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yudd's Achievements

Petty Officer (3rd)

Petty Officer (3rd) (4/24)



  1. i couldnt believe it, that one cylon with a nuke took out 1/5 of the colonial population, 10,358 people dead, (probably more because of 1 year elapsed). I thought for sure pegasus would get blown , the 1 year thing was definetly a plus, Baltar being a womanizer, and the Centaurians walking down main street was SURREAL The next season starts with a 10 episode arc
  2. the only FACT in the whole video is that WTC came down at free fall speeds, which is high school physics, its as if the world trade center just fell apart without any resistence. THIS IS A SCIENTIFIC FACT THAT WTC BOTH TOWERS FELL AT FREE FALL SPEEDS (factoring wind resistence). The only way thats possible is if all the steel beams in the entire WTC from the top to bottom, from inner core to outer shell, were disentegrated to allow this to happen: high grade THERMITE EXPLOSIVES laced with Sulfur cut steel faster than a knife through butter. i saw a video of this by an Advanced Physics professor lecturing in some university hall about the free fall nature. You dont have to have a PHD to understand it, its very simple
  3. In the Pale Moonlight, sisko gets the ROmulans in the war with the help of Garak, BRILLIANT
  4. this has to be a joke, right, i mean all picard wants to do is make womens clothes fall of and see them naked and he wants to see Posh Spice naked too
  5. i vote for Garak too, he manipulated everyone for 7 years, in the end, he got to be ruler of cardassia after it was bombed into the stone age by the Dominion (DS9 novels). He also manipulated Odo, Dr Bashir and all the others. I loved his lunches with Bashir and he was the one who came through with bringin the Romulans into the war by going all the way where Sisko would not. He also tried to kill the founders by trying to manually launch quantum trpedoes of the defiant onto them. His only weakness: Enabrin Tain Best moral: Boy who cried wolf "Never say the same lie twice"
  6. REPLY TO STEVEOFNINE i agree that for people who hate the Cylons, the show creates false sense of sympathy for them, but in most tv shows the enemy is always predictable and doesnt have many facets to it's character. The Cylons have more depth, they believe in a monothiestic religion versus polytheism by the Colonials. They also want to destroy the fleet because they know they will take revenge, and ultimately, they are created by the humans but believe they are god's creation. Also, they always know where the fleet is since they were always shadowing wihtthe Resurrection ship and have sleeper agents but are allowing the fleet to survive as some sort of sociological experiment. I agree that if some aliens did attacks and only 50,000 were left i WOULD NOT sympathize with the enemy but since this is a fictional tv show, I AM ROOTING for the Cylons & Baltar
  7. i agree, adama is pulling the strings to a degree of 75%, its true, Roslin presents the fleet with an illusion of democracy and freedom which keeps them in check, Adama needs several ships in the fleet for military and logistics, the farm ships, the trilium ships, the mining ships, these are all important support vessels. im not sure exactly but there are around 2000 military personal on the Galactica and about 3000- 5000 on the Pegasus, with that many personall, he can take command of most of the important ships in the fleet by executing the captains, but productivity would suffer in these ships since civilians do most of the job and it would be really bloody and bad for morale. Also, running day to day operations of the fleet would be impossible for Adama and thus he has a good buffer (Roslin) for that but as soon as she defied him about the ARROW and Starbuck, she got put in the brig. I agree that martial law is probable but you can only enforce that on a planet where everyone is confined to the same location but since the civilians are divided into like 50 ships, its impossible, short of turning Galactica's forwarl rail guns on them, but thats beside the point you want the civs to do your bidding, not kill them, so the illusion of a Republic works far better for both Adama and Roslin. As for Cylon sympathy, i agree the Centurans are prgrammed toasters but ithink the human models are a bit more complicated, even if you think they are programmed, even humans are programmed, our brain is chemically programmed and ir reprogrammed after it encounters stimuli throughout life. If you hate the Cylons, there is false sympathy created by raping them and their baby or its baby and about the rascism caling them toasters, but you have to agree, they are united to a single purpose and you have to admire them for that, while the survivors in the fleet are so pathetic, they are greedy and power hungry, fighting among themselves like children, forgetting their enemy
  8. its says in the post whether its Peacekeeper vs Federation, that means they are going to fight, not sign peace treaties, so istand by my posts, because of the tactical advantage in size, and high impulse speeds, and support vessels and possibly 1000's of fighters in one Zelbinion type cruiser, they can take on multiple vessels, and the Dominion only lost becasuse they couldnt send reinforcements through the wormhole, otherwise, they would have defeated every single power in the alpha quadrant even if the THolians and the Breen joined the Federation and the Romulans and klingons, as long as they had Cardassia prime as staging ground and surrounding systems, they would be unstoppable
