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Everything posted by Fenriswolf

  1. Or perhaps she had a higher level of psychic training than the other Torchwood employees?
  2. Black joypad that means he's playing on an Xbox...360 has a different headset for LIVE as well, not Xbox 360 lol...they got that wrong. Looks more like a setup to me, though I will admit I have seen extreme anger gamers before who do act like that. I spend way too much time in the gaming industry, but hey, I work there so :)
  3. The mind boggles, but I didn't move this post - so there :)
  4. The answer was Constantine yep. So after all 13 episodes I think Army of Ghosts + Doomsday was a belter of a combination, some things were resolved a little too easily but at least there wasn't an overriding Deus Ex Machina (Time Vortex Rose) to solve things. She didn't die but that I can live with since she's stranded on the other side of the barrier with no known way to get back to the Doctor. I liked the appearance of Pete Tyler, it could have been coincidence that he came through to drag her out of there or perhaps Pete's crew were able to see through the cracks, it's a loose end that we'll debate about for ages, which is a good thing - keeps us coming back for more. And the Black Dalek performed beyond my expectations, liked the downloadable Cyber Leader too - that was a nice touch, a new era of Plug and Play!
  5. Alright folks, settle down...take a breather and read the other person's post properly. If you have a problem after that, then come to me.
  6. Just because you don't believe in the Devil, doesn't mean that he doesn't believe in you. Name that film ;) Here's the exact quote. "- I don't belive in the devil. - You should. He believes in you."
  7. And now we know the name of the Christmas Special :)
  8. This is the official discussion thread for the finale (episode 13) of the 2006 Dr. Who. Constructive critique is welcome, it's been a long and interesting ride this time around.
  9. Delete -- Delete -- Delete! Sorry, couldn't resist!
  10. I was wondering that...but they could easily slip her in as an alternate. Or are we going to be expected to believe that she's just a different person in the 3rd (29th) series.
  11. Hitman Blood Money has some nice gameplay improvements, same as Oblivion...but I got to get me Dark Messiah for that Assassin system.
  12. RTD said in the Confidential Dr. Who without the Daleks wouldn't be Dr. Who, ya know I agree with that guy on his point. I love the Daleks! na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Daleks na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Daleks na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Daleks na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Batman! I mean Daleks!
  13. Ahh Deus Ex Machina, how we love thee :) I'll be curious to see what variant of the Black Dalek RTD has used. If it's the Davros loyal Black Dalek or something inspired from the books or comics. Knowing RTD though he might just have kept enough canon of the Black Dalek to make it recognisable to the fans but given it a backstory that deviates from what we know of classic Who. We will however just have to wait and see what's going to happen this Saturday :)
  14. The Black Dalek, is probably: The Black Dalek. http://www.themindrobber.co.uk/dalek-hierarchy.html http://www.themindrobber.co.uk/black-dalek.html
  15. Delete, Delete, Delete Ctrl Alt Delete this sucka!
  16. One word: Mickey :) that was the best thing to see in the episode!
  17. All I can say is that was a rockin' episode...but I will need to collect my thoughts before I comment on it more!
  18. I've been playing the demo of Darkstar One recently, it's got that Elite feel to it and a few unique little touches for a space/trade/fight/explore sim.
  19. This is the official discussion thread for episode 12 of the 2006 Dr. Who. Constructive critique is welcome, this is the penultimate episode of the series.
  20. Fenriswolf

    Hitman 4

    Hehe, what did you do with el-panty sniffer? I found some anasthetic and put it on her panties MUHAHA
  21. It was posted about but I think that post got swallowed by a Black Hole.
  22. If I were an alien I would see humanity as: EXTERMINATE!!!
  23. Hence Euphoria and the enhancements for the Dark Messiah of Might and Magic game. The premise behind Euphoria and DMM is one that fills me with the most excitement as a developer (not of this game). The technology will always be the primary focus of the big developers and publishers, they need to support the graphics card companies and vice-a-versa. Gameplay should be (and always was) king in my opinion, from the earliest Spectrum games to the latest such as Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and Hitman: Blood Money. For me as a storyteller, being able to use the environment in new and creative ways is something I have yearned for for a long time...imagine having a giant cyclops, but all you can do with it is just hit it a few times and it falls over. Imagine then applying the latest physics technology to that combat with gameplay and suddenly the whole thing changes. We can make the battle between that large creature and the player much more dynamic, we can make the battle more epic and give the player interactive objects to use and the monster will be able to use those as well. AI techniques combined with this allow for a greater freedom of storytelling and of course some excellent gameplay moments.
  24. I love the next step of AI with Radiant actually, lots of people had a go at the developers in that respect and said it wasn't as good as they promised...but...it's the next step, each step brings us closer to emotive AI and AI that has schedules and can react to environmental changes. Gothic actually had something similar, it wasn't as well developed as RAI but it certainly had the schedules and various interactions (such as sitting on benches, cooking dinner and so on). Half Life 2 with Havoc really pushed the boundaries of the physical interaction, now we're seeing games like Prey with gravity systems and strange gameplay elements. @Tetsuo: Physics is the next big step, I'm not that keen on PhysX to be honest compared to say: DMM from Lucasarts, being part of the Euphoria package. Now this stuff really does get my interest and if you haven't watched it...I suggest taking a look at the videos because it's very interesting stuff. And now, here's something that makes a good use of the Havoc engine :) Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: The next action/adventure game in the Might and Magic series, we're going a new direction with this one and building on the combat style seen in games like Oblivion. I've been keeping an eye on this game for a while, now the recent combat video was released I can truly say it'll be a visceral combat experience. Warrior combat video The AI in DMoM&M obviously likes to trigger traps and they will use advanced combat techniques like throwing /you/ around too, this isn't shown in the Warrior video. A short but sweet video, check out some of the attack moves in combat, like running the goblins through. DMoM&M trailer Lastly, this video has a number of advanced combat moves shown in full with an explanatory voice-over and I think it showcases the Source engine's potential and the game quite nicely. DMoM&M explanatory E3 vid
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