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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by quosego

  1. Damn, if you take into account the massive gravimetric distortions needed for warp speed, it would totally desintegrate a cube or any planet. According to the warp speed is possible thread you need distortions almost as big as an black hole, that would most defenitely destroy an planet, let alone a cube... But i'm not much off an warp physiscyst so I could be wrong.... :)
  2. Yeah we need some bad aliens to kick our asses, maybe then we will unite...
  3. Yes, no more world wars, and then we can finally focus on the last frontier were no man has gone before. :) Well you could be wrong.... 4 people have already voted Yes... Seems that we star trek people are quite enlightend.
  4. Uhm.... God is insulting me..... Me: I like myself God: I'm not sure if I like it. I like pets. I like Matthew. Me: it??? I'm not an it..... God: yourself... I am surprised to hear that you are not an it. Stupid god.... He isn't very smart either.... Me: Stupid AI God: I like the way you talk.
  5. Please remove this as you have already made another thread in the torrent requests. Making three threads isn't neccesary.
  6. Of course the Irish drink the most beer.... They have the best beer in the world. Closley followed by the British, Belgian s and Germans.
  7. I sincerely hope those are actors :) LOL
  8. You are forgetting about 500 other wars. Like the dutch british wars.. The dutch spanish wars Napoleon Russia occupying half off europe WW1 But did any off that happen recently??? NO..... Can we be blamed for that???? NO...... Can the american government be blamed for their recent decisions??? YES..... Can we disagree with those decisions??? YES....... Do we have the right to critice country's who invade other country's with no apparent reason??? YES..... Have the europeans been very nice to out american friends on this forum??? YES...... What do we get for that?? Troy bashing europeans...... This includes prejudice, ancient wars, and saying that all eurpeans are to be blamed for those wars.... whilst half of the european country's didn't even exist when those wars happend.
  9. Hmmm last time I checked I'm an european to, however my country is not in the list of country's that did terrrible things. So do I have a right to criticise the USA??? or are my hands stained with the blood of thousands off people. Last time I checked I'm not an murderer. (this statement can be reversed if an european says your an evil american, but that didn't happen on this forum) And well.... your logic is totally flawed.... Just because the germans or some of them invaded a few country's back in 40-45 doesn't mean that nowadays their nation is evil dictatorship. To be honest they seem to be a lot less power hungry than the United states. The hate for the US is caused by recent events. Not some ancient war. And well the US screwed up big time , europe didn't, that gives us the right to criticice.
  10. I life in a milll use hash and wear wooden shoes.... :p lol Ah well if we all just could think without prejudice, the world would be a much better place.
  11. I wonder why it is that Europeans always forget the TRILLIONS of dollars we spent defending Western Europe from Soviet Communist Invasion?!?!? Unappreciate bas****s. Maybe we should have pulled out during the Berlin Airlift Crisis, said "Oh well", and just left Russia run over Europeans' broken, burned-out buildings. (angry) troy Might I ask what this has to do with recent developments... I helped you guys so we are entitled to screw the rest off the world..... I doubt that is how it works... I might agree that the americans were quite helpfull in WW2 but I'm not confinced they did it out of the goodness of their harts... I mean they didn't do anyhting untill they themsleves got attacked. And the berlin airlift was performed by the western allies not by the US alone... So this would be a good example of arrogance; The US fixed it you guys suck... And then there is the fact, what caused the berlin crisis... You might even say that the US is partly responsible. So it would be more than logical that they fixed it.
  12. The "owner" of the avatar in question has been PMed (by various MODS and by Nite) and asked to change it. Last time I checked it was still around. Troy is Troy. ;) You should have been here when we had BorisP. Check out some of the posts in the Rura Penthe section. c4 B) Yeah borisp, those were the times. Troy is an angel compared with our dear friend borisp. I still sometimes hope he makes a return.... just to make one last extremist post.
  13. I think it was 23 days after you joined that this forum became a succes... :p How weird that's the exact same date as my joining date... what a "strange" coincedence... :p ;)
  14. A picture of an blizzard in hawaii..... (with two triangles on top off it) or a tricorder. :)
  15. quosego

    Are you a pirate?

    Yep, all the way....
  16. My what? I don't have one of those expensive things! Jeez. I swear there are a lot of RICH people on this forum. And you claim you can't afford to buy Star Trek DVDs legally??? But you can afford a $1500-2000 laptop. Riiiight. Well, I never mentioned I have an laptop..... And well you don't need an fast laptop only one which can download fast.... I also never claimed I couldn't afford the DVD's, I'm just not confinced they are worth hundreds off dollars. And well maybe a laptop is worth it.
  17. I own an amd 3400+ with an x800pro videocard, a suround sound set, an ancient TV, a bike, a bed, 2 x24 botlles of warsteiner beer ,2x24 bottles of dommelsch beer (these statistics may change over time) and two chairs. I pay 80 uero's a month for health care, get 60 euro's a month back from the government, pay another 180 a month for my university study, get 270 back from the government (actually making profit there), give 5 euro's per month to amnesty international. And spend as much money as I see fit.
  18. Well a sad day for some us and maybe a good day for others. Major Piracy Bust Against Top Providers Well I'll miss reloaded. They have done a great job busting Starforce 3.5/3 and securom 7... EDIT: According to some scene related persons, Reloaded is fine.... At least they are still releasing.
  19. damn, time to update again....
  20. Free wifi is everywhere..... Just drive around with your laptop.... Everybody has wifi nowadays and noone is prottecting there connection.... Or just walk to your nearest universitybuilding plug in you laptop/usbstick and start downloading with 10mbit.
  21. After wandering some ancient torrent sites (loki suprnova etc) I noticed that I could not find some well seeded enterprise and other scifi eps. But after finding something about niteshdw or CHerron on either IRC or Kazaalite (yes I know; never use the fasttrack network:) ) I finally ended up here and wel stayed... And am now a one year member.... (btw don't we get our own veterans group for that??? please!!! :))
  22. Just curious, how worse is gang activities in the United stated.... Is it just as worse as GTA San andreas or is that greatly exaggerated (I sincerely hope so). And can the extreme amounts of people murdered each year in America be blamed on gang activities??
  23. The romans were pretty advanced, and if they weren't destroyed our world might have looked a whole lot different. This would include an united europe. or maybe even an united europe/US. And a lot more technology. It is an interesting alternate history. But I doubt they would have started to drill for oil sooner than the 1300s.
  24. Like the bible says; you shall not kill...... that includes murdering murderers.
  25. Trust me if you been a 1 year member like me, with almost every topic you think the same thing.... :)
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