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Posts posted by GorunNova

  1. My theory is that Sylar killed / got the power of someone whose only power was to speak wierdly when very angry... and Peter absorbed that power.


    (seriously, though... I think it's only for dramatic effect since they only do it when really angry, and nobody actually does what they say at that point... maybe it's something that happens when the person has multiple powers going at once?)

  2. Unless more time-space stuff goes on, I suspect Isaac's dead.  This series tends to focus on the ordinary aspects as much as the superhero aspects, so I bet Isaac's going to stay dead, and his death may be the key to Sylar's defeat and saving the city (as he seemed to imply before dying.)

  3. Heh... you'd better not bring it too near any comic books.  Either it will kill superman, or suspicious comic book store owners will think you're trying to lace their comic books with anthrax or something and call the police on you.  It IS a 'suspicious white powder', after all. ^^'

  4. Keep in mind that everyone thought Peter was a friggin' corpse.  Why bother pulling the glass out?  They didn't know it would bring him back to life.  Claire knew that Peter had her regenerative power, and so she's the only one with a reason to yank it out.  Mohinder was probably too freaked out to think about it.


    In fact, they had a good reason not to pull it out... it's gross.  I suspect yanking a piece of glass out of the brain of a relative's corpse is not something one wants to do, and doesn't change the deadness of the body (in most cases. ;))


    It was definitely good.  I wonder what Linderman has in store for the kid, and what the Hiros will be talking about. ^^

  5. <- almost universally hated the movies.


    If they do a good job, I hope they make a new series.  If they're just trying to get Trek on the air just because, I hope they don't.

  6. I think the fact that it's on so late makes that point. My parents didn't even let me watch episode 2!


    Trust me... you didn't miss a whole lot.  It was one of the corniest episodes of the season, and a direct rip-off of an episode from the newer Outer Limits series (which was, itself, the epitome of corny at times.)

  7. Yeah, the Daleks have really gone downhill here. -_-'... The first thought that came into my mind when that certain guy appeared was "It's the Jagaroth!  He's not green, but it's him!" XD


    The Daleks are obviously smoking something if they're giving up those incredibly powerful casings of theirs (or fusing with humans in the first place, for that matter).  It just does NOT make any sense whatsoever.




    Contrivance Rating: 20 out of 10.

  8. Yeah, just watched it, and the fact that the Tardis appeared unremarked AND nobody was shocked at Martha's clothing (well... lack of it, given the standards of the time) are pretty hard to overlook. -_-'


    ... I'll admit, using contemporary language and inaccurate dress does make it easier on the actors, even if it IS, well... inaccurate.


    As for the pro-Bard bent... it isn't the first time.  Shakespeare's been shown in a VERY positive light all though the series, old AND new. ^^

  9. Of -course- there'd be reconstruction... it's only the city that'd be blown up, after all.  The rest of the country's still fine.  What it probably shows is that things are still on track to the big boom and need fixing.


    ... given how many superheroes Marvel has churned out, it's guaranteed that ALL of the characters are 'copies' to some degree. ^^'  Also, she's NOT a shapechanger.  She makes illusions / controls what people see  (i.e. how she disguised the room so that the agents couldn't see the corpse, as an example).  Regardless of what she makes people see, her form doesn't change.


    Heh... it's ironic that Jessica got to kill the same guy who gave Nikki her freedom, isn't it? ^^


    Edit: Actually, now that you mention the heroin / bad visions thing I see what you mean.  Good catch. ^^

  10. RIP: Sonic Screwdriver.  Again.  Enter... Mark IV!


    Yeah, it was an interesting start to a new season with a plot that actually didn't have holes in it. ^^


    Edit: I'm not sure I'll like the next episode that much, but that's just personal preference about many pseudo-historic episodes in general. ^^'

  11. In Mideval times, she would have been punished as a witch for that.  I believe one of the things they looked for was one or more extra nipples around the body.


    The placement is definitely strange, though... they're usually closer to the other nipples.  Maybe it's an antisocial nipple?

  12. The only possible benefit I can see to the emulation approach is if they can add support for improvements above and beyond that of the original PS2 hardware (i.e. like emulators for the PC would do, in the form of better resolutions and image filtering).  As far as I know, the hardware chip version doesn't support higher resolution HDTV, while the emulation will.  So... it's a tradeoff.


    If it makes you feel any better, the American and Japanese versions will also lose the hardware support in the near future. ^^'  It isn't just Europe.  To be honest, though, they really should have only chose to do that if their emulator worked at least as good as the hardware NOW, instead of swapping and promising that it'll work better in the future.

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