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Crewman (2/24)



  1. I want to be killed with a weapon in my hands, a dead enemy at my feet and a defiant growl in my throat.
  2. Yeah, the US really needs to stick to it's consitution, or just give it up and do away with the facade. We need to find the bodies of the founding fathers and exhume them. They're spinning so fast right now their bodies could power the eastern seaboard. I am an agnostic, there is no proof for god(s) that proves his(their)existence, and it is nigh impossible to prove something doesn't exist (prove to me that the fantastic four aren't alive and kicking somewhere). So, I simply suspend judgement, I can't say for sure wether or not there are dieties, although I am leaning towards atheism. Between things occuring on their own and some supernatural being with impossible qualities, who commited atrocities and inspired ancient men to write a book filled with ridiculous notions so he could condemn us to hell for eternity if we couldn't accept him on faith. I think things occuring naturally is more likely. Anyway, the whole "In god we trust" thing chaps my ass. I can't stand it. I don't want to see god references on my money, I don't want to see the ten commandments in a courtroom. They have no place there at all. Would christians appreciate it if an angry atheist took office and changed all the money to read "God isn't real" or "Fuck Jesus" on it? Of course not, so just as christians would not want to have anti god sayings on their money, I dont' want to have any spiritual reference on my money. The ten commandments is even worse. Might as well toss some other scriptures up there as well. Like the onw about it being ok to beat your slaves as long as they don't die right away or how you should kill anyone that doesn't believe in the same god. How about some laws from the koran or other religious texts? Don't want those int he court, I don't want a statue of charleton heston holding up the ten commandments, either. Don't even get me started on the second ammendment. At 18 you can carry a pistol, asault rifle, sub machine gun, grenade launcher..... all manner of weapons as long as you are protecting either the government or someone who is wealthy or their money. At 18 you can die for your country, but you can't buy a hand gun to protect yourself. Slowly, guns are being banned, until the government will be the only people with guns. When that time comes and the government decides to do something illegal (like they have already been doing), you can't even protect yourself from them. Militias to keep the government in check, to stop it from becoming tyrannical? Too late. Government won. Freedom has left the building. Used to be that the only thing we had to fear was fear itself, now all we have to fear is not having enough fear. Don't worry, though. Pray to god and call the cops when someone is breaking into your home and maybe god/the government will get there in time to save you if the intruder is intent on causing you harm. Wouldn't count on it... bet you wish you had a gun to protect yourself with.
  3. http://mrl.nyu.edu/~jhan/ftirtouch/ While I can't agree with all the buttons on star trek having numbers but no clear function (How do you open the shuttle bay doors? Button number 299643 of course!), this looks pretty awesome. I am on the verge of finding these people, savagely beating them about the head and neck with large, blunt objects and taking all their toys.
  4. Love them both. Star trek has so many more episodes of different series to watch and plenty of different crews with different goals and personalities. However, if I had to choose which universe to visit or live in, I'd go star wars. Star trek, while having much more material is much more sterile when compared to star wars. I'd rather be exterminating rebels as a storm trooper than going on away missions to set up diplomatic relations or patrolling the neutral zone. I'd rather be zipping through the trees as an imperial scout on a speeder bike than be a shuttle pilot or control any star trek vehicle for that matter. There is more star trek to watch and like, but all in all, I'd rather live in a star wars or a babylon 5 universe.
  5. 1: Changeling 2: Breen (I love the cold) 3: Betazoid Q is too obvious and I don't like the romulan hair :p
  6. War is a part of human nature. Just as there are always criminals that would steal from other people to get rich quick or murderers that would kill someone because of faith or politics there will always be war. Think of war as the large scale version of a thief or a murderer. If a murderer breaks into your house, you're not going to try to sit down with him and hammer out a compromise. You're not going to offer him your toaster oven as a token of good faith and ask him to not kill you. Either you will defend yourself or you will be easy pickings. Now look at the large scale. When saddam invaded kuwait, the mongols invaded japan, NVA invaded south vietnam... That's just how it is, someone sees something they want or sometimes genuinely need and they decide to take it by force, or a particular group is hated and is the target for an extermination campaign. Sometimes you simply have to defend yourself. It is not as easy as making a peace sign with your hand and smoking a joint, life is not that simple. There will always be someone (Or a group of someones) who would rather kill you and take your stuff than talk to you. It is also good for population control. Someone asked earlier if disease, famine, natural distasters, etc... were not enough. In short, no, they are not. You can see today how overpopulated the earth is becoming. Now imagine if instead of fighting with eachother, humans simply sat around laughing and breeding. You wouldn't be able to see china for all the chinamen.
