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  1. it was an excellent show. One question: is this the season ender of is there 1 more episode to come. I see people say it won't return until next year and yet, I've seen a preview for the next show.... Perhaps someone in the know can enlighten me.
  2. I enjoyed the Pompei episode and of course, Shadows in the Library. And I will admit that I thought that Midnight was good too. it starts a bit slow with the conversation bits, but when the shuttle stops, the action picks up and time flies. Considering the entire episode happens in a single room, it's pretty good drama and it relies on the actor performances more than flashy special effects. I know a lot of people hate Donna (a british friend told me he can't stand her fake accent). But I don't like in the UK, so I haven't seen this actress perform in her TV series and so she doesn't bother me (not as much as Rose who can't act and is not 1% credible). of all the companions for this doctor, I must admit I preferred Martha.
  3. I did imply she couldn't act with the cry cry cry statement. As for RTD bringing back Dr Who, well it's actually a BBC person who brought it back and gave the production duties to RTD (it was in one of the documentaries about the return of the series). I suspect that -ANYONE- who would of brought it back would have made a hit out of it simply because: - It's science-fiction and there's very little of that on the air - it's a British institution - It already had a massive fan base - People didn't want to see it fail and taken away again As for why I think RTD ruined it, here are a few: - timelords are gone - gallifrey is gone - sonic screwdriver now does -everything- - lack of continuity with the previous 40 years - tardises have machines to turn timelords into humans (if they had that, then why did Hartnell not use it to escape being found by the timelords in the first place) - eye of harmony is now in the tardis - The tardis set is ugly - The doctor turns into gollum - The master turned into a dancing fool - The obligatory gay reference in every episode once in a while, I don't care, but in every show?) - The doctor turns into a drawing on a piece of paper - Implausible sci-fi (like people living in a 1 room car for 40 years) - cretinous farting aliens - The Obsorbolong - the show is written for 5 year olds - The reasons for The Master & The Doctor escaping gallefrey were stupid - running around in corridors with rose like scoobydoo - the Human Dalek - and the list goes on.... having said all those bad things about RTD, I must admit that the last show he wrote was actually pretty good. It was all based on the performance from the actrice who was creepy and well cast. But in general, for me, he's turned the series into a campy parody of itself. it's a bit like watching the old 60's batman when you expect the new film franchise which is gritty and realistic (as much as a comic book adaptation can be). but hey, your mileage may vary. :D
  4. I know she's a creation of RTD and he wants her to be the ultimate supreme companion of all time, but I am actually FED UP Rose. She is ugly, her face looks like a chimpanzee and all she ever did on Doctor who was cry, cry, cry and then cry some more. God can we kill her, be done with it and MOVE ON to something else. RTD: the man who ruined Doctor Who.
  5. I hope not. I like her. Sort of reminds me when she played a doctor on ER. ;D As for who she is... As a female archeologist who knows about the Doctor, time travel, the tardis, etc.. she does have a passing resemblance to Bernice Summerfield.
  6. trebor


    I recently watched my new anniversary edition of the Five Doctors and in one of the documentaries (extras) they show a scene from "Arc of Infinity" where the Castelan tells a guard named Maxil (played by no less than Colin Baker) that he can consider himself lucky that it's not every day that someone gets the chance to kill a "TimeLord" (aluding to the fact that Maxil isn't a Timelord). And if I remember correctly, Colin Baker does shoot Peter Davison in that episode (I guess he couldn't wait to take over the role!) haha
  7. trebor


    "The Invasion of Time" (4th Doctor) pretty much backs you up. :)
  8. trebor

    Bye Bye, RTD!!!

    In terms of sillyness, nothing beats the Doctor turning into a drawing on a piece of paper or a clone of "golum" in a cage while people on Earth 'chant' his name to give him "power".... :P
  9. It's a well established fact that 68% of the viewers of the show have always been adults and it's also a very well established fact that the series has (since the beginning) been produced by the drama department and not the children's department. 2 episodes of farting slitheens were broadcast in season one. I think those were aimed at children. I also think the episodes on the earth satellite were watered down to a younger audience. to Bob43434: I think Pertwee was one of the few who actually played the Doctor seriously without putting too many jokes or humor in it. I think the only time I saw him goof-off was when he did those contorted faces while attacked on meatballs 3 and when he dressed up as a cleaning woman! :-D Can you imagine how different the xmas invasion would have been with Pertwee as the Doctor and the Brigadier ordering sergeant Benton to shoot those aliens instead of trying to 'talk' to them....
  10. You mean like the episodes featuring farting aliens? I recently got and watched the 2-DVD box set of 'City of Death' with Tom Baker. This xmas special was nothing special. It's not even a classic episode. I doubt anyone will ever want to make a special edition 2-DVD set out of it. But what really irritated me was (again) the way RTD destroyed the established cannon of having the companions understand alien languages: it was always a gift given by the people who traveled in the Tardis. Now, everyone understands alien languages as long as the Dr. is awake? (what crap) Maybe I'm too old and this show isn't meant for me. Maybe I don't 'get it'. But so far (except for 2 episodes: Unquiet dead and the Dalek story from Big Finish) I find most stories to be rather weak. I haven't seen stories this bad since The Twin Dilema. I've been watching the show since the Pertwee era and for me, Russel T. Davies has RUINED Dr. Who. I wish it would turn back into an exciting multi-part series with cliff hangers and complicated plots. The whole sub-plot of deadly santas/tree trying to kill the doctor, yet they are working for an invasion fleet that isn't aware of anything until they 'scan' and see the Tardis... says to me that this is not "a better taste" but rather a pointless tasteless plot. I just hope RTD will resign and give the series to someone who actually loves and respects the show and doesn't write for people with an I.Q. of an 8-year old.
  11. Pretty funny. There's also a hardcore Dr. Who spoof called: Dr. Loo and the Phalecks. I'm not sure it's worth watching, but the description is funny and you can read it here: h**p://www.dolltheatre.com/videos.php
  12. I wished I had 2 votes... Deadly Assassin and Robots of Death. That robot design is the most elegant one every created to date.
  13. You can catch the trailer for it here: http://www.fantomkiler.com/fk-html/dalekweb/pics/dalek-t.mov The Daleks actually look good (so do the girls by the way). Of course, the acting is horrendous. But in a way, it's very laughable and cheesy. I wonder if Katie Manning is in it ? ;-)
  14. And can you imagine the late return fees on those!
  15. Considering that part 2 of the Dalek's Master Plan was only returned about a year and a half ago, I'd stay optimistic about it. You know, there are still a lot of films in cans that people in archives simply do not bother checking and just rely on what's written on the sticker. When those places (like the South African channels, the Chinese ones, TV Ontario, etc...) all decide to convert this to digital, I'd expect some finds to show up. As a last result, you can always consider this: since our radio waves are sent into the far universe, maybe one day we'll travel far enough to reach a point where all our TV signals can be processed and re-recorded.. either that or a bunch of aliens come knocking asking for us to give them newer episodes! :)
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