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Starfleet Security
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About thanatos355

  • Birthday 12/24/1977

thanatos355's Achievements

Lt. Commander

Lt. Commander (16/24)



  1. Yeah the point of not letting them in, is if you do not consent to any searches and they do not have probable cause, doesn't really matter what they find in your home (or car) because it will not hold up in court.... when you're encountering the police the most important right you have is to say, "Officer, I don't consent to any searches." heheheh... sure they can still enter your home or car, but they are trained and realized that if they do they'd better be able to back up their actions in court... on the other hand if you let a cop search your home or car, it's really indefensible in court.... my two latinum, NumbahWon on the point of the car search. some states, oklahoma is one, have a law that when you sign your drivers license, you are giving consent for any law enforcement officer to search your car at any time with or without cause.
  2. just get you one of the new flash based hard drives that are comming out. instant format! :cyclops:
  3. so, how much time till we all start looking like the oscar myers at the 7-11? i can never remember these things. :rolleyes:
  4. you are the only other person that i have ever seen ANYWHERE that remembers tranzor z! now that mofo was one badass robot dude!
  5. oh DAMN! that's even cooler then when my mom met gary busey at the dallas airport!!! :cyclops: :cyclops: :cyclops:
  6. but, given man's drive to survive. i believe that when the time draws near, we WILL come up with something better to get us the hell outta dodge! ;)
  7. too damn cool! :D cant wait to see how it does!
  8. bah, that one is put together poorly! it stutters and is too slow. maybe i should re-open my avy shop for you guys. ;) i'll give yours a 9, just cause it's a tx plate. :D
  9. oh yes wc, i know about driving fast! :cyclops:
  10. ahh, but that's where weight comes back into play.
  11. been watching starship troopers again, havent you? ;) :cyclops:
  12. aww come on, i should get better then an 8! i put it together myself and everything! ;) i'll give elder an 8 though. like the hat and the background. not gonna judge the dude. :rolleyes:
  13. that sounds really great!:D i would love something like that. to bad i'm broke all the time and cant afford to travel, :(
  14. damn man, you're not asking for much! we'd only need a few hundred years worth of st shows to see all that!
  15. i would think it would be easier and cheaper to just move to a different world. :rolleyes:
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