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Starfleet Academy
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Everything posted by cshawx

  1. they can't scrap Trek for ever - too much money! (I hope I don't eat those words) a few years, we'll all have withdrawls then what ever they aired would be watched by millions. I think they overdosed on Trek, especially over-running a couple of series at the same time, TNG and DS9, DS9 and VOY.... it was only the die-hard fans that kept tuning in. Which is why TNG was so popular, no long story arcs, aired on its own, you could watch one off episodes. also when TOS and TNG aired we didn't have mobiles, microwaves, computers, internet, wireless things - Trek was fascinating - my god you can transport people? order food out of a replicator?. The general public aren't awed by plasma torpedos and tri corders anymore *sigh* its not futuristic enough. A break will do ST good but god I'll miss it. b*ll*cks to reruns I want ENT.....
  2. don't want to sound like a freak, but we should think about saving the planet first. And we need more money on medicine. Each year there seems to be more diseases, the ones we know about are becoming immune to anti-biotics. Sars, every type of flu, millions people will die in Africa alone from aids in a decade or so, half the infected are in their 20's. A question - Why won't the US sign the Kyoto Treaty? (it is reducing the levels of greenhouse gases) everyone else has signed up but Bush announced he would NEVER sign it, (the US produces nearly 40% of the gases alone btw). Look at the weather - it's gone bonkers - the Hurricanes last year, floods, droughts, temperatures are rising, fish stocks are depleted, weather is wiping out crops... once the world has a unified purpose it'll be easier to work on everything else..... maybe I need to change my vote - we need another planet to live on quick..... ok I sound like a disaster film ;)
  3. hmmm so they cancel ENT and hope all the global Trek fans get our fix by buying the games? now they are taunting us.... carrot... donkey.....
  4. cshawx


    Well Said! Just when ENT is getting really good the unthinkable happens..... Just when we were getting to the Romulans... Why does ST always just touch on them but never delve further like The Borg? Nice to be here Werecow.
  5. cshawx


    Charmed forums? Fancy expanding on that? I mean as in, apart from T'pol who seems to be the token vulcan, who happens to be a woman, there is no real strong female characters that help women identify with Enterprise. After Janeway, Crusher, Dax, Kira, Yar, Troi, Torres, Seven, Kes etc - we've gone backwards (I don't mean the timeline), its a new frontier with Archer leaps into, and sometimes ends up causing havoc with everything - no caution like Picard. This is why they created the Prime Directive now - we can see that!! LOL I thought the question was why are there not as many female fans of Enterprise? I do like Ent, but as a woman I ask my Sci-fi loving female friends why they do not watch Enterprise - because its like cowboys and indians in space - very macho so they say. (don't blame me for this!!) That's why everyone loved TNG it was refreshing there were a lot more characters, all interesting and entertaining than just Kirk, Spock and Mcoy. And we could see technology advancing, just imagine... maybe we would end up with a world that was positive, no disease, no biased opinions - just maybe we could get along, for once - and explore strange new worlds whilst at it. A visit to the pub makes me ramble.... Sorry.
  6. cshawx


    hey mate - don't wanna burst your bubble but we women do swear fart and even burp... we just hide it better... aka trips to ladies restroom.... as to what to do with us... replicate some choccy ice cream and well..... ;)
  7. or Picard as a young Ensign..... TNG had a lot of humour in it - that's missing... the poker nights... the episode where they were 'drunken' syptoms.. the endless trials of Data trying to be human, the butt of Ryker's jokes. Am I missing all the humour? Enterprise Series 3 was more serious, then the Augments, the only light bits is when Shren's about - and what a great character he is. He should be on Enterprise all the time..... Sorry for rambling.
  8. just an idea, apologies if already suggested - why not do 'mini-series' type shows? Change the time/settings for each? You can then jump about - I'd love to see more of the Romulans - and whatever happened to the evil offspring of Tasha Yar that was raised in Romulus that taunted Picard? (I probably missed those episodes) you could do one after Voyager reaches earth.... find out what happened to Kes (and what did happen to Wesley? last I saw he disappeared with a Traveller? jump to the creation of the Federation, flashback to the when Vulcan and Romulans turned against each other - hey why not a few episodes on the evolution of Vulcan and them 'watching' Earth evolve... maybe an invisible 'monitoring' station of Vulacan on Earth ? Even a few stories of 'Dax' pre- Jadzir - how many hosts were there? Curzon sounded interesting? You could maybe get the guest stars back in. The history of Guinan? Ryker and Troi's offspring.... More Data... you wouldn't be limited to being stuck on one station/starship or galaxy.... How the Borg began, species 8472 (?). Torres and Chakotay in the Maquis.... just as long as Nelix is NEVER in it - I couldn't stand him.....
  9. cshawx


    Hiya I am trying to improve the stats on the Female front. I do have a couple of female Trekkie friends and relatives but they do not like Enterprise as much as TNG or Voyager..... Enterprise it is a lot more male dominated I guess. It did seem like a tad John Wayne in space but I still like it ;) Where are all the girls?
  10. the total is now over $3,078,300 - its on the front page of the BBC news and its gone up a couple of thousand dollars in the time it took to register and donate...... this thread needs to stay on top of the recent posts... every buck counts..... and only a few weeks till they wrap series 4 :)
  11. It will probably stay free if you're lucky enough to have the channel it airs over. But it may bring in extra cash if you could tap the markets that want to pay for it. Instead of commercials you air other shows available for DL (what good is seeing and advert for Taco Bell when other countries don't have it) and products availiable to buy globally. Then for small companies (or independents) who can't compete with Paramount, CBS,NBC etc you'll get some internet only shows that gain cult status
  12. The TV companies are now realising that the internet is global and people from around the world are downloading shows they can't get (or don't want to wait for). Why pay for premium channels or satellite when you can get it for free? Now they're seizing all the BT sites, seeing who's downloading and the numbers that are doing it, they're waking up to the fact they have a massive untapped market - free money. (UK are the biggest downloaders of TV shows at 18%, Australia 2nd with 13% - the US is only 7%) Downloading has gone up 150% in UK in the last year. All this lovely money to be milked ermmm I mean banked.... No wonder their attention is turning - isn't greed wonderful :( And I must say Enterpise was in the top 5 shows us Brits are tapping B) - here's the list - we love our Sci Fi TOP 10 TV DOWNLOADS 1. 24 2. Stargate Atlantis 3. The Simpsons 4. Enterprise 5. Stargate SG-1 6. The OC 7. Smallville 8. Desperate Housewives 9. Battlestar Galactica 10. Lost
  13. nearly $2k for TNG? :( I know we're fans but that is daylight robbery - is it any wonder people find alternatives. And they blame us for wanting to save a few bucks? If they had the cheek to charge more than $2 an episode then I would feel entitled to receive a boxed set for free at the end of each season and I doubt they'll be so generous. They'd make us pay twice for everything we watch if we wanted to buy on DVD after the episodes 'expired'. I bet the execs are having heartattacks with the exciting prospect of this. Now you know why they're going after all the BT sites. KAAAAACHING
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