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Starfleet Academy
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About Steveo

  • Birthday 05/07/1985

Steveo's Achievements

Lieutenant Jr. Grade

Lieutenant Jr. Grade (14/24)



  1. Steveo

    New Trek?

    I don't know how many times I have to say it before you realise it's true. The 'need' people feel for Trek is the leading cause of it's downfall. It's what allowed Enterprise and Voyager to happen, because there was a guarenteed audience of people to lap it up, regardless of quality. Trek needs a long, long absence, like between TOS and TNG, so we can all forget the tragedy and horror that was put onto TV towards the end.
  2. It also means that if it ruins their career, which is likely would, it's not a big fall.
  3. I think, unusually for Sci-Fi, the characters are real feeling. There tend to be more villans in real life to begin with, and the show reflects that.
  4. This is keeping it simple:
  5. That's the attitude that helped bring down the franchise in the first place. Fanboys willing to accept the utter drivel they pushed out after DS9 (and after First Contact for the films). Secondly, why show us archer when Enterprise was such a god awful series, let alone movie? I've said it before and I'll say it again. Trek needs to die, properly, not to be resurected for at least another 5-10 years. Hopefully by that time we'll all have forgot how awful it became.
  6. Fantastic episode, although some questions remain (aside from asking - what the hell was with the music?): Is Starbuck one of the final five? Are the other four going to sabotage the ship etc etc? In essence, how will they deal with their new found identities? How long will it take to get to Earth? It's set up for a great 4th season/telefilm, with the prospect of some decent flak-barrier, viper shooting battles, which I've missed so very much.
  7. I do attribute the robustness fo gravity plating to budget concerns of filming weightlessness.
  8. Thank the Lord they don't even bother trying to explain. We don't want another Star Trek on our hands: "Re-route the warp plasma through the main deflector, via the EPS manifold" "Engage the anti-graviton generator and re-route the anyone who can write a good story to their graves, we don't need them, we've got TREKNOBABBLE!" They go from one place to another, it's useful, that's all we need know.
  9. I don't see the cylons inability to find a cure as a sign of weakness, but one of immense fear. These are a race that assumed they were immune to everything, and for the most part (with downloading) invincible. Having that ripped away in an instant would scare the bejesus out of any race.
  10. I was under the impression that the long waits were while cast and crew went working down the mines and selling the family silver for more budget to keep going.
  11. Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. One word - awful.
  12. http://www.amazon.com/Activision-Star-Trek-Bridge-Commander/dp/B00005RVN8/sr=8-1/qid=1160310367/ref=pd_bbs_1/102-3970489-6662531?ie=UTF8&s=videogames
  13. Steveo


    Don't think, it's quite obviously not your strong suit, dear boy. I got the expression right, or as dictionary.com lists it: ''8. cut off one's nose to spite one's face.''
  14. Steveo


    Spite, dear boy, spite. As defined by dictionary.com: ''A malicious, usually petty, desire to harm, annoy, frustrate, or humiliate another person; bitter ill will; malice.'' Have you never heard that expression before? Education these days really is in decline.
  15. Steveo


    How about I cut off my nose to spite my face while I'm at it?
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