  7. I would gladly fight to protect a country worth protecting. The US isn't.
  8. Tied for first are Garak and The EMH Then my third choice is Damar, toward the end of the series when he was a cynical drunk.
  9. I learned brazillian jiu jitsu while I was in the army, and I like to watch the different UFC matches. Nothing as fancy as spinning midair and cutting an engine block in half with your left pinky toe, but it gets the job done. Honestly, though. I would rely on my rifle before I tried to grapple with someone in a home defense situation. Out in the street, it's all about survival if someone attacks you, at that point I have no problem ripping someone's eyes out of their sockets, so I would have little incentive to try for an arm bar.
  10. If this law were to get passed the only thing it would accomplish is to make me avoind any products advertised like the plague. Not only that, I would DOUBLE my downloading out of spite. I do a good deal of downloading, although 85% of that is star trek (I now have all 7 seasons of Voyager, DS9 and TNG. A LOT of star trek), however I still do buy DVDs of movies that I enjoy. Force advertising down my throat and I will never buy another, and when I hear which products are advertised in this manner, I will never purchase them again. You know, I was born and raised in New York, I did my time in the army and thought the US was a decent country despite it's innumerable and sometimes almost unbearable flaws, but I hate what this country has become and what it looks like it will evolve to be. Bush invading countries he has no business invading using non existant reasons to do it, the government giving money away to foreign countries while we have money problems in country, wiretapping and otherwise running a police state and now greedy corporations want to make life more miserable here? This country sucks, I want to go to canada.
  11. You can't outlaw religion. Atheists have no more right to decide that religion is not needed than religious groups have to decide that atheism is heresy. However, I can see laws based on religion being banished, as well as door to door preaching. If you want to worship your invisible sky daddy, feel free to do so, but I don't want you at my door at 9:30AM trying to convince me that I have to get on my knees and worship your diety in order to avoid being tortured for eternity.
  12. It was a little funny during my time in the army. I was always a techno geek, ever since I was a kid. Building computers, fixing everyone else's... Then when I decided to enlist and my recruiter tried to set me up as an apache repairman, I decided to do something totally out of the ordinary, I chose to sign an airborne ranger contract, somewhat in defiance of my techie past. During the last roadmarch back from our last FTX I had major sharp pains in my right foot. When I got back to the barracks I went to the aid station and they told me it was nothing and gave me motrin. I waited for a while as my airborne school slot approached. I went back to the medic because the pain was still there. He sent me for an X-ray and found out that my foot was broken. I had a large stress fracture in it. When it came time for airborne I dropped it because I didn't feel like jumping out of planes onto a broken foot. So, I was sent to a straight leg unit. C Co 5/20 Infantry (Later turned into the Stryker Brigade, from light to medium infantry). In that environment where everyone is listening to let the bodies hit the floor, getting wasted and tazering eachother for fun it's a bit difficult to sit down and enjoy a good night of watching some star trek. Well, during one training exercise where we were reacting to contact, I was on the team that pinned the enemy while the other team flanked. Once the whistle was blown and the marker thrown up in the air, we were supposed ot shift, lift and cease fire so the other team could assault. I didn't hear or see the markers so I kept firing. In fact, all I DID hear was that my squadmates were not firing as much so I put my weapon on burst and fired as quickly as I could. After a few magazines of that my squad leader came over and had ot snap me out of it. Just from that I earned a small reputation. Some called me "waterboy" because I supposedly went crazy and wouldn't stop firing. Some just said I fought like a cornered animal. In either case, since then I made it a habit of attaching my extra ammo pouches on my LBV and carrying extra ammo with my so I could pour more fire onto my targets. Nobody is going to mess with the "cornered animal" while he's watching star trek in his room :p
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