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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by DFreed69

  1. I understand this is a sticky bussines. I too went through it. And unfortunately it is a really dismal thing to go through. Sometimes it is better to settle for what ever you can. I am still paying after many years, simply because I neglected wording terms and services properly. The best thing I can give you is my best hopes that you can come out of this with just a few scrapes, as opposed to the "Corn Holing" I got. Good luck, and I'll keep on the forum. Thanks guys!!!
  2. Let's really think about this... I remember a post here in one of the Polls. I do not really remember which one it was. But a good point was made. For every filesharing system that gets nailed four sprout up. Don't fret. If you decide to start a filesharing system, all you have to state in one of the pages is, "These downloads are for pre-viewing purposes only, meaning that said information can only used for pre-view uses only. All material downloaded, unless owned, must be deleted within 24 hours. It is not our responsibility that any missues of said downloads. *signed by site not by owner*" I have read the law and this is all that is needed, and it is pretty much universal. Good luck and happy downloading.
  3. Well fortunatly creativity of the writters isn't at stake in that series. The idea of vampires is old and has been universally feared by children of all ages. I am guessing that like the Starwars idea of trying to tease youth into the theme. Maybe the idea is to tease them into the newest SG-A series. After all while first watching the show I was kinda intregued but have found that the show was lacking. I think personally they should try and merge SG-A and SG-1 series but from different points of view. I really like the idea of false gods... But that is what the entire series started from and should continue.
  4. I have heard all there is to save the earth campains out there. I can tell you that everything involved in the environment works in circles. Have you ever really payed attention to your local weather forcast where they tell you the historical highs and lows. Think about it. Here in the N.E. US we have been dealing with about an average of 55 this past winter. and everyone screams about global warming. I guess this has never happened before...like about 7 years ag when it was an average of 65 up to this poing then went down to the mid 20 for the month of February. Come on every THINK. Do your research.
  5. To be completely honest with you all, if it weren't for 11 tracks of crap and one or two decent songs, as far as music, I'd still be buying CD's and as far as movies. I'd buy the DVD if I thought I'd watch it more than twice. Most of the time I just download it and watch it then it's gone. Two hours. Isn't even worth the rental fee. And going to the theater to see a film is about $7.50 for gas, $9.00 for the ticket, $5.00 for a drink and popcorn. Do the math. Two hourd and you already spent $21.50 I'm sticking to downloading.
  6. AARGH!!! Pirates we be, why pay when it's free. I would feel guilty, When there be stuff from me... To be serious The Web was designed so we all could share, our lifestyles, our interests, etc. And it isn't like we don't pay for it. after all this stuff we are downloading is for "preview purposes any way...."RIGHT", hehehe.
  7. I dun't know about you but the Boston Legal with William Shatner pretty much reflects the kidney stone artical. After all who else would sell his kidney stone. Denny Crane. Pretty F-ed up huh? And to quote from the Boston Legal show which I watch with amusement: Spader: We've got just two words for you. Shatner: Denny Crane And they both hustle out the door.
  8. I know that this one has been an Urban Legend for quite some tie. I work in tech support and actually had a phone call one day about an broken cup holder. Just goes to show what can be mistaken for this: http://www.xoxide.com/xray1.html from just a regular CD tray. That is righ folks there is one out there.
  9. Nice. Here's Christmas experience for you all and Merry Christmas. We went to my sisters house with their Christmas pressent last night, A big screen TV. You should have seen the look on their faces when my dad sent over a TV stand eariler in the week. Needless to say they didn't need it when it is a 52 in projection television. That is an experience I would never trade in the world.
  10. Klingons have been born and raised on the warrior atitude. And to put it simply a Vulcan would only see it as Illogical to fight an allie
  11. DFreed69


