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Everything posted by Fenriswolf

  1. Thanks for bringing Doctor Who back Russell, now it's time for Steve to take over YES!!!!
  2. Bernard Cribbins was the best thing about that episode, also the shout out to Mad Martha...yes...very interesting that.
  3. Quite a bit of Who related stuff, including some old Tom Baker stuff and from the new series...the TARDIS console room plus assorted Sonic Screwdrivers and now thanks to an amusing gift this Christmas: the Master's Laser Screwdriver. TARDIS phone flasher and TARDIS phone charm. That's not all but I forgot the white/gold rolly-talky Dalek. Also, lol @ QS signature. I'll just call myself Saxon ;)
  4. I fear another TV Movie (the Enemy Within *shudder*) but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. This time ;) Though it's the Sun and I trust them about as much as I trust the Master to play fair on Deal or No Deal.
  5. Just as long as we don't get another Michael Grade I'll be happy. We do get a 4th series in 2008 but then we've got a break for 2009 until 2010. The only Doctor Who will be 4 specials during 2009.
  6. I'll wait and see how this all pans out, never did listen to rumours.
  7. I shall simply say: BWHAHAHAH! Very good...my inner Master is appeased.
  8. I loved it, loved Baines and the kid who (borrowed) stole the watch. Not really much more I can say...apart from re: moving TARDIS. The TARDIS has been moved quite a bit by the enemy, it can be picked up and carried...it's even been dropped down a mine shaft or two if my memory serves me correctly.
  9. I was decent, the highlight for me was the trailer at the end though :>
  10. Welcome to the giddy heights of TV-show continuity editing and design. They'll be some deus-ex-machina that prevented the Doctor from being wiped out in the Time War. Rather like the Army of Ghosts and Doomsday device, aka Voidship.
  11. *lets loose the trapped Daleks and starts a civil war* Hah! I'm pretty much on the sidelines with this episode, they better do something spectacular next week or they've pretty much hamstrung the Daleks! I enjoyed it, didn't enjoy the Human-Dalek hybrid though.
  12. Never try to second guess RTD *grin* Great episode with quite a lot of dynamic fast-paced action, loved that whole car-skipping sequence and the performances from the actors was spot on, really really good stuff. *thumbsup* Firm favourite of the 3 so far.
  13. Fenriswolf


    Heroes 2 vid: Here
  14. I think we might find out what happens with the Doctor and the queen in a Christmas Special. Overall I enjoyed that episode, it took a second viewing to really enjoy it. I'm inclined to think that even in a crowded street however a magical blue box in an era of Witchcraft, might just have drawn some attention...it's not exactly set up for silent running ;) Antillies: It could be a perception filter, which would be an interesting trick to add to the bag of tricks in general. But I'd like to have seen some reference to it, it's a little niggle but one that should have been at least explained. They could have used Martha in that respect, why isn't anyone reacting to the sight of the TARDIS blah blah? Oh that, well, it's a perception filter...didn't have time to explain I'd borrowed one from Canary Warf...think of it like the difference between BBC TV and ITV, there's something on ITV but you kind of ignore it.
  15. I thought that was a good way to kick things off, wasn't brilliant, well...not in the way that a good Dr. Who episode tends to be, but it'll do me! Ooooh and I thought for a moment the Sontarans might have been back, not quite as I expected, but nifty.
  16. I grew up with Late Pertwee and Tom Baker, then I managed to watch re-runs of a lot of the older eps. Classic Who is a must for any serious Dr. Who fan I think.
  17. We shall have to see if it's a return to the beard, or a more...Eric Roberts (shudder) Master.
  18. It looks like those helmeted folks, could they be the return of Sontarans?
  19. ITV have already lost they just don't know it yet ;) Good to see you'll be putting up those Episode discussions, saves me having to do it. I can watch the Confidentials then *WEG*
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