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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by quosego

  1. eugenics is just an evolved version of natural selection, we don't abide to natural selection anymore thus we must find an way to make it redundant. Right now there are loads off people that shouldn't be alive according to the principles of natural selection, with this I only mean the most sick and or retarded people on earth. To solve this we must be our own natural selector, not by slecting but by creating humans which haven't got any disease. But this should be closely watched as we don't need an eugenics war.... (no we are better than you etc..) If you would say that we are tampering with the works off god, than there is no other conclusion that we are the gods and have an right to tamper. We can right now create life out of dust and shape it to do our bidding, If you think only god should be able to do this then why can we. We are not meant to support the very ill and retarded, however we are doing this right now. We are inbreeding and destroying the gene pool that has been made with the deaths off millions off humans.... We are in fact killing our own evolution, if retarded people can have children that are also retarded what use is this. There is only one soltution; evolve ourselves or be destroyed. (well there is one other solution but I doubt follwoing Nazi Ideology is very smart) But we must keep in mind not to rampagingly destroy "inferior" people, we must only prevent those illnessses that make them useless for themselves and society to exist in the first place.
  2. We don't hate you S0V, you seem to be handling stuff quite allright. (and you have never told me to STFU:) ) Most mod's (and admin!! S0V13t) here are nice peeps, and I guess I would miss some regulars if they would disappaer. Allthough maybe not everyone.... Let's hope everybody will just stick around and we can all happily post about Scfi...
  3. Personally I have nothing against euthenasia or assisted suicide. Both are an whole lot better than letting the people suffer for long periods of time not knowing if their lifes can be considered lifes. And killing yourself with an lethal injection or pills is a whole lot safer than jumping in front of trains etc, but you can also count on some guidance so that you can make sure you really want to die. We dutch are just a bit more enlightend than some italian politicians... (well what would you expect we are the smartest people in europe, with an average IQ off 107... lol :))
  4. Nice, I'll be the first to get an harddisk extension for my brain..... I just hate it when I forget stuff..... And well p2ping your brain is an lot more fun :) Ever wondered what the guy next to you is thinking??? Hack into his wireless connection and download his brains :p
  5. Yeah, everybody should know about what the MPAA is doing not only to Nite but to the world.
  6. LOL, that was so funny.... 22 years computer experience???? lol, I doubt it unless he's talking about his calculator...
  7. I've indeed heard of it and it is supposed to be some sort of heaven.... Allthough I haven't looked into it it sounds promising... Edit: Well it is dreadfully slow... as expected with anything new.. and well haven't found any star trek eps yet :p But looks pretty neat and anonymous....
  8. You're reasoning is flawd just as the MPAA's reasoning is..... It should be something like this: "Saying you download programs because you cannot afford to buy the DVDs is like saying you're going to copy a Porche because you cannot afford a terribly overpriced and totally useless car, that you wouldn't have buyed anyway." A pitty another guy has been influenced by the MPAA propaganda...
  9. Yeah they are supposed to be quite high, but it works good on an amd64 3400+ x800pro and 1024 ram. So te minimum will be lower than that. guessing around 64 mb vid card and 1.5 ghz....
  10. Try azurues and an backup tracker, that'll give you the most chances of getting some peers. Quosego
  11. "Strike the Infidel about the neck" ....Holy Koran Sounds pretty complete to me! :stare: :stare: :stare: I must have missed that part..... Were in the Koran did you find that.... I couldn't find it anywhere.... However I could find the exact lines in the bible.......... Exodus 22 line 19 Who doesn't only believe in the lord must be killed. 'Long life christianity' This just shows, that neither should be taken to seriously....
  12. Me neither.... My bridge couldn't even support it's one weight a few times....
  13. You do know how this is called; propaganda.... You show shocking images to proof that some muslims are assholes.... I'm now going to proof that some americans are assholes.... Graphic content Graphic content The result we now have proofed that some americans are assholes and some muslims are assholes.... Not the one-sided some muslims are assholes. To achieve full understanding of something you must see the entire picture... Ass for muslims being narrwominded so are pro-iraq/iran war people, you also take your religion/thoughts very seriously....
  14. Lol, I totally fell for it...... Damn I'm stupid....
  15. European trust in the US has faded away the last few years.... The US government tends to bomb first and think later.... That isn't an solution, if there is still hope that his can be resolved peacefully we should wait.... We don't wan't another civil war and ten thousands deaths in the middle east caused by us westerners. Nowadays I hear more anti-americanism from european born people than muslims. I guess that says enough.
  16. Well I've completed high school..... I've pirated lot's of stuff and work in an supermarket. But that dude is awesome and honest.... Those people should be given an second chance.
  17. It is true that the germans annexed austria, but the allies agreed with that. So yeah if you mean they should have taken their stance right there I agree. But war was inevitable, they just gave the germans some breathing room because they had been terrrorised for so long. But that wasn't what they wanted so it ended up in the second world war. And maybe like in this case, we will just have to hope it won't get to war.... Maybe it'll eventually come to that but I wan't to say that we did everything in our power to make sure it wasn't going to happen. American safety isn't helped by it, because with another invasion there will be a lot more terrrorists.
  18. SO are you saying that we should wait for Iran to blow a few million ppl off the face of the world before ANY ONE steps in. I think this is where a lot of ppl from europe and America disagree. Americans like to take care of problems before they get too big. I would sleep better at nite knowing that Iran didnt have any nukes. I dont want to wait for them to blow up a city before any one dones something, remeber Hitler? Invaded half a dozen countries before war was formaly delcared... Dont let Iran getting nukes be the poland that started a world war of the 21st centery. Not quite true, Hitler didn't invade any country's except poland before war was declared. And if I can remember correctly America only joined WW2 because pearl harbor got bombed..... Not much of an pre emptive strike. So I would suggest that in this case we do the same. Wait untill Iran does something stupid and untill then hope that that stupid thing isn't nuking america. Although I can understand your reasoning, IMHO I'm not sure if an pre-emptive strike is an better alternative. There is an probablility that an WW either way is inevitable.
  19. If the USA attacks Iran, I would say they most likely have streched their luck a bit to far.... They are firstly financially not capable of doing that, and secondly without an good reason, the rest of the world will be pissed. The only option I see is that we should allow Iran to have nuclear weapons if they really insist. The only other possibility is that they'll do something very stupid, and the rest of the world agrees that Iran has to be neutralized.
  20. Soon you'll be able to watch avatars and catch up on the latest scifi eps :p
  21. quosego


    I had another omen yesterday.... The results of my DNA isolation experiment were 666 nanogram per microliter..... If that isn't an clear sign that the world is going to end I don't know what is. :)
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