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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by bbbb

  1. That it won't be on until 2009. According to stuff I read on the net I'll at least be able to see some new 24 in the fall.
  2. I watch 24. The tension in the show is really gripping. They may have a hard time topping a nuke attack in the new season.
  3. That game was good. I enjoyed it for say a year or two. It was very story driven though and when I found better games like Armada I don't think I ever switched back. About Klingon Academy, how was it? Does it work on XP? I've become more and more curious about this game. I heard it was very buggy though.
  4. bbbb


    Sounds good to me.
  5. you can find some old ones on the home of the underdogs website. Some of them are good but many require DOSbox to run.
  6. bbbb


    I guess a big question is how long do you expect to need it? and for what? If it is games and heavy graphics then a laptop may not be the best bet unless you are prepared to spend big. Budget laptops are fine depending on what you're using it for. If it's just word processing, older games like Unreal Tournament and watching movies then a budget laptop should do fine.
  7. Myself I'm waiting to get an iphone.
  8. Nope. Never knew you could mod a console like that. Is it like computer programming?
  9. FailFox? I've never heard of that before.
  10. Do you think it's just this administration or do Americans get to look forward to this for the foreseeable future?
  11. I'd say the monopoly of IBM clones and Apple was complete by the 90s, maybe even earlier. How much earlier is hard to say. I much prefer buying a computer today than say 30 years ago. Cost notwithstanding, I prefer buying a machine that is relevant in the market than some startup computer that is incompatible with nearly every other computer in the industry. No offence to startup computers. Congratulations to the old x86 for turning 30!
  12. They announced this one some 4 years ago I think? It was supposed to be out this year I think but they keep pushing it back. Pushing it back post may 2008 might be a risky thing to do. I agree with the above comment that things aren't looking too good for this film. After all, it's only called 'Star Trek', how original is that? Not very. This game might have been better off if they had just got the game complete and out on the market by now. Waiting for some big break to happen is a bad move and can really hurt and tarnish any future trek game productions. Based on what we've seen so far I'd have to say that their approach is uninspired, weak and doomed to failure. It's amazing that with a universe so complete as star trek, that they would have creative problems getting this game completed and us buying and enjoying it. Making good games is not that hard, just look at star wars. They've been making these games for what 20 years and still going strong. The way gaming technology is nowadays they can make amazing star trek games off of a rich, vast universe we've enjoyed for over 40 years.
  13. I felt it made sense that he would be Worf's grandfather. I wonder how far he rose in rank? Maybe he became say vice-chancellor of the high council?
  14. I have never seen these ones at all. It's interesting to see though. Stephen King certainly has a good imagination.
  15. Couldn't finish it. Was in a rush. Does it confer rank like another one we had on the site? It was fun seeing if you could raise your score and sort of rise in rank. Perhaps we should start our own star trek quiz on this site? We could bestow rank on successful players and keep a log of members' score and rank. This would allow members to sort of rank themselves by order of score and compete. It also places members on equal footing regardless of rank similar to the old trek quiz from nerdtests.com. This is just an idea I put to you.
  16. On this site we have a history of being really gruelling towards trek that we find less than admirable. I have often bashed VOY along with tons of other members like Tenebrae on VOY's shortcomings and weaknesses. When it comes to this episode, I think that Neelix's departure from the show was inevitable as he'd be the only Talaxian within 30,000 light years of the Federation so for him to be with his own kind was fairly important to him and for the end of the show. It gave his story a happy ending. Now Tenebrae raised a very good point about Janeway's lack of leadership and judgment. He practically called her a politician, which made me laugh for a few minutes because it was so true. 'oh we're just helping a friend' well if so what happened to non-interference? Indeed a politician's dream come true. I wonder, will there be more of this Janeway criticism? If so I think I will enjoy reading it. I think I've mellowed over time though, I won't go too far bashing Janeway on her lack of leadership skill. Now Chakotay, he got the skills when it comes to leadership. I hope I haven't offended anyone here because that is not my intention at all. If so I sincerely apologize.
  17. This is an old test now. I'll see if I can beat my score from 3 years ago. Can't seem to get it working. EDIT: Got it working now. Wow, I did well. I got Rear Admiral with a score of 929. "You are a Rear Admiral, the second worse Admiral... A few more questions right would get you another pip." Not bad. I went from Captain to Rear Admiral.
  18. Could be youth scared silly. I wonder what happened to all those who hated Wesley Crusher? I thought they would have loved to hear the plot concept I referred to above. I myself did find the episode dark for TNG but as you have said above, there was worse. This does not mean the episodes were too dark for TNG but just that they were different from the norm. That was one thing I liked about the show was that it could have gone and did go in many different directions while remaining consistent and overall optimistic about the future.
  19. Scott Bakula made music for Quantum Leap? oh boy! Picard was very cool, even when it came to dealing with hot-headed admirals and the guy from 'Lost'. I wonder how he handled the blond one?
  20. bbbb

    I like Neelix

    Nearly ten years on we still lament the existence of Jar Jar in star wars. I don't think Neelix went that far but yeah he could get odd sometimes.
  21. I don't think Data could have had a better death scene, apart from 'old' age. It was like the one with Spock from TWOK without the dialogue. I think more TNG movies would have been possible if Nemesis and Insurrection had gone better. If STXI goes well perhaps they will consider bringing back Picard and company, and even pull a STIII and bring back Data. Maybe he survived the big explosion and got sent to another dimension.
  22. I liked the one with the vulcan ears. A modern day T'Pol methinks.
  23. 'Booby Trap' was a good one too. Gotta love Picard's piloting skill.
  24. I was referring to the possibility that if this new movie is successful would we be more likely to see another movie/episode with the Ent-E?
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