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dBLOOD last won the day on June 13 2022

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About dBLOOD

  • Birthday 02/21/1980

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  1. If you like sci-fi, if you are already found and registered at nitescifi anyway, if you like classic sci-fi, come and visit our discord! We like sci-fi and chilling! 🙂
  2. The good news is that these are shows with 8 to 12 episodes (boys and Obi-Wan 8, Orville series 1 12 episode), not 22. Take Obi-Wan with low expectations! 😀
  3. The Boys season 3 started, The Orville is back, what do you think guys? The Boys has a lot of gore, a bit too much for me, it feels like they just being extreme for being extreme, but generally I like the series. The Orville feels a bit weird, but they are tackling something very serious again, I respect that. The Obi-Wan series started, seems interesting ,we'll see where it goes, I hope they won't do to Ben what they did to Boba Fett (watch the Boba Fett series if you don't know what I'm talking about!)!.
  4. watching the new season of The Orville, The Proper Star Trek

  5. OMG, I did not like her at all at first, and I was so wrong, she was such a great character!
  6. As the tittle says, it's not a sci-fi, but maybe some of you are interested. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a39435658/doctor-who-catherine-tate-return-possibility/
  7. Guys, watch this series, it's so good!
  8. Hi guys! I'm glad some of you still coming back here from time to time. New sci-fi series make me so depressed, it's good to know something is still there from my past! It does look nice, i hope you are all right guys! :)
  9. dBLOOD

    Game of the Moment?

    GUYS! GUYSGUYSGUYSGUYSGUYSGUYS! 😭 I'm literally crying from joy! Persona 4 The Golden is out on Steam! Persona 4 on PC!
  10. https://boundingintocomics.com/2020/03/27/star-trek-picard-showrunner-michael-chabon-admits-he-wanted-to-piss-off-or-provoke-people/ This article describes perfectly what the main philosophy behind Pickard is, and unfortunately it's an agenda, as it usually is these days, instead of creating a great Star Trek series. Again, the agenda drives the story, not the story the agenda. Pickard unfortunately is just one of the badly written, woke, PC-pandering bullshit, the same way Terminator: Dark Fate is. Terrible writing, terrible characters. Very disappointing. Oh, I almost forgot: without spoilers the main story-arch is literally the most cliché, most used bullshit we are seeing these days in video games, and the way it was realized is ridiculoous.
  11. dBLOOD


    Yeah, 51% of this whole covid thing is fear-mongering unfortunately. The mainstream media spews back any bad news they can find. The fact that 80% of the people getting sick is recovering, the fact that it is the most dangerous to people 50+ years old, none of those information are getting to the public, mainstream media is knowingly driving people into a fear-induced panic. Ever heard the saying 'divide and conquer'? That is exactly what's happening with the social piss-dancing. I'm the last person who likes or believes in conspiracy-theories, I think people saying the CIA created the virus to do something is stupid and ridiculous, but corporations abusing the situation is obviously a thing. Also there is a reason the US reacted too late to the epidemic, and the reason is money. There is no universal health-care in the US, and the epidemic need global efforts, which means it costs a lot of money to corporations. People in the US don't like to go to the doctor, because it costs them money. By the way it is a similar situation in the UK, not because of money, but because by the time you get to a doctor, more often than not your condition is way worse than when you realized there is something wrong with your health. I pay taxes here for the last 6 years, and I still did not get to a doctor, and my colon is in my scrotum now. The way the virus spreads is directly connected to the general hygiene, and the hygiene culture in Asia, the US, or unfortunately here is way worse than in a lot of European countries. I just saw an announcement at my workplace the other day warning people not to spit on the floor in the warehouse! How savage do you have to be to do that?
  12. I just rewatched the episode, and it's amazing how prophetic it was. The 'younger, edgier' version is basically sci-fi series in 2020, or the CW channel, since it exists. :D
  13. Yeah, dammit, I have to say, I love the music during the Voyager Borg Cube heist! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgzQN_pOo2Y Oh yeah and Agnes is a fucking great character, and not because that was the name of my sister.
  14. I bet you that at some point the Borgs are going to wake up. That would be so ridiculous, and I'm afraid they can't stop themselves from puling that bullshit. Otherwise I'm in with Picard, I'm just scared that it will turn into the new Star Trek series.
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