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  1. I think British and German are the best cant pic 2 tho >.
  2. I dont belive in god, i think it was made up just 2 control ppl but it seems too have failed in alot of cases. like Napoleon Bonaparte said "Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet." & "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." i think the universe is just far far more complex than we can even imagin their is no way too explain it with our very basic scienctific knowlege so some ppl just think of god as real, some ppl i know seem 2 think we know everything already lmao
  3. i voted None, as in England all the party's make policys on things that will win more votes like lower taxes and better free hospitals rather than things which will make the conuntry better in a whole like getting rid of social security, illegal imigration and getting harder on crime
  4. i dont belive in god, i think it was made up just 2 control ppl but it seems too have failed in alot of cases. like Napoleon Bonaparte said "Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet." "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich." i think the universe is just far far more complex than we can even imagin their is no way too explain it with our very basic scienctific knowlege so some ppl just think of god as real, some ppl i know seem 2 think we know everything already lmao
  5. i think due too the amount of star's their is nearly guranteed too be intelligent life out their, i think mayby some have visited us mayby for science? mayby just for a rest on a long jorney? i dont think i could know unless i had access 2 all the Area 51 files. i dont think we will meet any aliens in my life time tho 100 odd years is microscopic on the time scale of the universe, theirs no rush too meet them :), i think within about 2500 years we will have made first contact
  6. love strategy like armarda, and Sim games but Online RPGs get me so addicted i can play for days w/o sleep lol
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