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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by mateya

  1. he, so we will have baking soda mountains on the large scale? :) about global dimming - I have a great episode on that from BBC (I dl it about few months ago). we actually have to go through it, there is no other way to make the earth clean again. and it will take time to be as it was before - there is no quick fix. we screw it, so now we have to repair it for the next 100 years.
  2. now, thats really - hm, naive. let me see, you think atheists dont kill people and wage wars? did you forget (learn in school) communism in russia? millions died. and hitler - he was a nazi. again; millions died. eliminating religion and belivers wouldnt solve your problem.
  3. agreed. and may they (bush and the gang) choke on the money they get from this deal - oh wait, may they choke on the emmisions :)
  4. here is the star trek wallpaper - I have combined series who have the same timeline, so here are TNG, DS9 and voyager together. enjoy :)
  5. hm, neanderthals (spelling?) perhaps? way back I think.. I totally agree - even the oldest civilizations knew that sex led to having kids. and they have invented patriarchal society becose of that. they were actually smart as we are, just not advaced.
  6. Im all for ballance, I have an avatar (no animation tho) but no sig. my moto is: keep it simple but not ascetic ;)
  7. mateya


    no, never been to egypt (one of my friends just married last year there tho) but I studied history of art and Ive been a bit nuts about egypt in my teen years (read a lot of material on the subject - specially b.c. egypt). and afteral luxor is one of the "must see" places beside pyramids isnt it? the greatest columns in the world & known history. how cool is that? :)
  8. in basics I think somewhat in terms of Pascal's Wager.. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/pascal-wager/
  9. mateya


    I must say, this is the most polite/tolerant forum I have ever been. even if somebody is a bit bad joker/rude it never gets ugly afterwards. that is so cool, so I have to say: I really like you all guys&girls, keep up the good work :) say hy to egipt for me waelabdo - I like the pyramids and luxor a lot :D
  10. LOL, I dont know that becose Im a B cup - never needed the test. still, hillarious test :D but now I will know what to do if that ever happens (when I will be around 70 years old I will surely need one test :))
  11. photoshop must become your best friend! you need to do some googleing for good pics, then you make a lot of layers with them in master psd. then you toss around layers, a bit deleting and adding on some pics, some effects to get realistic scene as possible in the short time you have avaliable and voila! ;) you need some practice to use all tools really effectively but Im telling you - everybody can do it if they are willing enough! :)
  12. sheesh, youre such a party spoiler ;) why the assumption that the confrontation has to be head to head? if they get their orders to fight through other channels (message from star fleet - lets say the romulans developed a plot and made transmissions to both of the ships that the other ship is taken over), they wouldnt start with head to head batlle. and thats a completely different story.. so, give me stories on that please :) edit: to make thing more interesting, lets assume that jayneway is aware that she doesnt know defiant capabilities (she knows that "upgrades" are made but she doesnt know what they are)
  13. cocky peacocks the federation :) just a small thought from peacekeeper here - isnt the supremacy in battle also dependend oh the terrain and tactics? for example: if it would be fought on deep space terrain with no civilisations nearby and voyager would use tactis which dont include head to head batlle; I think defiant would not be able to use his advantages fully, they would be pretty much even.. what do you think? I mean napoleon won battles with smaller armies against much bigger ones.
  14. great, I just put that on my desktop :)
  15. The other has important functions to. For example, it enhances group cohesion among animals, which helps them survive. If they don't survive, they don't get to reproduce. Hence, the two types of behaviour are complementary. There's nothing logical about making assumptions. aha! you are making assumptions even when its not logical but its wrong when I make it. double standard here? ;) I mean you can say that "you think" the two types of behaviour are complementary, but that is an assumption not a proven fact becose there has been no research which would support that claim. Not being physically attracted to men is not the same as disliking them. Nuns don't have sex with men either, and I personally know heterosexual women who don't have sex with men, but prefer to be celibate. They're still phyically attracted to them, but either they don't trust them, or they have other reasons for purusing that particular path. I totally understand what you are trying to say, but you see there is logic about making assumptions - if the majority of yours assuptions is correct, then it saves time. and thats what people do - they are trying to make it easier for themselfs. they will alwas try to do it the easier way. its human.. you are so relentless to people sometimes.. :) high standards cant always be applied on the majority - at least not yet..
  16. well, klingons probably dont have any, they like to bump into that kind of stuff - the more debris, the better :) now seriusly, do they have it?
  17. what "test" is there for women only and that you use a pencil? I cant think of any hm, let me pull a maverick on it :) - if the turkey is done - touch the toilet seat if it is dirty - check if your boss has nodded away into dreamland (job only)
  18. Im making a niteshdw wallpaper of doctor who - should I post it here? its pretty cute already :) Im also thinking of making a DS9/voyager one.. oh, I also need to know which of the two is the correct sentence: to boldly seed where no one has seed before or to boldly seed where no one has seeded before Im thinking the latter but its a long time when I was in school and its not my native language so ;P
  19. we can play semantics here what default really means but for me default has a function - reproduction in this case. being pleasent its just a side effect. you said to sly12 that: You are assuming that liking men is the default option, and that if you don't like them, then you must be a Lesbian. but if a woman doesnt like sexual (or any for that matter) relations with men what would you assume? I would think she is into other gender. makes sense to me, in 90% its most logicall assumption. now, totally other matter is if she doesnt like you in particular - then she is definetly not a lesbian :)
  20. yeah, I googled it - two milk problems can occur: An intolerance is a physical reaction to a substance that usually does not involve the immune system. For example, lactose intolerance occurs when a person has a deficiency in lactase  the enzyme that breaks down lactose, the carbohydrate found in cow's milk. So, this milk sugar is not digested adequately, producing abdominal discomfort, gas, and diarrhea. An allergy is an immune response - the body senses that a harmful substance has entered it, and specific antibodies are released to combat the perceived threat.
  21. I just finished niteshdw wallpaper (Ive been a bit bored..) so what do you think, is it cool enough?
  22. Farscape - Season 3 http://ts.searching.com/torrent/461199/Farscape_Season_3_Episodes_1_22 Farscape - Season 4 http://ts.searching.com/torrent/467749/Farscape_Season_4_Episodes_1_22 or http://www.mininova.org/tor/88243
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