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Starfleet Academy
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  1. Thanks nite for all you have done for this amazing site, haven't checked the site for some time and now it is gone.... But the most important thing isn't lost, The community! Downloaded all seasons of voyager and they were great!!! But one thing I'm starting to regret now is the fact that I never uploaded anything:(.... And now I don't have the chance anymore...:( It is and stays still the best scifi forum I encountered so far on the web, And with or without downloads...I still keep coming here!!!, from time to time Thanks Nite...! For this great community which you and your staff created!!!!;)
  2. I understand it...You made the right choice. You can't have your life put on risk because of an internet site.... At least we still have the forum:) Nite, best wished and I also hope things work out for you.
  3. I´m sure the borg would win....they have transwarp and if they will adapt to their weapons
  4. It´s going to be a nice fight i think because voyager has not been build for war....but after those years in the delta quadrant the have upgraded their weapons and shields with borg technology
  5. You're forgetting that Worf is a Klingon. His strength is much greater than a normal humanoid. And no, the roman army wouldn't stand a chance. Bye-bye Romans. Poor little slingshot guys... Anyways, the way I see it is that you equip your troops with what is the cheapest while being the most effective. Most humanoids probably can't fight borgs hand to hand, so there is no need to waste the exra resources upgrading everyone's armor. ;) However, most humanoids can easily fire a phaser at you, so that's the top priority to be able to adapt to. But borg are much stronger than normal humanoids, when you see tuvok fighting the borg in unimatrix you see he has no chance against the borg and torres is half klingon and she has no chance either.....
  6. In voyager theres an episode where tuvok becomes angry and starts throwing things at the doctor, however theres a forcefield and those objects dont get trough the forcefield, so why should a bullet go trough it...... And about the generators...the generators for the borgs personal shielding are already in their body, on a ship you have a big generator because i has to power the entire ship, but a borg has only one small shield, it will hold, maybe not for long but it will hold
  7. Yeah its nice technology, but the borg arent stupid either....they will try to addapt
  8. But borg have shields too, when you see someone running through a ship and theres a forcefield in place, theres no way to get past it, so shields dont only stop faser fire but also normal materials, the bullet would problably never get past it shields and if so.....it should be slowed down enough that its exo plating will take care of the rest
  9. yes however, the borg have exo plating, i should be possible to addapt it somehow to absorb bullets without penetrating the exo plating (change the metal or something), in that way the borg should be able to get to his victim and assimilate him....
  10. It´s a great end for the series but, it´s a bit unbelievable that one ship destroys so much borgs
  11. to point 3...The borg drone has been killed several times (end game, first contact.....) and still she comes back in the series and movies, and she's always around the same age they may also have dna form the queen when she was just assimilated and grow a new one...in that way she will be as young as she was when she was assimilated and not keeping her young by technology......
  12. When i think about first contact and how a few drones could stay undetected so long, they could form a big thread, assimillating people on quiet places and they could stay undetected for some time trying to find ways to protect themselves from bullets.......and then assimilatie earth
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