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Starfleet Academy
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Posts posted by dBLOOD

  1. Wow!

    I am impressed. Actually good episode. I like the story, it is connencted to the Torchwood itself, the sexual content seems to be logical (alien seducing the babe :D).

    I would like to see more eps NOT about the Torchwood characters, rather about Torchwood cases...

  2. This episode was like Wrong Turn 3.

    Only it is worse than that movie, if it is even possible...

    Absolutely pointless, with no connection to the main theme (protecting the world from aliens whatever...).

    I had one good ep till now, and still hope to watch more, I do not give up. :)

    The fact that sexual content and mindless and/or pervert violence gets higher ratings is really disappointing, allthough I do not know the ratings of the show, nor do I care about it.

    I still hope that next eps will connect stronger to the main storyline, rather than using the cheap and mindless "sex/violence" trick.

  3. Ep1: I like the character of Gwen...

    Ep2: OMG... disappointing

    I will watch the other eps, I hope I will find a good one...

    Maybe the most disturbing thing is that everyone is kissing everyone else, for seemingly no particular reason. I feel like I am watching some series made for youngsters, adolescent people...

    For example Gwen has a man - no, it is not a boyfriend - an adult man, looks like around 30, Gwen seems to be a rational adult women too, she seems to taking her relationship with her man seriously... until she steps inside the base. After that she acts like a hormone-overloaded youngster...

    It seems like the creators thinking sex makes this series more watchable. Which is probably true, but sex is used a lot of times in inconsequent context.


  4. I believe the star wars universe got a lot of fabled things, lot of things are just accepted (accepted by the ppl taking part of the story) but not explained as much. Its calling the child in most of us on a subconscious level.

    Star Trek is about a utopistic future, it is harder to believe, no matter how well explained it's science is...

    Just for the record, I like Star Wars too, allthough I like Star Trek more...

  5. I can not understand something...

    For the record, I can not and do not want to use iplayer for watching UK TV, since I do not live in the UK.

    Anyway, I simply do not understand why BBC should pay for network-upgrades.

    I mean does YouTube pay for network upgrades too? Or any owner of such bandwith-consuming service?

    This is ridiculous.

  6. I do not think it is the second one...

    I believe I have heared about the Shadow Proclamation more than 2 times...

    Anyway, I like that too, except Tate showing that typical pitiful human feature not to see farther on like her nose...


    Notice to Donna: "You can not tinker with history babe! For further details ask your local Time Lord!" :D

  7. Well, it is hungarian, but anyway...



    It says something like this:

    Hungarian mac-users wrote a petition to Jobs to make a hungarian  (translated) version from the OSx software. Jobs answered them in a press release:

    "My dear hungarian friends! I find the way you turned to me very touching. We have in deed fallbacks in the central-european region. ...

    While I can not promise to take immediate actions, as the appreciation towards the efforts and loyality of our hungarian users, Apple is ready to offer 1000 MacBook Air for people proven to know Apple's products and the OSx well."

    The first 1000 ppl answering corretly gets an Apple MacBook Air. To be part of the contest, one must register (with correct personal data) on Apple's website. The contest starts today at 12:00 AM.

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