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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Detor

  1. I really don't know if you'll remember me but i recognize lots of familier faces back from those beautiful niteshdw days. I missed you all. Nice looking background btw. Enlightning i must say.
  2. Hmmm, i'm also soo stupid. Aren't we all? We are a bunch of stupids and we love it that way.
  3. All Heart programs are illegal to download from now. Sharing is prohibbeted also. Anyone who shares or downloads will be treated as a prostitude and shot down by the Mpaa guards in first sight.
  4. I'm Turkish and i hate that movie as i hated it when it started as a tv/series first. It was on tv for nearly four years, and in the final 2 episodes of the series Sharone Stone and Alec Baldwin were playing as the leaders of the world mafia ( I really don't know what that means. sooo stupid) This tv series become a phenomena here. Some sociologist are even writing papers about why people do like this stupid nonsense. It is a mafia movie, praising the acts of mafia.
  5. Detor

    Earl grey anyone?

    We drink tea a lot here in my country. We are a tea nation. I like to drink ceylon mixed with a little earl grey and i add some turkish Rize tea to it. That is a great mix. If i prefer to have a little darker tea i mix this with arabian or syrian tea. Those are very heavy. In addition to that in the mornings english breakfast is yhe best. So smooth. Try putting some cinnamon in it.Makes my day. If you'd like to try turkish tea and if you really like drinking tea i would be happy to try to send to those who are interested. We have like 12 different types of dark tea. One of my friends in chicago comes here in summers and buys like 10 kg. of it every summer. Lipton teas are good but not sooo good.
  6. It's so sad to hear all this. Well, i hope you the best nite.
  7. Let's see, do i want the us troops to torture me and my kids, rape my wife and spit on my corpse after they kill me or do i want brits to do that. That is really a hard question.
  8. When the world started to exist there wasn't a living creature on its surface. So i say when the last living creature on earth dies that will be the start of the end of the world.
  9. Detor

    RIP Pat Morita :(

    Noooo i didn't know that. Rest in peace old man. I'll deal with the bad guys with my "eagle kicks"
  10. There was a time when i could quickly realize someone in a thread when i saw his/her nick. So many people know and that's for the better.
  11. Detor

    Are you a pirate?

    Long live the piratehood of the mighty Captain Niteshdw!!!! Huray Huray!!!
  12. Euronews can be watched in most of the european countries. And it broadcast in 4 languages, i think.
  13. I was looking for star trek enterprise. I found it smwhere, i don't remember where but when the download started i saw the name "niteshdw" as the tarcker than i checked my other torrents and realized that most of them were from niteshdw as well. After that i checked this site, started read the forums. But i didn't write anything like for a year cause i didn't know what to write or what to say. I was a little shy. I didn't know if people will answer my post cause this site was my first forum. Actually i didn't know anything about forums at the begining. But very kind people of this forum hellped me all the way. That's why i love this site very much. This is the first ever site that i made a torrent og my own and uploaded also.
  14. Tuesday is the start of the Bayram Holiday for the muslims which will be 4 days long. Because of that i would like to say " Happy holidays" to everyone. Holidays supposed to be days which everyones makes peace to their enemies and start all over again, hope people starts to realize this. I love you all!!! :p
  15. I loved all of them. I will not tell you who i voted for but if i could i would've vote for all of them. can't we do smthing like that. A banner that changes everyday.
  16. Thanks mateya. I usually use torrentbox for internationally uploaded/downloaded files that i'm looking for, but some of the things i'm looking for can't be found in those big torrent side like turkish mp3's. I found out that this very unfoundable files can be found in rapid share.That is why i'm trying to learn how to use it properly. There are some set backs though; i can't download anymore than one file. Is there a solution to that?(without paying for it) When the connection goes offline i have to stat to download form the begining. ( Do you know how to solve this problem) And most problemous of all . How can i search within the rapidshare as a free user. These are my problems. Hope someone can help.
  17. you should haver rated my avatar, not yours. BTW str82u , i always liked your avatars, but this one is to shiny for you, i think. 8/12
  18. Does this avatar really describe you? Let's see! First of all what the hack is it ? I didn't understand it at all. Only thing that i recognize is the firefoc sign. and oh there is that play button. so is it your desktop? What what is it. Ohh i get it know. İ understand what you are trying to do. You make me think about it and this makes you happy doesnt it. Clever i must say. 7 all you got.
  19. I was trying to download a mp3 file when i clicked on a link that send me directly to RApid Share. I couldn't download anything cause i didn't know what was i facing. So , there are very wise folks around here that can help me a little bit about this phenomena ( did i spelled it correctly? I don't think so)
  20. Detor


    I'm so frightened.... if i ever believed in such things. What ? What is that noise? aggghhhhh!!!!
  21. He is still missing ha? Where are youu elderber? Hope everything is OK.
  22. Nothing bad happens to the bookmars when you switch to the latest version. GO FIREFOX GO! Some sh*ty web pages still don't support firefox. I pitty the fool!!! But there is an action you can do to help mozilla try to solve thişs problem. They added a new "option" under "help". It is the "report broken web site" option.
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