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Future medicine


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I found that out in some research also about China. When I was there it was impossible to find cheese, except in a big city. I think the reason for that is because most Asians, and blacks, are lactose intolerant. Yet the US government keeps forcing this on people that milk is good for you, and you can drink it in small amounts if you get sick. Cheese is milk, times 10. Imagine all the fat.


I agree that doctors need to be more open minded and not rush patients in and out. I read somewhere, all they are taught in med school is how to prescribe drugs to treat, but not prescribe better foods to heal. They're pretty close minded. And how many doctors even take their own advice about health.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Great, then thats western medicine out the window


we can know safely replace dyalasis with acupunture!


Caesarians are no longer needed, we just have to make sure there are no men in the house and seal all the doors and windows (Oh, and dont forget to block the chimney!)


In short we all sit about and think happy happy thoughts and get well



"Modern medicine is only good for a few things. Blood tests, drugs and massive trauma repair. They don't appear to know squat about healthy living"


What the hell else do you want? And why are the blood tests "Good" so you can work out where to stick the pins? or do you need them to work out how much ground Rhino horn or dried monkey penis you need to eat?


"All that organ transplant stuff? That is no good. I think it is evil in a way. I think people have energy. If you take a piece out of a person, it has their energy. If you put it in another person, it still has the original persons energy in it. It is always a seperate piece. Internal organs are not metal car parts to be exchanged at a whim"


WTF!! Are you by any chance a Jehovas Witness? The human body is a machine, a very complex organic machine, but its just a vessel for the personality, it's no different to a car, a bit breaks down you fix/replace it


You aren't by any chance trying to maintain that Chi continues in an organ removed form a dead host are you? because that is ........ words totally escape me



I agree however that you have to educate yourself, find the best treatments availablem learn the drug companies scams, not however revert to tribal folklore medicine,


yeah I know all the aspirin/willow, foxglove/digitalis, quinnine etc arguments about folk medicine, but for every one that was true I'll find you a thousand bull#### cures




Life is good, it really is. I am right about 90% of the time. The problem is that the things I say? It takes time to prove them. Today people want proof in 5 minutes or they want to call you a faker. That is plain silly. Anything worth knowing usually takes some effort or time to prove.


You start off with the sarcasm. "Replace dialysis with acupuncture". Of course you cannot do that. Acupuncture is a medicine for the outside of the body. Dialysis is for blood cleaning. I specifically said there are some things Western Medicina is good for.


Ceasarians are done for money. And the plot I keep telling you about. A Ceasarian operation will permanently cripple a woman for the rest of her life. I can hear people already. "I know someone who had a Ceasarian and they can walk fine". If you were smart, you would ask what I mean by cripple.


A Ceasarean operation cuts thru the stomach muscles, some of the most important muscles in the body. Once they are cut, they heal certainly. They will never ever be as strong as they should. They were cut up. Also, the process of birth is one of the things that makes a women mature/evolve into an adult evolved woman. If they don't have a birth, they have a Ceasarian, they never develop the way that nature designed them to develop.


What the hell else do I want from modern medicine? Advice and medicine to improve my daily life and energy. Not make me sick or stupid or damage one part of me while fixing another part. Why are blood tests "good"? Chinese medicine never did blood test. The only way to get one is from Western medicine. There are some blood borne illnesses that Acupuncture will not cure. The difference between us? I can see the good and bad in both medicines. You want to completely trash acupuncture.


The body is a machine? Maybe a scientist could describe it as a machine. Maybe it fits the definition of a machine. The body is not a machine. The body is alive. A machine is dead. Big difference. If you take a carburetor from one car and put it in another car, it doesn't matter because the carburetor is an inert, dead lump of metal. An organ is a living thing filled with living energy. When that organ is removed, where does the energy go? Does it just disappear? That does not make sense.


Your comment about cures? You are only denying yourself. Some of the cures work. I agree that some types of medicine are quackery. Acupuncture is not. Chinese medicine and herbs are better for your daily living and long term health than Western chemicals and knives.

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Father gives kidney to daughter


Newspaper article


So which one is evil here, the donor or the recipient?


or maybe the doctors?


i suppose you would have prefered them to chant mantras and swim in a bath of gingseng?


\or maybe theres a cure for it in here?


Let's have a philosophical conversation.


I say it is evil to do organ donations. I did not say the people involved in the donation are evil. I did not say the organ donor and organ recipient are evil. I mean the Frankenstein doctors who do the operation are performing an evil act. The act of organ donation itself is an evil thing. The people who push organ donation as a reasonable therapy are evil in my opinion.


You think I am wrong because you have either been fed lies about how the human body works, you don't care how the human body works, or incompetent and unknowledgeable people have told you false things about the human body.


Your body is one big intertwined piece. I simply cannot provide a detailed explanation. It requires patience and pages of writing. Most people last about one message and lose interest.


If you have an organ transplant or you donate and organ, there is a very very very strong chance that you will never evolve/grow up/mature in the way that you are supposed to. There are connections between the transplanted organ and the rest of the body that Western medicine does not talk about. Not blood vessels and nerves, other things. These connections are cut by the surgeons knives and I do not believe they ever grow back properly.


Let's make a simple example. I talked about in the homosexuality thread how people have a male and female kidney. That is so they are balanced, male balances female. If you are foolish enough to give a kidney away what happens? You are either 1 male or 1 female kidney. Where is your balance? You have none and it is impossible for you to ever be balanced.


The father? I did not read the story but he is going to be crippled the rest of his life. Depending on which kidney he donated, his personality and his life choices will change. It has nothing to do with his brain. His lack of a kidney will affect his brain and make it act strangely with strange desires.


