wise man...


The mystery of man, is not just knowing about our self or about desciphrating the whole nature...  but to incarnate what man (in it's highest meaning)  is...


The Being is the Being and the reason of the being is to be...


Am only a living shadow of who he is...but he could be me and I could be him, or in other words the most difficult part is to become the son of our celestian parents or relative microcosmical trinity... we are seeds of universe... like seeds of a tree produce a tree equal to the parent from the seeds came from... that is thy Man... so now I understand a little bit more the poor Edipus and it's tragedy... and many others, it is a philosophical paradoxia that I rather prefer to die trying to defeat death... but if I can't my last ace is giving it to others some clues, so they could prevail and  succeed... is my way of defeat it or my ultimate later laugh victory...


translated to concise borg with some vulcan logic B)


worry is irrelevant...

hell is irrelevant...

hell is not irrelevant...

life is not yours

life is lended

life is not yours

we are spirit

soul is equivalent to clothings for perfection

fate can be modified

regulations apply

the cause is analogue to the effects

perfection never changes

the being is perfection

individuality is not collective

time are a cummule of memories

suffering is irrelevant

desires are irrelevant

the desire to exist is analogue to perfection

past is irrelevant

your internal legion is irrelevant

thinking mind is irrelevant

nature is alive and re-process all

this body cannot resit the radiation

we will need to adapt

the will of the being is order

the being must be integrated with us

first death is irrelevant

avoid at all cost the second one

assimilate all possible data to this end

destroying your selves is an illogical course of action

being or having "better" or "more than" othres is irrelevant

mutation is inner death creation of inner new life

nature is alive and re-process all

this world is alive

there has to be others

there has to be animals for the others

there has to be plants for the others

there has to be minnerals for the others

you must comply or you'll be destroyed

or there is a brick for every cosmic criminal

imperfect is analogue to  perfect

know your self, know your enemy

fight your enemy...is not outside

others reflex the enemy inside us

to be or not be...   

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