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Everything posted by rjfoster

  1. What really annoyed me was the apparent lack of thought that went into to certain parts, for example, the Xindi why such a new race that one would have thought would have appeared in the later treks if they'd been so important. Although I did like the re-introduction of the Andorians and Tellarites and even Vulcans who'd been largely ignored in the later Treks.
  2. Ah yes, that was a good one. Well worth watching.
  3. But, again, the scheduling is dependant upon how many ratings a network/TV channel thinks that a show will get, so if it underperforms, it gets moved to a crappy slot. Take Angel in the UK for example. Season 1,2 and 3 were shown on C4, but got progessively later in the evening, until they were showing it at 1.30am at the earliest, C5 bought the rights off them, showed S4, which again slowly moved back in the evening to later and later slots, and then they haven't shown S5 at all. And we didn't get to see Firefly on terrestrial TV at all, I had to borrow the DVDs off someone (although I have bought it now -£14-bargin!!)
  4. Hmm...I hadn't considered the hull breach when thinking about going to warp, or cloaking...Does anyone know of any canon where a vessel has a had a hull breach and gone to warp? I know that they ususally use force fields, but are these operable at warp? As for the cloaking device...I think that it's a power issue, because the cloak works by wrapping subspace around the ship, and bending the light rays around it, so it wouldn't matter if there was a hull breach or not.
  5. Yeah, hopefully sooner rather than later!
  6. THere might be a lot of fans worldwide, but these shows are based on American audiences (I won't start a debate on my opinion of a large swathe of americans -none of whom post here of course, because I'll get into trouble!), and since Voyager's ratings were struggling (until they brought in Jeri Ryan, and that suit, and Enterprise's ratings were never that great from what I understand, even outside America (Channel 4 kept moving it around in the UK, and T4 only show it now because they also show SG-1 and can have a bit of fun in their "Sci-Fi" zone), so I fear it may be sometime before we see more Trek.
  7. I don't think that the Scimitar was almost disabled by any stretch of the imagination. It easily was able to pull back out from the Enterprise, and power up the mega radiation weapon thing (can't remember what is was called). Picard ramming the Scimitar was more of a diversionary tactic in order to beam aboard, and try and save as many of the enterprise crew as possible by blowing up the radiation matrix. well considering the Enterprise was much smaller than the Scimetar - Enterprise did a good job at almost disabling it - they did manage to disable the scimetars disruptors and i'm guessing their sheilds as well since Picard was able to beam through... I don 't deny that the Enterprise did a lot of damage, and probably did knock out a lot of the forward disruptor banks (I don't think the shields would have gone, unless they also did something to the power distribution network -remember from Best of Both Worlds, that an object moving slowly enough can pass through shields), but Shinzon was still planning on taking the Scimitar to attack Earth with his Thaleron radiation weapon thing, so I don't think it was as disabled as you might think.
  8. I hope that you're not suggesting Scotty is slightly on the large side are you?
  9. Unfortunately, I do think that it will be a few years until we see another Trek Series. We might get a few movies to tide us over though. Just remember TOS finished in 1969 (in the UK), and TNG didn't start until 1988, we only had the animated series and the 5 movies to tide us over in the meantime.
  10. At least you have watch 'some' of TOS, and can say that you didn't like it because x& y etc.. It's these people who come on here and say TOS was crap because blah, blah, blah etc, and then it turns out that they haven't watched anything except DS9 S6 & 7. But, I urge you to watch more TOS! Most of the beginning of S2 is some of the best writing you will ever see, ie: "The Doomsday Machine," "Amok Time," "Wolf in the Fold," and the S1 episode "City on the Edge of Forever" is an all-time classic.
  11. How about a Torpedo, rather than a ship -it could warp inside the ship or whatever (depends on how much interaction subspace has with normal space, and then denonate a high yield warhead (eg: quantum torpedo) inside the ship, or at least inside the shields -might do a bit of damage. Of course, this is all strictly theoretical and depends on the precisional ability available in jumping to warp over short distances.. Comments please
  12. I thought that this was an interesting way to try and explore the Mirror Universe, and why the Terran Empire was so strong. I guess that they decided that since it was going to be cancelled, they'd use the 2nd half of S4 to tie up some loose ends in the Trek Universe -ie: why Klingons change throughout the different series; why the Tellarites, Andorians, Humans and Vulcans were the first to sign the federation charter etc.. Not seen the finale yet (is on tv a week on Sun -got the penultimate episode this sun), but from reviews I've seen, it doesn't sound promising.
  13. And Picard/Patrick Stewart was made TNG great. Typical Yorkshireman -goes in, gets the job done and is particularly bloody good at it.
