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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by Terme

  1. I will have to give you that point they are more experienced in that area an always produce a more realistic vision of what they want
  2. Terme

    Saddam Hussein

    No its more like doing over the person who hands someone a weapon knowing they were going to use it against other people, just coz U did not pull the trigger does not make you innocent you are a party to that murder because you supplied the means to effect it!
  3. Terme

    Saddam Hussein

    Why not charge the Government that supplied the gas he used in the mass murder case he is up on charge for!! oh yeah thats the US govt he got givin it to fight Iran. nthere is half the blame there supplying the means for mass murder.
  4. Yes the vulcans helped Starfleet but not to the point that they told them everything or protected them from every danger earth would encounter Archer was very much alone when he went out there was no Gigantic Star fleet backing him up (much like Janeway)
  5. If Picard boldly went were no one has B4 Archers motto should be To get out there an take a look!! I voted Archer he had no one b4 him to draw on in terms of Im the captain of a really cool warp 5 capable ship (with barley any weapons at the start of the series) Im so gonna whop ass
  6. I dont know why all these countries have bought the abrahams tank, as its been surpassed by the newish British Challenger 2 Tanks and the soon to be released german leppard 2 tank. And it would be totally crazy to make any tank with nuclear power. One direct hit and boooooom. The leopard 2 tank has been in servace for many years now as a matter of fact its up to the 7th varaint personally I would go at the moment for the merkava tank designed by the Isreales. Further to the point of any Abrams tanks not being lost during the offical period I do know of oneduring the battale for bagdad that took enough damage to cause the crew to bail out (think it was a mobility kill) helos were called in to finish the job so the Iraqis would not get their hands on it!!
  7. quick question does anyone know just how far the BSG ships can jump in a single go an it seems to be very accrrate to IE jumping into the orbit of a planet. the cylons would if the federation ships were more powerfull just attack their home planets with nukes jump a few thousand raiders into the orbit of every planet they can find an nuke them all coz those little fighters carry nukes an can jump too
  8. Ive just been watching the first Ep an im thinkin damn when is this gonna get into well anything it seems to rely on suspence ohhh something is gonna happen but barley anything has happened yet an im getting bored
  9. Consoles are killing PC gaming half the time game developers make a game for console and just stright port it to PC that sucks all consoles should be banned melted and removed from the market an PC shall dominate
  10. So just what caused ww3 in the star trek universe (remember this isnt reality just some guys idea about a good story not real stuff get it) was it perhaps an alien race perhaps tryin to kill us all off b4 we perfected space travel ie warp or hyperdrive/lightspeed whatever you wanna call it its just fantasy get it trek isnt real (for all you trekies who disagree an say its all tru) who cares weather it fits into a storyline or not as long as its good and entertains us as a movie that ISNT REAL get it it ISNT REAL NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU SAY IT IS
  11. you cant get a paradox in time especally in the past coz it is set PERMERNATLY!!!! the past cannot be changed, but time travel can be possable in these circumstances with no paradox because you have already done all these things in the past already. OH yeah and as to everything in startrek being possable, as long as someone has an idea of something its possable your only limited to the technology youve thought of science merly caught up to the trekies a little bit, (prob coz the damn scientists were damn trekies too and went hay sweet idea lets do it)
  12. the Daleks would so win their personal weapon is def not a laser ( a laser would burn a hole thru a person not make them glow and all their bones show up green) + they would spend their time observing the borg and all the borg weaknesses "hello federation you are a gold mine of information on how to beat the borg and stop them from assimlating our poor race" "what your going to just give us all the info youve got on the borg Why thankyou and goodbye" ps I mean goodbye as in once we finish with the borg were commin for you
  13. I like my IW styer carbine it fits nicely inside my tank B)
  14. go to the closest Star Trek Convention say a really cool quote IE "Star Wars Kills joo All" procede to cleanse the gene pool B)
  15. BAH ST is over represented here were are the rest of the Star wars choices. HMMM I want my death star with 10 millions plebs under me and 1 really anoying vent port strangely leading to my reactor B)
  16. My 2c I really dont like consoles in general anymore, just look at what they have done to the quality of PC games available, most games I see out there now are just Xbox ports to PC, and they just bite in terms of playability on a computer. So for me nah neither I will just do without :p
  17. I clicked other Even tho im kinda close To AustraliaReally tho Auzzie should get its own country / Area button
  18. Dont pwn that its not worth it its a FAKE :mad:
  19. Hoshi def hoshi she just so damn hot
  20. no pick somewhere nobody knows about sept for the Auzzies GO New Zealand!!! now we have rear end of know where complex yay GMT +13 ha
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