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Starfleet Academy
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  1. Haven't posted here in half a year :/ ... Thanks Nite and everyone for the content, it was funny how the mpaa caught up in the end, far from the beginnings of the site on thompsons-web where people kept saying that it would stay under the radar, lol. It's been a blast. edit: distributed tracking means the the fat lady hasn't sung yet, I suppose :D
  2. The intro section seemed good for a mirror universe type setting, although given a mirror universe, would WW3 have happened if everyone wanted peace not war? ;) and would that still lead up to Montana? Also if the 'Terrans' gained posession of a Protoss Vulcan ship, they could possibly take advantage of the rest of Vulcan empire with some newfound insights on shipbuilding and their weaknesses, invading Vulcan itself and doing some damage using their own ship (Independence Day :D)... anyway enough of that sb played an nice part imo, the script for him was interesting, but he did ham it up when the script called to look angry for no reason other than to be mean, as opposed to the rest of ent where the script would lead naturally to him being angry and he could pull it off... forrest was done pretty well, interesting how instead of being the willing giver/overseer of all starfleet orders, he ended up being the unwilling recipient of all of them hoshi had nothing major in her script except to further the "get ahead at all costs" motto t'pol as a spy seemed like some sort of homage to voy ;) Getting a vulcan mutiny of what, 3 people, was funny to me for some reason as well as messing with trip's mind... (hey- some things don't change even in a mirror universe) reed and phlox had good sinister characters, jb doing a niiice job with his char, "taking pleasure in his work" mayweather as a maco means he has like 3 lines and doesn't talk after then, which really suits him like nearly every other ent episode if t'pol being a spy was paying homage to voy, then the alien cgi was paying homage to tng terran ship cgi reminded me of that game I-War (independence war) with fleet ships having stripes and graffiti over their hulls The cliffhanging was done a bit late... hey guys lets blow up the ship! dun dun duuh *dramatic pause* yeah now what... oh "to be continued". The suspense of wondering what will happen next is a bit lacking, except for the like 7 crew stuck on the bridge of def. I'm just hoping for a random happy ending in part II - all of this being a bad dream of Riker who just woke up. The season 4 plotline can therefore sensibly continue into Terra Prime. :thinking: TOS DEFIANT SET WAS AWESOME ahem oh man what a rant, sorry :rolleyes:
  3. After reading around a few places talking about the finale, it seems that BB has done a fine job to degrade the ENT cast/series by making "The most important episode" some holodeck adventure for a guy in another series... And then there's the other apparent plot twist that no ENT fan will appreciate... :o
  4. Theres some site around that has the scripts for all 52 eps, if you want to see what the humour is like before getting the eps... also of note for RD fans... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0276447/
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