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What do you hate about your favorite show?


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Thought I'd just go ahead and Mos Eisley this one myself, but I am curious about this one.  I have to say that it is Wesley from TNG that irks me the most.  Especially in the episodes with his little rainbow stripe across his chest. probably the dumbest uniform in this series.  I know you all understand that I have to whine about this type of stuff to you all.  My wife just wouldn't understand.  It would be like her talking about soaps to me.  Anyway what's your gripe about a character in your favorite show. 

P.S. I also can't stand any of the holodeck episodes like the Dixon Hill stuff.

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I really like the holo deck episodes, especially the ones in voyager about Fair Haven. TNG ones are usually pretty good I've found, it gives you a break from the usual. I really wished they did one of the chief and Dr.Bashir in ds9 doing one of they're Alamo holo-sweet escapades.


But back on topic, I hate wesley crusher more than anyone closely followed by Travis Mayweather, the helmsman from ENT. OMG he is soo annoying!!! Back on the freighters this that and every other thing and then has the nerve to whine about only going warp two..


I'd throw him out an air lock at warp two, what an annoying individual.

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I also have to add that I hate Klinger from M.A.S.H. and Murdock from the A-Team.  Speaking of which, why is it that pilotson tv are often portrayed as idiots?  Examples:  The pilot from the cartoon Ducktales and the one from Rescue Rangers,  Murdock was a pilot too if I remember right.  I had about 6 or 7 idiot pilots I was thinkin of when I couldn't get to my comp but now I can't hardly think of any.  Help me out here; who else was an idiot pilot and why do shows hate on pilots so much?

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I also have to add that I hate Klinger from M.A.S.H. and Murdock from the A-Team.  Speaking of which, why is it that pilotson tv are often portrayed as idiots?  Examples:  The pilot from the cartoon Ducktales and the one from Rescue Rangers,  Murdock was a pilot too if I remember right.  I had about 6 or 7 idiot pilots I was thinkin of when I couldn't get to my comp but now I can't hardly think of any.  Help me out here; who else was an idiot pilot and why do shows hate on pilots so much?

Piloting a hunk of metal filled with highly flammable fuel while soaring through the clouds might have something to do with their portrayal as idiots. Just a thought  :p


Almost forgot. I don't care for those Dixon Hill EPs either and Weasely was (and remains) the most annoying Trek character besides Nelix and Harry Kim.


You don't like Klinger from M.A.S.H.? Whoa there fella, thems fighting words  :p

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