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star wars or star trek

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I chose Star Wars, basing my selection on IV, V, VI.

I, II, III ---- just... no... should not have been made. Perhaps they would have been better with better actors... but Hayden Christensen (sp?) is one of the WORST actors i have ever seen... the storyline is great if you see it w/o the bad acting.


I think the original trilogy is better then trek because the trilogy created a huge, detailed story, full of new and interesting ideas and things like that, where star trek has pretty much had the same actors over multiple series' and movies, (tos + movies ; tng + movies)..perhaps trek is just getting kind of drawn out now... don't get me wrong, i'll probably shed a few tears when the last episode of trek airs friday... just my opinion here..

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I love trek, but everyone here seems to be bashing Star Wars, and to me that's a no no. Star Wars and Star Trek are different animals all together, and for the time being cannot be compared on this level. Yes, they are both representative of the lighter side of Sci-fi, but Star Trek started as a television series and it is best known as such.

Star Wars on the other hand started, and for the most part, has always been represented through films, and therefore has much less screen and story time then that of Star Trek.


It will be interesting to see how Lucas handles the upcoming live action Star Wars television series. Hopefully he can get some good writers, because I will admit his dialogue is atrocious.


I voted for Star Wars simply because at this moment I see the future it can have on television, in a time when Star Trek's has been snuffed out.



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Star Wars IV-VI were a powerful mythology. The I & II seemed to trade that in for F/X.


Star Trek doesn't seem to have quite the power of the original SW trilogy, but it covers so much more ground, includes the geniuses (genii ?) of so many more minds.


I'm glad we have them both. I'll go see Star Wars episode III, but if it's like I & II, it will only have F/X above the average Trek double episode - you pick the Trek series.


I don't think any of the Trek movies are better than SW IV-VI, with the possible exception of Star Trek the Motion Picture, taken as an art piece.


Star Wars seemed to do better with elements of comic relief from the bots, ewoks, etc. Star Trek could work in a little more humor (although Data can sure be funny at times).


Your mileage may vary ...

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I don't understand, I presume all the comparisons, to be totally fair are comparing the feature films of each.


When I looked at the poll, it did not seem to say "movies" but rather to look at the story both told, and decide which I liked better. As I have posted, that for me is Trek.


I know that star wars doesn't have a series to use for comparison, but tough luck. I am comparing using the books for both as well. I think few of those on both side are any good, btw.


As for what Elderbear said, I do agree for the most part that the Star Wars IV-VI movies were unparalleled as far as story quality, when compared just movie to movie, with one exception: Wrath of Kahn. I didn't care as much as Elderbear seemed to for the motion picture. I actually thought that was one of the more boring things I have seen.


As far as the Trek series go... I love them all. I find it soooo cool that I could watch Trek for weeks and weeks, as long as I am awake if I wanted to, and not repeat anything. And it is all so interesting! For me, at least, it would take a lot more than what Star Wars has to beat that, especially since if I am going to include everything, I have to include the last two Star Wars movies.










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When I looked at the poll, it did not seem to say "movies" but rather to look at the story both told, and decide which I liked better. As I have posted, that for me is Trek.


I know that star wars doesn't have a series to use for comparison, but tough luck. I am comparing using the books for both as well.


I know it didn't say movies only, as I said, I would have thought people would use movies for a fair comparison.

I don't see where it says look at the stories both told either like you state.

Also if its tough look that Star Wars doesn't have a series to compare why not bring other aspects into this debate .... like merchandising, or is this a case of:

"Anything that will be better than Trek WILL be deemed inadmissible"



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I know it didn't say movies only, as I said, I would have thought people would use movies for a fair comparison.

I don't see where it says look at the stories both told either like you state.


To me, it is either going to be the story, for which I go trek, the acting, for which I would go trek for most, but not for some of tos / enterprise, but then again, I guess I am not supposed to count series..... OR for graphics, which I would have to go star wars, but I don't thing that graphics make up for the horrible acting/story telling of the last couple star wars movies.


If they were of the same caliber as the first 3 movies, I might be leaning more toward star wars, then Star Trek, but they weren't. Simple as that, at least for me, and since this is all a matter of personal opinion, lets just leave it as I like Star Trek more, and you like Star Wars. It doesn't really matter. Unless one of us can go back in time and shoot either gene roddenberry or George Lucas, in which case, LUCAS MUST DIE!!!!!!!

MWAHAHA. Long live the Star Trek fanatics that listen to no one that disagrees with them!



EDIT: for spelling. I will let my screwy capitalization stand.

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I voted Trek but, IMHO both Star Wars and Star Trek need to be put down.


In the case of Star Wars George has done a poor job of tieing the PT with the OT leaving plot holes all over the place. On top of that for some unknown reason Lucas decided to start writing the screenplays himself and I must say he is awful at righting lines just take a look at the screenplay for ep III *yack*.


As for Trek I couldn't be more happy with them canning Enterprise. Star Trek IMOH need to take a backseat for 10 years or so then be brought back with new writers with fresh ideas. Paramount and Berman have been milking Trek for too long its about time they gave us a break from all these poor spinoffs.

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