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The Ark of Truth trailer


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  • 4 weeks later...

This morning, 23rd December some joker found and released,on the net, a full copy of the dvd in MP4 format.


This means we will have the dvd in march as announced.

It's been online since Friday, at least. It's still missing the beginning and end credits, and the CGI hasn't been fully rendered yet. So I hear, anyways.

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This morning, 23rd December some joker found and released,on the net, a full copy of the dvd in MP4 format.


This means we will have the dvd in march as announced.

It's been online since Friday, at least. It's still missing the beginning and end credits, and the CGI hasn't been fully rendered yet. So I hear, anyways.

So you 'hear'... rii-ight ;)


I've seen it and some of the effects are missing or unfinished. It's a workprint copy at best. I'll bite my tongue till then

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It is a workprint version, and so could well change before the final release. I've seen workprints a few times (through work  when we were working with companies requiring data for some CGI effect or other). This one's pretty decent (not seen through work but *ahem* other sources :p) and the CGI is a mixture of stock effects from the series and quick place marker renders, making it very watchable.


Not sure why people moan at its "leak", rather this than a full completed version just before release, surely? Or is it because it means some other people get to see it before the fan who's pre-ordered the DVD (and owns all the series on disc?)


Changes could still happen to the story before the final version. Its a good story and better than some of the end of season episodes when they've tried to quickly tie up loose ends.

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