At some point in time, people must admit that a person has to die. It is sad but people die. If they are so sick that they need an organ transplant, it is better for them to die in my opinion. People claim it is better that they are alive. That depends.


If a person dies, we no longer see them or talk to them or know them. If a person has an organ transplant they are still alive so we still know them and can talk to them. BUT! If the organ transplant changes the person into someone you do not know, did the transplant really save their life? Their body is still there, but the personality that you knew and loved is different. That personality "died" because of the surgery.

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Okey dokey. I came by for this article and got sidetracked replying to two other people.


I was going on about how sugar poisons the spleen which then affects the brain and makes kids stupid so that pharmaceutical companies can make money selling Ritalin and Doctors can make money prescribing Ritalin.


The problem I have is that I know more than the Western Scientists that people here worship. It takes them time to catch up to me. They have to read what I write somewhere, then test what i say. ;)


This story is about how a simple change to a healthy diet in children changed them from having Attention Deficit Disorders to being regular kids. No Ritalin, No thousands of dollars for drugs, No money for doctors or hospitals. Nothing more than doing what is right and feeding your child a healthy diet so that they can grow big and strong and smart and healthy.


Give the western guys another 10 years and maybe they will corroborate what I said about the sugar. It all depends. If this story is buried by drug companies paying the newspapers to shut up, they can pay the newspapers to shut up about sugar poisoning kids.


Western medicine is about the dollar. Anything is fair game. False studies, crooked doctors, bribes to the FDA for approval, bribes to the newspapers to keep it quiet. Money solves all problems for criminals. Spread enough money around and you do anything you want. Even profit by making kids sick, then selling the drugs that make them "well".



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People following the "do not feed the trolls" rule?


It is boring as hell in these forums now.


Do you guys ever sit around and just talk for no reason at all. Just to waste time or hear yourself talk. I think they used to call it brainstorming.


Me? I wonder about this generation and coming generations. I can't find new science fiction books to read. There are no new authors that are any good. It is like the newer people are incapable of what it takes to write a novel.


I think part of it is conditioning. People are conditioned to obey, to not make waves, to be quiet and not cause trouble like good little kids.


Where do novels and movies come from? The imagination. What is your imagination? It is sitting around with your friends and talking about whatever comes to mind no matter how ridiculous it sounds.


The way people are today I am afraid that Isaac Asimov or Larry Niven or Gene Rodenberry would be called trolls and chased away or shunned if they came to these forums and talked about their book ideas.


"Robots that protect humanity. What? Are you crazy. Your a troll Asimov. Shut up".


"The Ring World? A world built in a Solar System sized ring to absorb all of the suns energy. You troll Niven. We are going to ban you if you keep talking this way".


"Hi. My name is Gene Rodenberry. I have ideas about a spaceship that flies around the galaxy , exploring the unknown, discovering new races and new civilizations." (The forums members to each other. "Shhhh. He is a troll. If we don't talk to him he will shut up and go away")


Rodenberry: My spaceship will be powered by dilithium crystals. It will have phasers and photon torpedoes. It will have a man from a planet called Vulcan and he will have pointy ears. Hello? Hello? Is anyone out there? I can see the forums have 200 people here. Hello? Hello?


(Gene Rodenberry walks away)


Forums members: Damn! I thought that fool would never leave. Going on about space and phasers and Vulcans. What a troll! Can you believe the nerve of some people?

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Now I know it's not medicine but I was just thinking of the living spaceships and space dwellings in 'night's Dawn Trilogy' by Hamilton - it would be cool if one day we could make such things out of living tissue.


Ok, not so great if the spacships fart... :p

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They will return to natural medicine like Chinese Medicine or Ayurveda.

The German news magazine Spiegel (German only) recently published an article, stating that a study conducted by the German health care system showed, that acupuncture works, but it doesn't matter where you put the needles, therefore it is a giant placebo effect.

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Hi eveyone. I'm in the pharmacetical sciences, so let me give my little spiel. Western medicine is genrally good for treating acute cases (diseases, emergencies), but is sorely lacking in the preventative field. When do you see your doctor? When you're sick. Unfortunately, you don't go to your doctor to find out how to stay healthy, though thankfully, that's starting to change. As for the next big trend in health care, well nanotech is already here though not in a machine swimming though the cell repairing cellular damage form. It's... Suntan lotion. Yep. Suntan lotion. It's got titanium dioxide nanoparticles in it. As for drugs, the next big thing is probably pharmacogenomics. They're looking at customizing drugs for individuals now, since everyone reacts to the same drug differently. We're still a long way from triquarters, but it''d sure be cool to have one.

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BorisP all things aside, you sure've got balls - I admire and appreciate that!


And yes, triquarters would be interesting; and I agree, it's silly the way medicine works to counteract other things "handed" to us, toxic things..


It is a little like being slapped by one hand and then caressed by the other...going on and on and on.


Medicine in the so called "civilized world" needs an update - especially on preventing ahead of a sickness rather than trying to give a quick-fix afterwards..


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I don't think nanobots are very likely to be invented.

Fashioning robots small enough to travel even through the narrowest bloodvains, and attacking diseased tissue, is practically impossible.


There is a great difference in TRULY-Impossible (all purposes, all fields, general truth, all-perspectives accounted for) and PERSONAL limits..


Like when a doctor said to Les Brown a decase was terminal;

the correct thing for the doctor to say would be that "my ability to help you has terminated" not chances of survival.

Later, he recovered.


People shouldn't carelessly throw around the word impossible.

Improbable perhaps..from our CURRENT level of science.

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I saw a program once. It was a program that takes chemistry equations, processes them and sends the results to a mainframe. I think it was for cancer research, not sure. It runs in the background like the seti program. I have since lost the link to the site. Do any of you know of this program and have a link? Please post it

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