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Star Trek Online.. for children and idiots.


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LOL, just read this myself from another source. But it specifically says it doesn't mean that it's dead, the project, it also specifically says it's transferred to another developer, which undoubtedly had to pay to get the licence. I seriously doubt, they paid for it, to then let it go unused...


It does mean however, that the game will not be for 2008 (and likely not even 2009) release and depending on the developer it can be a good or a bad thing that the other guys cancelled it. They have a very bad reputation in terms of finishing good games (perpetual), they also cancelled a few other games recently, some of which were already in open beta...


All in all, it's probably best that these guys quit working on it, they were totally ruining the possibilities of the game.

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Lets be honest, if they get it right and everyone that has ever been interested in Satr Trek decides to play this game it could potentially be the biggest cash generator in the history of computer gaming. Let this NOT be another Star Wars Galaxies. The new developers would do well to research that history of that game.

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The way the game has gone recently I think I can almost say I'm relieved they stopped work on STO. From the newest screenshots on the web it is clear that the company just doesn't know what it is doing and lacks good direction on how to make a great trek game that can appeal to the fans.


Why use cartoon graphics? Why invent new starship classes and uniforms when all fans want to do is play in the universe and ships (and uniforms) that we recognize from the shows/movies. Why make a WoW clone? It just wouldn't be star trek if all you had to do was buy a galaxy class starship, or buy crew members. It would be even less of a star trek game if playing as the federation, you had to use starfleet ships to conquer the galaxy and ravage planets that say no to you, just to win.


The market has seen lots of mediocre trek games that just didn't work. It's a shame because the trek universe is so rich and perfect for a good computer game. I think fans are most eager for a new good trek game that lets them play out their trek fantasies of space exploration and interaction with the great trek characters and species.

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Actually, I think the problem is that the Star Trek universe isn't rich so much as a bunch of garbled, contradicting half baked ideas.


And it was fairly obvious no one had any real idea of how this game was going to work, hence the conflicting vision in the game.

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I guess a big question could be does it have to be an rpg? I've seen quite some support for star trek rpgs on the net but I could never really get into them. Perhaps it would be easier to make a trekkie kind of fps where you do missions and rise up the ranks to command a starship and go on bigger missions. I think that would be easier to do than a rpg. It's already been done to a limited extent in previous titles but not to the point of players serving starfleet on ships and missions with a career path to follow. Also does it actually have to be an online game? If that is too difficult to make then just make a single-player game that can be made into an online game at a later time. Not everyone has high-speed connections and the fastest computers. The game should be able to run on almost any win95+ computer. I don't even think the graphics need to be that great either, many people can't run star trek legacy so that's a huge part of market just gone like that. Games that run well on different computers, are easy to mod, and have believable graphics are all that's needed to start a great game. The following link shows a Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith mod that was made some time ago.




It's for an old game but as you can see the detail is impressive. This is the kind of thing the game developers could use to make a game without all the hassle and fuss that has plagued STO, and even Legacy. This being said, since this mod was made by fans, for fans, what if fans were to make their own trek 3D interactive rpg-like game? (with maybe some inspiration from battlefield 2)

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