  9. I CANT BELIEVE I scored 100% for DS9, i like ds9 or babylon 5, i would have like Farscape as well You scored as Deep Space Nine (Star Trek). You have entered the dark side of the Star Trek universe. The paradise of Earth is far from you and you must survive despite having enemies on all fronts. But you wouldn’t have it any other way because you thrive in conflict and will know what needs to be done to take care of those around you. Now if only the Founders would quit trying to take over the galaxy. Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 100% Serenity (Firefly) 88% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 69% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) 69% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) 56% SG-1 (Stargate) 56% Moya (Farscape) 56% Enterprise D (Star Trek) 56% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) 56% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 56% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) 50% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 31%
  10. as i have said before, they will get rid of pegasus probably by blowing a nuke inside the thing by the Cylon sympathizers , but with todays episode, i doubt that even an internal explosion could totally disintegrate the entire ships to bits, and i agree the bit above lee surviving or not has been done to death before. He probably will in some isolated section that stopped the radiation ST style Also, they make Apollo look so butch, i mean i am all for strong female charachters but in this show where are the men, i mean last 6 episodes Lee was having a breakdown, wanting to die in despair, behaving like a child, a hardened Viper pilot doesnt behave like that , irrelative to gender
  11. im rooting for the Cylons and Baltar too, i dont think there has ever been a tv show where the enemy actually prevails, i dont really care about dee and Adama's relationship but it is a bit crass just to put Billy totally out of the picture, also the Cylons do have a point, its pathetic that the humans have so much infighting even after a genocide of their race whcih should have binded them together for the greater good, i'm not talking about UTOPIA, but atleast some loyalty to each other. IF this is how humans behave, the Cylons are right, they are a flawed species Also, making the Pegasus almost invincible against 3 basestars makes it seems that it could easily destroy the Galactica. And promotions are not handed out just like that, also how can Adama make an engineer a captain, he looked so stupid spouting his well oil machine analogies to command structure. It was totally stupid to take a whole battlestar to rescue two raptors during peace time, but during war time, not even a mechanic would do that. its true BSG was was really great in the beginning but now, the stories are turing too much like those deus ex machina Star trek style.
  12. also, to point out how effective fighters are, remeber the Vadvar episode in voyager, voyager is being attacked by 900 years old fighters and only like 20 to 50 and they are being severly damaged and their impulse engine failing but for the help of the atmosphere which allowed them to take in some D.E.M particles that reintialize the impulse engines and blow out a bunch of conduits, its the same principle, multiple fighters can take out even the most largest and powerful starships
  13. a Peacekeeper ship , the Zelbinion type can hold between 50,000 to 100,000 + the fact that peacekeepers permanently reside on their ship, they dont go for shore leave or to starbases, so they have their receration and all other needs taken care off. Thus, they will fight to the last man to prevent their home being destroyed. Federation vessels dont operate on the same principle, also, the sebecean species are bred into Peacekeeeper service, thus, they would outnumber Starfleet since Starfleet is voluntary. Peacekeepers subjugate other species and would not sign a treaty with the federation. Its not about who would win or loose, just like they werent willing to surrender to Scarrans until Crichton said he would destroy the galaxy, which forced both of them so sign a peace treaty, even thoguh the Sebecieans were out numbered 10 to 1 and would have lost against the Scarrens and they knew it, they still would fight. Also looking at technology by 21st century to 24th century doesnt make sense, they are two different galaxies, and weapons technology was throughly being researched by the Peacekeepers since they whole show was about trying to get wormhole weapons. The Peacekeepers would probably win becaue of their size and the amount of support vessels they have, imagine a ship as big as 5 starbases being able to fly throguh spcae and being built for war and having 100's of support vessels and thousands of fighters at their disposal. In starfleet, ships dont have fighters which alone gives the Peacekeepers an advantage, its just like the advantage Defiant has against larger vessels, manuverablity
  14. they cant plop anywhere if they damage their warp drive which happens all the time in battle
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