    Implimentation takes time. That is what I think. I have not read the series yet to see if they mention it, but I think I would like to find out.
  12. I am the alien you have been looking for. And someone said, "There is no inteligent life on this planet," so as Eric Cartman would say, "Screw you guys I'm going home," lol. Sorry I just had to do it.
  13. Oh I alomst for got. I had seen an entire string developing about Job. This is the story of an ego driven betting man. If you are "God" you do not have to "prove" yourself to anyone. Think about it like that and it changes the whole story. Here is Lucifer telling God that the people worship him only in good times. And to prove his ego he allows this rich man, while being driven by his ego, to fall on some of the worse tortures known at the time. Wife leaving him, all his sheep, gone, all his riches taken, boils, pox, the whole nine yards to over a bet. Serious... Think about it.
  14. I am really glad I posted this. You all have been really resposive. I have been following this since I posted it and so far, the question is how do you view God? I just kinda had a revelation that if you really just "read" the bible like it was maybe Harry Potter or a Star Wars novel. How would you really view God if you did not understand the concept. The actual conversation I had with my co-worker started with what "J'had" means. After all so you actually know what it means? Apart from what the media tells us, J'had means "holy war." But if you take a look at the circumstances under the terms of J'had it usually is declaired when one by military means takes over your "Land." J'had was proclaimed during the crusades, Russia's occupation of Afganistan, our presence in Iraq. That is when I brought the idea of God. and how the church acts like the media and gives what it thinks you need to make your life full. The concept of Gods will over all, life without his presence, etc. However if you read the Bible like it should be read like a story. God comes over like Hitler. Then as all things to bring this person who acted like Hitler, you are to praise his glory, when good things happen it is the will of this being, and if it is a bad thing blame it on something else or just say it is his will. Like I said earlier, I am not a religious person... Maybe I read into things too much as well. To believe in something bigger and badder than you is an everyday occurence, just like that bully that used to beat up the smaller guy in school. There is always something bigger than him. Who does God believe in? And if you really read into the the book "Judge not lest ye be judged," who judges the judge? Who does God report to when all has failed and he has to destroy his creation. What gives him the right? If you took this personally I hope so. I hope it give us something to think about in the future. And as to the question, do you not think if God was here now doing the things he did according how would you view him? peace, love and happy computing. p.s. I really want to know what was deleted out of this forum. Whoever synexo is you can click on my profile and e-mail me and let me know what you wrote. No matter what you write it should be viewed by the person who posted it. Thanks.
  15. Well actually I think that the USA is not so bad. After all just look at all those other countries in Europe, Asia, South America, etc. that you can not even drink the water before boiling it for ten minutes. Mexico which, because of NAFTA is now being taken over by American Industries because there is on emission control for factories, automobiles, stuff like that. Atleast we are trying to do something about it. The only thing I hate about the states is that you just can not seem to get ahead without blowing someone :p. How do you think they are going to get the next trade agreement. South American Free Trade Agreement. Watch out it's coming.
  16. I reciently got into a descussion with a co-worker about god and the Bible. Now I am not a religious person but I definatly am against ANY church teachings or doctrine. As a matter of fact where the descussion lead to was the Old Testiment. And as a poll was where the descussion lead me to. I came to the conclusion that the God of the Old Testiment was nothing more than Aldolf Hitler that won and as Patton would say "History is written by the victors" So to ask the question would also create an excelent descussion as well as an argument. I will respont to all questions and make comments about most posts.
  17. for some sort of reason the US has been nominated to e the policemen of the world and if we need to impose our will I can't think of any better way of doing it.
  18. You know I just thought that if god doesn't worship anything what right does he have to ORDER us to woship him???
  19. I think I would feel better if you asked to be worshiped that you understand what worship means.
  20. DFreed69

    Pilot License

    There are places here in the states that will give you the first lesson for around $75 USD you should try it out atleast. I think it will be worth it.
  21. Me too I just couldn't see a President with a Gimp hand signing away our freedoms for a piece of ass like Good-ole Horney Bill. By the way don't you think that there should be a poll about the political leader who gave us the biggest Laughs? That one should leave us all rolling while polling...ha ha ha ;)
  22. I seem to remember that they made a bovie about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs at one point in time but they did it on the developement of MicroShaft. I do not feel that with as much money as he already has that he needs more. Not to mention do you really think that Bill Gates coming from the kid beaten up in school to one of the richest men in the world would do any more than stroke the ego of one of the biggest con-men. Ha ha ha. By the way Happy Thanksgiving to all of you out there!!!
  23. Lord knows I didn't spend well over $3000 over the past 3 years to get this machine of mine to hold my hand while going to the bathroom for nothing but Call of Duty, Unreal Tournament, Battlefield 1942, Quake, Doom, and all those great emulators for Sega, Nintendo, Playstation, and XBox games... Who needs a console, I have a computer that'll stroke my ego as well as a few other things...LOL ;p
  24. OOPS I almost forgot... Because of this war on terror.... The United States has declaired that if you do anything illegal yu can be marked as a terrorist. Check out the laws that were passed after 9-11. You get pulled over for speeding you can be charged with terrorism. Serious...
  25. The war on terror is a running joke at work. I have seen GW Bush who is still in league with the Bin Ladin family, there is 24/7 survalence on Osama and we do nothing. The terror that is inflicted on out "Allies" because of our (The Unites States" actions. What war on terror. The fact is that it is all about business. Tanks run about 15 million planes about the same we sell to everyone including the terrorists, who we also train. God what the hell!!! I have to be a conspirorist but eventhough I tend not to be one you can see it happening all around us!!!
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