  14. OK FYI, You are not a Star Trek fan. That's fine, there's nothing wrong with not liking Star Trek. It's great that you found a place in your heart for a little show called ST:DS9, but you can not call yourself a Star Trek fan if Spock and Kirk are your LEAST favorite characters in the Star Trek universe. The Star Trek universe exists because of them, most especially because of Spock. No Spock, no TNG, no DS9, no VOY, no ENT. Somebody back me up here. You guys need to get onto the thread about What's your favourite trek series and back me up there -my viewpoint on people not watching TOS and calling themselves fans is v clear. I'm getting a nice discussion (=argument) goinf
  15. Sadly, Amazon.co.uk is still charging £58.99 (That's US$103!) for TNG Season 1 and £84.99 for the rest of TNG (nearly US$150), and I the whole lot at £450 (US$790), and I don't have a multi-region DVD player, so I can't import! Then those B*&^%*ds at MPAA go round complaining that people are downloading instead of buying -Hmm I wonder why. Perhaps they should be forced to see if they can afford to buy their favourite TV's on less than £20k/yr, and still want to sue torrent websites
  16. Yeah, but maybe starfleet decided that they'd like an EMH where you'd either get better or die immediately, so that you don't have to see/talk/interact with the EMH2. That way, it frees up beds -that's one idea Blair hasn't tried for cutting waiting lists (Sorry-UK politics)
  17. Bollocks. I am not the first to say that (in so many words) and certainly won't be the last. Each series stands on its own and can have fans that embrace the Star Trek mythos without having to have watched all or even any of the others IMO. I am a long time Doctor Who fan, and to suggest that no one today can call themselves a DW fan without having watched William Hartnell would be downright absurd! (trying v hard not to swear!) My point was that on the posts in this thread, a number of people have posted their favourite Star Trek Series in a ranking system, completely ignoring the original series, simply because it was "old" and "had bad FX" (or some such nonsense), and indicating that they had not watched the original series. If you want to have an opinion on something, you should at least have done some research. Watching 10 minutes of TOS and then stating that you thought that the FX were bad and that it wasn't worth watching, is not research. If you'd have done that with any of the other Trek series, you could just have easily caught a bad episode (and there are a few). My definition of being a fan is not that you have to particularly know every episode or be able to quote every line, and tell somebody what colour Worf's pyjamas are, or anything like that. But, you should have an appreciation of the various incarnations of the mythos, and should attempt to watch it, such that you can understand the later incarnations, even if you only watch it once. As to the Doctor Who comment; I watch Dr Who if it's on the TV, whatever series happens to be showing, but I don't particularly consider myself a fan, because I am not too bothered about watching all the episodes etc, but if I was, I would want to watch all the canon material, before making statements about it on the internet. My opinion on who the best Doctor is invalid, and I wouldn't even start to speculate, simply because I have only seen 6 of the doctors (Baker, Eccleston, Tennant, Davidson, McCoy, Pertwee), and haven't seen all the episodes. Thus, in the same way, how can you rank the Trek Series, if you haven't seen them all. (deep breath!)
  18. There's something wrong with you -have you even watched them in their entirety? You don't have to have seen TOS to like the others... For me it just looks too old and not serious enough.. The special effects are simply ####.... Maybe the stories are nice, but i just can't stand it at all.... You cannot call yourself a Star Trek Fan and say that you don't have to watch TOS to watch all the others -it is fundamentally the most important of the Trek series. No TOS=No TNG=No DS9 etc, in the same way that the release of A New Hope was directly responsible for the release of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, without it, we'd have had Star Trek II, a new series based on Kirk's 2nd 5 year mission. Instead, we got the films, which set up the marketplace for TNG etc.. And of course it looks old -it's 40 years old in September! Take this into account and the special effects are pretty good for a TV series that didn't even have enough money for a set for the shuttlecraft (that's why the transporter was invented). Some of the stories are some of the best written in Trek ever! See: Amok Time (ok, the sets are bad, but the story is great), Doomsday Machine, Assignment Earth, City on the Edge of Forever (one of the all time classic tv episodes of anything ever, even if it does have Joan Collins in), The Return of the Archons, Wolf in the Fold and so on.. Even the best written TNG episodes can't match these! The only thing that TOS lacks, is story arcs, which is why I like DS9, but episode on episode for writing TOS wins.
  19. Harbinger was ok, at least it drove the plot forward a little, and attempted to explain why there was an expanse, and thus why it wasn't there in TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY. Similtude was a bit slow, but not the worst. I stand by my earlier judgement of Carbon Creek, although A Night in Sickbay was pretty dreadful as well
  20. There's something wrong with you -have you even watched them in their entirety? well that's his opinion - but i think TNG was worthy of mention... :rolleyes: You can not particularly enjoy a series, but to just not care? Maybe they meant that, but bad grammar may have mislead me slightly. Also see my post/rant about TOS above.
  21. rjfoster


    Time to watch all Trek in its entirety then!
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